  • Hemorrhages: causes and treatment at home

    Reusable mechanical irritations and pressure on the skin of the sole, rubbing disrupts the blood circulation, which leads to keratinization of the skin - the appearance of corns on the pads of the fingers, the heel, the sole at the base of the fingers.

    Causes of

    Origins appear:

    1. 1) As a result of wearing narrow and unsuitable shoes: high-heeled, with rigid insoles.
    2. 2) After a long stay on your feet: standing or walking.
    3. 3) With a heavy load on the legs of excessive body weight.
    4. 4) In connection with impaired blood circulation and excessive sweating of the legs.
    5. 5) With changes in the shape of the foot due to flat feet, joints on the joints, deformation of joints and bones with arthritis and arthrosis, which leads to an incorrect distribution of load on the foot.
    6. 6) In the case of nervous diseases affecting the gait, the position of the feet.
    7. 7) Athletes have runners and dancers.

    Clinical picture of the disease

    The initial stage of the tonsillitis is characterized by the appearance of redness and swelling of the foot. Further, it has the appearance of a gray or yellow patch of skin with a smooth, rough or cracked surface of different depths. Clear borders do not have a touch.
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    Their shape is flat or convex. Skin on the skin is reduced sensitivity. Barking pains appear when walking or standing for a long time in one place, as a result of an infection that penetrates deep cracks.

    Intermittent or persistent aching pain persists at a heavy load on the thumb as it increases and shifts to the other fingers. When a large, swollen, swollen soft tissue swells and turns red.

    How can I get rid of my feet on the feet?

    To eliminate the burrs:

    1. 1) Eliminate the cause of its appearance: do not wear tight and firm shoes with stiff insole, high heels, go to loose shoes: shoes or boots.
    2. 2) To choose special footwear and insoles-arch supports together with orthopedist - with flatfoot or deformation of bones.
    3. 3) Get rid of burrs: remove keratinized layer with keratolytic cream. The cream is applied to the keratinized area, the application is fixed with plaster and left overnight. The softened skin of the tinder with pumice stone;visit a pedicure room for the use of a hardware pedicure.
    4. 4) Use antiseptic plasters with medical components.
    5. 5) Apply the surgical method of treatment in the presence of corns in large form and size. It is impossible to cut them independently, especially with the presence of blood circulation problems.
    6. 6) Apply laser treatment. It effectively removes seals from the foot. Under the laser beam, coarsening tissues without pain quickly collapse. There are no traces and scars.
    7. 7) Apply cryodecdiction. Liquid nitrogen burns the stratum corneum, contributing to the death of the skin and its subsequent rejection and the formation of a new and smooth skin.
    8. 8) Check for x-rays of the joints, their integrity, the presence of concomitant diseases: gout or arthritis.
    In case of painful syndromes, cold compresses are applied from the corns or relieve inflammation and pain with Aspirin, Naproxen and Ibuprofen.

    Externally, as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent with deep fissures in the zone of corns, treatment is carried out with Diclofenac, Voltaren emulgel, Dicloran, Dimexide, Ketoprofen, Fastum gel, Pyroxicam, etc.

    Inside take medications for pain and inflammation: Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Metamizol, Analginand Baralgin, Tempalgin, Piroxicam, etc.

    It does not hurt to see a doctor to check the liver's ultrasound and blood tests. It will also be useful to consult a reflexotherapist, since the napotypes may indicate problems in internal organs.

    An excellent external agent is the gum of conifers. It is available for sale in pharmacies. Steps are steamed and put to the problem places gum, covered with polyethylene and put on socks. You can keep a day. To get rid of natoptyshy enough 2-3 procedures.

    Treatment of coriander at home

    Folk remedies with foot, soles or heels on the feet will not be superfluous, as they can get rid of the use of surgical treatment, from pain and will bring significant relief to the suffering person.

    To do this, use:

    1. 1) Soap and soda trays. It will take 2 liters of water, drinking soda - 1 tbsp.l., planed pieces of soap - 1 tbsp.l. Take 30-40 minutes.
    2. 2) Salt baths. It will take 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp.l.sea ​​or table salt. They dissolve the keratinized areas, relieve pain and burning, make the skin soft. After the trays, remove the corneal layer with pumice stone or a foot brush with small cells. Then the skin is disinfected with an alcohol-containing substance and lubricated with a nutritious cream.
    3. 3) Trays from whey. It should be heated and taken for 25-30 minutes, then carefully wipe the foot and lubricate with a mixture of oils: glycerin and castor oil - 10 ml each.
    4. 4) Trays from strong decoction buds of coniferous trees and soar your legs as long as possible. The exfoliation of the corns will occur after 3-4 procedures.
    5. 5) Baths from decoction of the willow bark of white. It will take 3 tbsp.l.for 1 liter of water.
    6. 6) Applications from decoction of oak bark. Cloth in 2 layers moisturize in broth of an oak bark( 1: 5), cover with a cloth from a wool or put on woolen socks.
    7. 7) Applications from potatoes and flaxseed. Brew until the formation of gruel potato cleaning( clean) and flaxseed - half the glass. Kashitsu is placed in the pelvis and put there foot feet for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply cream. This procedure heals painful cracks on the sole and heel. After they are smeared with iodine - 2%.
    To the soles apply:

    • thin pieces of onions;
    • grated or thinly sliced ​​potatoes;
    • tomato paste;
    • garlic clove;
    • gruel made of celandine;
    • flesh of the aloe leaf, lubricating the skin around the corns with petroleum jelly;
    • cooked in milk prunes without pits, applying in a hot form. When cooled, they change to hot prunes;
    • propolis, pre-kneading it in a mortar.
    All applications are fixed with cellophane and a bandage, put on socks and kept up all night. In the morning, the feet are washed, rubbed with pumice stone or fine sandpaper attached to the wood block, disinfected, treated with talc or greased with pasteurized vegetable oil with the addition of celandine or St. John's wort. The procedures are repeated until getting rid of the corns.

    Egg ointment is effective. To make it mix vinegar 70% with vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.l. The ointment is kept overnight in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, steam the feet for 15 minutes and apply a ointment on a piece of tissue, cover with cellophane and put on socks. In the morning, they rinse their feet, but they do not touch them. The procedure is repeated for 5-6 days, after which they disappear.

    See also how to get rid of dry calluses.


    Prophylaxis is to wear comfortable and soft shoes in accordance with the size and shape of the foot. It is recommended to wear shoes with a large sock to prevent pinching of the toes. To wear it is necessary for the purpose. For a long time you can not walk in shoes with flat soles and high heels.

    It is necessary to fight with sweating of feet and give preference to natural hosiery. To lower the pressure on the feet, the lining should be soft: pieces of felt, soft plastic put under the burr.

    Regularly you can take care of your legs and use the above mentioned products simultaneously with ankle massage.

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