  • Causes and treatment of focal alopecia: where to start?

    Focal alopecia, or alopecia, is qualified by specialists as non-scarring alopecia. Focal alopecia is found on the head, but can spread to the entire surface of the body. This disease is most often characteristic of the age group from 18 to 35 years.

    Alopecia begins abruptly, and its first manifestations are not always noticeable. With focal alopecia, the viability of the hair follicles persists for another ten to twelve years. Therefore, as soon as the doctor diagnoses focal alopecia - treatment should be started immediately.

    Why does the disease occur?

    The universal factor of baldness has not been found yet. The following can serve as reasons:

    • Consequences of physical injuries;
    • Weakened immunity after infectious diseases;
    • Stress;
    • Genetic predisposition;
    • Environmental Impact.

    Manifestations of focal alopecia can arise as a result of the influence of other factors, for example, the lack of any trace elements in the body.

    The doctor decides how to treat alopecia areata after determining the main disease factor. The actual cause of the disease is revealed in the process of computer diagnostics of hair follicles, scalp, condition of sebaceous glands. Spectral analysis is performed to determine whether there is a deficiency or, on the contrary, an excess of trace elements. If necessary, additional laboratory studies and consultations are given to specialists of a different profile.

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    Three basic approaches to combating focal alopecia are practiced:

    • Medication;
    • Laser Therapy;
    • Transplantation( transplantation) of own hair.

    Treatment is given in the form of a course and usually includes a certain set of drugs. Drugs can be divided into separate groups by the way they affect the problem:

    • Means that have a nonspecific irritant effect: magnolia vine, garlic juice, castor oil, tincture of red pepper, ditra, anthralin. In this case, it is suggested that alopecia are treated with folk remedies on a par with medicinal products.
    • Preparations, mechanically irritating hair bulbs: diphenylcyclopropenone, as well as dibutyl ether. Their dosage for treatment is selected individually.
    • Corticosteroid ointments - although used fairly widely, give many unwanted side effects. Therefore, they are used in extreme cases, when alopecia is intense, and only for adults.
    • Immunosuppressants( cyclosporin A).
    • For direct exposure to hair follicles, apply regein( minoxidil), topically. It is supplemented with taking the drug inside. Gives good results with timely treatment.
    • Vitamin preparations.
    • In a complex treatment a big role is given to physiotherapy. For example, for the destruction of lymphocytic infiltrates, the therapist is prescribed ultraviolet irradiation.

    Focal alopecia in women suggests a preliminary examination by a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, and only after that the preparation of a treatment program. Prescribed funds for local treatment of affected areas, for internal use - preparations on a plant basis.

    Other treatments for

    Alopecia are also suggested for treatment with low-intensity laser radiation. A significant effect is obtained as a result of the laser unit on the basis of special clinics.

    Quite controversial is the method of hair transplantation. It is conducted only by a surgeon. But even a highly professional transplant does not always guarantee the expected effect. And not all patients this procedure can be shown.

    In any case, treatment should begin with a competent diagnosis. With the correct definition of the causes of the disease, people's prescriptions can also give a quick and significant effect. It is only necessary to closely monitor the reaction of the body to the action of various substances and consult a specialist doctor.

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