  • Chiray: photo, causes and treatment at home

    Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle, as well as tissues adjacent to it, including the sebaceous gland.

    Another, the popular name for a furuncle is a "boil".It occurs more often in men mainly during the cool season.

    The furuncle, together with a number of other diseases, belongs to the group of cutaneous pathologies of a purulent-inflammatory nature.

    Causes of Chirii

    There are many conditionally pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the skin. Staphylococcus is one of them. They are the cause of furuncles.

    Normally, these microorganisms( in 90% of cases), when present on the skin, do not cause any diseases. Patients suffering from furunculosis are more prone to disease due to the presence of a large number of pathogenic staphylococci. Violation of the microflora of the skin is associated with its contamination, a decrease in the body's defenses( in particular local immunity), as well as additional infection.

    The decrease in immunity occurs under the influence of exacerbation of chronic diseases( pyelonephritis, hepatitis, bronchitis, etc.), and as a result of long-term use of cytostatics, glucocorticoids, etc. Metabolic disorders arising in diabetes, obesity, are beneficial to the disease.
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    Contribute to the penetration of microorganisms into the hair bag hyperhidrosis( excessive sweating), maceration of the skin and violation of its integrity. Diseases such as eczema, scabies, epidermophytia, etc. are accompanied by itching, and, consequently, the risk of the disease increases.

    On the face boils often appear in the area of ​​the nose. This is due to the secret that is secreted, which irritates the skin.

    Acute: Symptoms of

    Furunculosis occurs at the locations of the hair follicles. It can never be on the palmar and plantar surface.

    Most often it occurs in places of friction, excessive sweating( hyperhidrosis) and skin contamination. The favorite localizations include: buttocks, lumbar and groin areas, neck, face.

    There are three stages of the pathological process of chiria:

    1. 1) In the stage of infiltration appears a condensation of bright red color at the site of the localization of the hair follicle. After a time, the compression increases in size to 2 cm. The enlargement is accompanied by swelling and a painful sensation. Swelling of the tissues is well expressed if the boil is located in the area of ​​the cheeks, eyelids.
    2. 2) The stage of suppuration and necrotic changes occurs on day 3 from the moment of infiltration. During this period, a purulent-necrotic stem forms, which protrudes on the surface of the inflamed compaction in the form of a white pustule. Some patients suffer from general well-being: body temperature rises to low-grade figures( 37 to 38 degrees), general malaise, anorexia, etc. There is pain in the area of ​​the boil. During this period the furuncle is often opened and a pus and pus leaves it. After opening, the general symptoms of intoxication disappear, the edema of the tissues, the surrounding infiltration and pain in the area of ​​it are significantly reduced.
    3. 3) The stage of healing( scarring) is accompanied by the formation of granulation tissue in place after opening the boil. At first it has a reddish color, which gradually changes, turns pale and becomes invisible.
    The entire pathological process takes approximately 10 to 14 days.

    Sometimes the disease is not accompanied by the formation of a rod. The emergence of a furuncle in the area of ​​the auricle is accompanied by severe pain, which gives in the temple, head, jaw. In some cases, the infiltrate overlaps the external auditory canal, which leads to a decrease in hearing.

    Complications of the disease

    Furunculosis is a serious disease. It can cause various complications. Furuncles localized in the nasal region are most often complicated. Contribute to the complications of a furuncle injury during shaving, squeezing( it is often confused with a common acne), as well as inadequate treatment.

    There are local and general complications.

    Local inflammatory processes that are common on the nearest tissues near the boil are an abscess, phlegmon, erysipelas, etc. Local complications arise due to the spread of staphylococci to a number of located skin areas.

    In the process of spreading the infection through the lymphatic and blood vessels, phlebitis, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, etc. can occur. It is dangerous to spread microorganisms along the arteries with the subsequent development of inflammation of distant organs.

    If several furuncles are located at different parts of the body at the same time, they talk about furunculosis. Common, menacing complications include: sepsis( blood infection), abscesses on internal organs, inflammatory diseases of the brain( meningitis, arachnoiditis, etc.).

    Sometimes microorganisms affect not one follicle, but several located side by side. In this case it is a carbuncle.


    Specialists who are engaged in the treatment of furunculosis: dermatologist, surgeon. The diagnosis begins with a survey and examination( dermatoscopy) of the affected area of ​​the skin. To determine the causative agent is sometimes carried out sowing of the separated from the furuncle.

    Differential diagnosis of the disease is carried out with folliculitis, nodal erythema, skin tuberculosis.

    In chronic, constantly recurring furunculosis, a general examination of the body is carried out. For this purpose, blood and urine tests are performed, the sinuses of the nose are examined, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis organs, fluorography, etc. Sometimes it is necessary to consult the narrow specialists: gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, etc.

    In case of complications, the brain,kidney with MRI.If suspected of meningitis, a lumbar puncture is performed.

    How to treat boils at home?

    Treatment of the disease can be local and general. The choice of methods of therapy depends on the stage of the disease.

    In the period before the opening of the chiriya, local treatment at home is mainly used, bandages with ichthyol ointment, dry heat, and physiotherapy are used. After the furuncle is opened it is recommended to apply bandages impregnated with hypertonic saline solution, under the influence of which the pus and the necrotic tissue "stretch".

    Instead of hypertonic solution, you can use turuns with ointment "Levomekol".In the healing stage, antibacterial agents are prescribed to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process beyond the infiltrate.

    For patients with furunculosis, drugs are prescribed that increase the body's defenses. Sometimes, for this purpose, ultraviolet blood is irradiated, autohemotherapy, staphylococcal anatoxin, etc. is administered. Therapy that works on immunity should be performed after a laboratory blood test, which results in an immunogram.

    Parallel with the treatment of the chiria, correction of the accompanying pathological changes in the body is carried out.

    Primary prevention of the disease consists in observing the following rules:

    1. 1) Caring for the mucous membranes and skin. Especially careful hygiene should be carried out in persons with a tendency to hyperhidrosis( excessive sweating);
    2. 2) It is recommended to additionally treat the skin with solutions of antiseptics, to treat skin and somatic diseases in a timely manner;
    3. 3) To adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
    In case of a disease, it is impossible to squeeze out the rod, engage in self-medication. It is important to exclude damage to the boil, in order to prevent the spread of infection.

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