
Carbonated drinks: harm or benefit, the composition of sweet carbonated drinks

  • Carbonated drinks: harm or benefit, the composition of sweet carbonated drinks

    Carbonated drinks, harm or benefit: their composition and effect on the human body

    One of the favorite childhood drinks is lemonade. Pleasant taste and interesting bubbles do not leave indifferent any person. Especially popular are carbonated drinks in the summer. In hot, hot weather, a person can drink an hour and a half or two liters of soda in an hour. Ordinary water without coercion such quantity you will not drink. What is the secret? What is the harm or benefit of carbonated beverages?

    Composition of

    Manufacturers have long ceased to hide the fact that such drinks include dyes, fragrances, preservatives, carbon dioxide and water. Having studied the composition, you can understand that nothing useful, except water, they are not.

    Drink action

    When a person drinks this mixture, deceptive impulses of thirst quenching appear on the tongue. At first glance, the body receives fluid, in fact, the body is replenished with a lot of chemistry. To neutralize harmful substances a person needs to drink a lot of water.

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    Bubbles, getting into the mouth, cause tingling and repeated attacks of thirst. Many people noticed that you can not get drunk with soda. It would be desirable to drink perenno. Obmanchivoe effect has on the body, not only sweet drinks, but also mineral water. It's not about natural mineral water. But in most cases this name is covered by ordinary water with salt impurities and the presence of carbon dioxide. It should be noted that the harm from such a drink is much less, but there is no special benefit. Harm of carbonated beverages

    Sugar and its substitutes

    In one glass of sweet carbonated drinks, four tablespoons of sugar. Carbon dioxide delivers it to the blood and liver at high speed. In the body, increased production of insulin and dopamine begins. Their level should not exceed the norm. With each drink, the load on the body increases. As a consequence, there is diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease.
    To reduce the level of this indicator, producers began to use sugar substitutes. Calories were reduced, no carbons, but more harmful substances appeared.

    • Xylitol - provokes the appearance of kidney stones;
    • E420 and E951 - weaken the retina of the eye, and a person can lose sight;
    • Saccharin is several times sweeter than sugar and is twice as dangerous. Accumulation in the body of such a substance leads to cancer.


    The composition of beverages includes citric acid, orthophosphoric and phosphoric. The first two are very harmful to tooth enamel. The impact of them remains as long as it does not wash away with saliva. And this process is quite long. After all, no one cleans your teeth after a sip.
    Phosphoric acid is much more harmful. And for an adult organism is much more dangerous than for a child. Acid helps to remove calcium from the body. The reserves of this useful mineral are replenished slowly, so there is a risk of diseases associated with a deficiency of this element. For example, kidney disease and osteoporosis.

    Hydrocarbon or benzene

    The aroma of the drink is created by a hydrocarbon. The second name is benzene. This component is capable of causing cancer.
    To reduce the harmful effect of this component, manufacturers replaced it with sodium benzoate. Also in many drinks began to add ascorbic acid - vitamin C. These drinks are preferable than usual. However, there is one "but" here. These two components, interacting with each other, form a toxic substance, the effect of which on the human body has not been fully established.


    Drinks of this kind contain a large dose of caffeine. One glass is enough to get dope - to cheer up, feel more energetic. But this state is replaced by irritability, fatigue and weakness.

    Carbon dioxide

    This component, in its essence, is safe for the human body. But, interacting with water, has a negative effect on the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs. Together with other components of carbonated drinks, it remains there for a long time and is very difficult to remove.
    A detailed study of the composition of a sweet tasty drink will not leave anyone in any doubt that its usefulness is reduced to zero. To quench their thirst or not is everyone's business. But you must know about what you are pouring into yourself.

    Video selection

    One of the favorite childhood drinks is lemonade. Pleasant taste and interesting bubbles do not leave indifferent any person. Especially popular are carbonated drinks in the summer. In hot, hot weather, a person can drink an hour and a half or two liters of soda in an hour. Ordinary water without coercion such quantity you will not drink. What is the secret? What is the harm or benefit of carbonated beverages?

    Composition of

    Manufacturers have long ceased to conceal that such beverages include dyes, flavors, preservatives, carbon dioxide and water. Having studied the composition, you can understand that nothing useful, except water, they are not.

    Drink action

    When a person drinks this mixture, deceptive impulses of thirst quenching appear on the tongue. At first glance, the body receives fluid, in fact, the body is replenished with a lot of chemistry. To neutralize harmful substances a person needs to drink a lot of water.

    Bubbles, getting into the mouth, cause tingling and repeated attacks of thirst. Many people noticed that you can not get drunk with soda. It would be desirable to drink perenno. Obmanchivoe effect has on the body, not only sweet drinks, but also mineral water. It's not about natural mineral water. But in most cases this name is covered by ordinary water with salt impurities and the presence of carbon dioxide. It should be noted that the harm from such a drink is much less, but there is no special benefit. Harm of carbonated drinks

    Sugar and its substitutes

    In one glass of sweet carbonated drinks, four tablespoons of sugar. Carbon dioxide delivers it to the blood and liver at high speed. In the body, increased production of insulin and dopamine begins. Their level should not exceed the norm. With each drink, the load on the body increases. As a consequence, there is diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease.
    To reduce the level of this indicator, producers began to use sugar substitutes. Calories were reduced, no carbons, but more harmful substances appeared.

    • Xylitol - provokes the appearance of kidney stones;
    • E420 and E951 - weaken the retina of the eyes, and a person can lose sight;
    • Saccharin is several times sweeter than sugar and is twice as dangerous. Accumulation in the body of such a substance leads to cancer.


    The composition of beverages includes citric acid, orthophosphoric and phosphoric. The first two are very harmful to tooth enamel. The impact of them remains as long as it does not wash away with saliva. And this process is quite long. After all, no one cleans your teeth after a sip.
    Phosphoric acid is much more harmful. And for an adult organism is much more dangerous than for a child. Acid helps to remove calcium from the body. The reserves of this useful mineral are replenished slowly, so there is a risk of diseases associated with a deficiency of this element. For example, kidney disease and osteoporosis.

    Hydrocarbon or benzene

    The aroma of the beverage is created by a hydrocarbon. The second name is benzene. This component is capable of causing cancer.
    To reduce the harmful effects of this component, manufacturers replaced it with sodium benzoate. Also in many drinks began to add ascorbic acid - vitamin C. These drinks are preferable than usual. However, there is one "but" here. These two components, interacting with each other, form a toxic substance, the effect of which on the human body has not been fully established.


    Drinks of this kind contain a large dose of caffeine. One glass is enough to get dope - to cheer up, feel more energetic. But this state is replaced by irritability, fatigue and weakness.

    Carbon dioxide

    This component, in its essence, is safe for the human body. But, interacting with water, has a negative effect on the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs. Together with other components of carbonated drinks, it remains there for a long time and is very difficult to remove.
    A detailed study of the composition of a sweet tasty drink will not leave anyone in any doubt that its usefulness is reduced to zero. To quench their thirst or not is everyone's business. But you must know about what you are pouring into yourself.
