  • Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension( Hypertension)
    • Effective Treatment of Hypertension at Home: Folk Recipes
    • Prevention and Useful Tips on How to Prevent Hypertension and Normalize AD

    Treatment of Hypertension: Home Prescriptions.

    For the treatment of hypertension, there are many effective medicines that are aimed at lowering blood pressure( BP) and improving well-being.

    However, their long-term use may cause side effects in the form of dizziness, loss of appetite, impaired renal function, allergy or other effects.

    In this case, it is best to combine the traditional drug treatment of hypertension with folk medicine, which best affects not only the disease, but the entire body.

    Arterial hypertension( hypertension) causes and symptoms ^

    Arterial hypertension or hypertension is a disease that is accompanied by a rise in pressure above the permissible limit range: upper( systolic) - above 120 and lower( diastolic) - above 80.

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    The main symptoms of hypertension are:

    • Noise with pain in the head, migraine, dizziness;
    • Insomnia, memory loss, weakness and fatigue;
    • Pain in the heart;
    • Shortness of breath, nausea, excessive sweating of the body.

    The causes of hypertension are as follows:

    • Nervous system disorders, stresses, emotional overload, lack of sleep;
    • Endocrine and renal diseases;
    • Harmful habits;
    • Excessive salt intake;
    • Climax;
    • Obesity.

    Arterial hypertension has several classifications:

    • Primary and secondary hypertension( divided into renal, endocrine, neurogenic, hemodynamic and drug);
    • Systolic or diastolic;
    • Depending on the degree of the disease, hypertension is the first degree( 140-160 / 90-100), the second( 160-180 /100/ 110) and the third degree( 180/110).

    Popular treatment of hypertension has on its list a variety of techniques that have hypotensive( lowering), diuretic and sedative( calming) effects. Traditional medicine offers the following effective and simple folk remedies for the treatment of hypertension:

    • Bee products;
    • Medicinal plants - motherwort, valerian, oats, elecampane, lemon balm, mint, etc.;
    • Berries - mountain ash, cranberry, cowberry, currant, rosehip;
    • Oils.

    Effective treatment of hypertension in the home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of hypertension in the home: recipes.

    Treatment of hypertension with home remedies offers the choice of using vegetable juices( carrots, radishes, beets), garlic, onions, horseradish, lemons and other healthy foods.

    However, home treatment of hypertension is designed for a long time, the positive effect of which will be prolonged only if you regularly adhere to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    Treatment of hypertension without medicines is possible only if timely start the health procedures and folk recipes.

    Treatment of hypertension in the elderly

    It's no secret that the elderly are several times more likely than others to suffer from high blood pressure. For the elderly, this disease is very dangerous, since it can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

    Therefore, such patients need complex therapy consisting of special nutrition, folk remedies and therapeutic treatment methods.

    Many elderly people focus on the treatment of hypertension at home, applying for this medicinal plants, food and medicinal baths.

    Treatment of hypertension in pregnant women

    Increased pregnancy pressure is rarely found in the crane, however, in the case of diagnosing hypertension, the doctor immediately prescribes antispasmodic and antihypertensive medications.

    During this period, special attention is paid not to drug therapy consisting of a specific diet, reduced salt intake, sedative physiotherapy or phytotherapy.

    Treatment of hypertension in diabetes mellitus

    Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are very frequent and difficult to treat and extremely undesirable combination, which can lead to rather dangerous consequences.

    As a result of the fact that pressure-reducing drugs provoke an increase in blood sugar, their intake is strictly contraindicated for diabetics. Therefore, special attention is paid to diet, avoidance of stressful situations and certain folk methods that do not have side effects.

    Treatment of hypertension 1 degree

    • Chopped berries of mountain ash pour boiling water( 2 tsp per glass), after half an hour strain and take 3-5 tablespoons.thrice daily;
    • On a pinch of sugar, drip 8 drops of fir oil and use small sips.

    Treatment of hypertension 2 degrees

    • Juice beets diluted with boiled water( 5/2) and used in the morning on an empty stomach;
    • Grate the lemon, combine it with honey( 200 ml), chopped dogrose( 0.5 tbsp) and cranberry( st.l).The ready mix is ​​used twice - morning, evening, according to st.l.

    Treatment of grade 3 hypertension

    • Prepare a herbal collection of valerian, clover flowers, coltsfoot, birch leaves, horsetail, dill, wheatgrass and horse sorrel. From the collection take st.l.herbs and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Infusion should be taken at ½ cup twice a day.
    • Cranberry mash with honey( 5/2) and eat every morning for several tablespoons.

    Treatment of hypertension with iodine

    • ¼ cup cold boiled water mixed with ch.l.blue iodine and 15 g.potato starch;
    • The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and combined with boiled chilled water in 200 ml;
    • Take should be strictly food up to 2 tablespoons.twice every day;
    • The prepared mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

    Treatment of hypertension with Kalina

    • Three tablespoonsberries of a viburnum to boil on slow fire in 300 ml of boiled water of 5 minutes and to accept three times every day on 80-100 ml;
    • Prepare berry puree from five tablespoons.viburnum, combine with 150 g.honey,
    • pre-heated to 40 degrees.
    • Infuse the honey - and - kalinovuyu mixture for two hours.
    • You need to consume it after eating according to st.l.four times.

    Treatment of hypertension with garlic

    • Three lemons and three large garlic heads scroll in a meat grinder;
    • Pour a mixture of 1.5 liters of boiling water and place on a day in a dark place, stirring regularly;
    • The filtered infusion is taken according to st.l.three times a day before meals.

    Treatment of hypertension honey

    • Combine honey with grated raw beets( 1/1) and take daily according to st.l.thrice before eating;
    • Fresh honey is dissolved in warm water( st.l./50 ml) and consumed twice every day - morning, evening.

    Treatment of hypertension with leeches( hirudotherapy)

    Hirudotherapy is most suitable for hypertensive crises, where leeches are able to have an excellent curative effect - reduce blood viscosity, reduce headaches and improve blood circulation.

    With hypertension, 6 to 10 leeches are used, which the hirudologist applies to certain places - behind the auricles, the region of the temples, the neck area or the coccyx.

    Treatment of hypertension with medicinal herbs

    • Mix in equal parts berries of chokeberry, motherwort, cumin fruit, raspberry shoots, cowberry leaves, calendula and lemon balm;
    • Take four tablespoons.collect, fill them in a thermos and pour 800 ml of boiling water;
    • Infuse the herbs for 6 hours;
    • Get the medicinal infusion to use half the glass twice a day.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of gastric ulcers with folk remedies.

    Prophylaxis and useful advice how to prevent the onset of hypertension and normalize blood pressure.

    Hypertension in medical conditions is prescribed medication, magnetotherapy, physiotherapy( electro-son, electrophoresis), therapeutic baths - coniferous, hydrogen sulfide and other procedures. Combining the prescribed methods of the doctor with home treatment, you can significantly improve the patient's well-being and normalize blood pressure.

    The diet for hypertension requires strict limitation of salt, flour products, sugar, fatty foods, alcohol and caffeine.

    Prophylaxis of essential hypertension:

    • If possible, avoid emotionally-negative outbursts or stressful situations;
    • Adhere to proper nutrition;
    • Maintain an optimal body weight, avoiding large weight jumps;
    • To resort to regular restorative physical exertion.