  • Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is psoriasis: the causes and symptoms of
    • Effective treatment of psoriasis at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful tips how to prevent the onset of psoriasis

    Treatment of psoriasis: home recipes.

    For the treatment of psoriasis, official medicine suggests the use of therapeutic ointments, laser therapy, physiotherapy methods, selective phototherapy and many other procedures.

    However, it is possible to get rid of this skin disease effectively only in combination with folk medicine and diet therapy.

    What is psoriasis: causes and symptoms ^

    Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic non-infectious dermatitis that affects the entire body or parts of it.

    The causes of psoriasis are alcohol intoxication, heredity, severe stress, hormonal changes, prolonged sun exposure, hypothermia, or prolonged exposure to strong medications.

    The main symptoms of psoriasis are:

    • The appearance of red or bright pink scaly papules( spots), which subsequently form large plaques;
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    • Severe itching of the affected skin;
    • Weakness.

    Depending on the initial stage of manifestation and location of the pathological process, the disease has the following varieties - pustular, spotted, seborrhoeic, plaque-like, plantar, drop-shaped, inverse, arthropathic, vulgar and other forms of psoriasis.

    Folk treatment of psoriasis combines several techniques at once:

    • Internal exposure and cleansing;
    • External therapy - baths, ointments, compresses.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis act in several directions:

    • For the removal of inflammation with pruritus, beekeeping products, birch tar, needles, chamomile, celandine, calendula, oak bark, string and licorice are used;
    • To enhance the immune system, vitaminized drinks are offered - teas with raspberries, mountain ash, lemon, kalina or dog rose;
    • Soothing effects on the sick skin are peach, avocado, apricot or olive oil. Sea-buckthorn oil is used as an healing.

    In addition, home treatment of psoriasis is accompanied by an internal intake of herbal remedies, which are aimed at anti-inflammatory, carminative, choleretic and cleansing effects.

    However, the treatment of psoriasis at home will be effective only if the patient adheres to a therapeutic diet for psoriasis and excludes salting, smoked meat, marinades, sweets, alcohol, fatty and fried foods from his diet.

    Treatment of psoriasis in children

    Therapy of pediatric dermatosis should be immediate in order to avoid its further progression. Psoriasis occurs either on separate parts of the child's body - knees, buttocks, elbows, head, arms, legs, chest or completely covers the whole body, including the face, with papules.

    The comprehensive wellness approach includes mandatory medication, regular hygienic care, some folk remedies and a diet saturated with vitamins and limiting animal fats.

    In adult dermatosis it is necessary to adhere to practically the same therapy as is prescribed for a child. Treatment of psoriasis with home remedies in the form of herbal baths or natural ointments with compresses can be used regardless of age. However, medications for children and adults are somewhat different from each other and can be prescribed exclusively by a dermatologist.

    Effective treatment of psoriasis at home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of psoriasis at home: recipes

    Treatment of psoriasis of skin

    • Insist overnight in a thermos st.l.flax seed in 200 ml of boiling water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach;
    • Birch tar smear plaques for an hour, rinse and then apply celandine infusion. The recommended number of procedures is 15.

    Treatment of psoriasis of hair

    • Prepared a decoction of three liters of water and three leaves of a golden mustache to rinse your head after washing;
    • Two tsp.black elderberry pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist a couple of hours and take 100 ml after eating.

    Treatment of psoriasis of nails

    • From the herbal collection collected from sage, celandine, string, oak bark and chamomile, take three tablespoons, insist 40 minutes in 300 ml of boiling water in a water bath;
    • Finished decoction and strain into a deep container;
    • For 15 minutes, lower the diseased nails into the herbal liquid;
    • The procedure must be repeated daily several times.

    Treatment of psoriasis on the face

    • 400 gr.butter and mix with 30 gr.propolis, bring to a boiling point, reduce heat and keep the mixture for 10 minutes. Then strain the finished ointment applied to the sore spots several times daily;
    • Dry the branches of the dogrose to burn, the formed ash mix with Vaseline 1/1 and daily rub into the skin.

    Treatment of psoriasis on the genitals

    • Mix 15 gr.liquid honey, 35 gr.eucalyptus oil and 15 g.juice of Kalanchoe;
    • Mixture to stand for 3 days in a dark place;
    • With the obtained ointment lubricate the affected areas.

    Treatment of plantar psoriasis

    • Dried flowers of clover 4 tbsp.put in gauze and dip into boiling water for a minute. Then press the pressed gauze with clover for 2 hours to the sole, fastening it with a cloth;
    • Put Propolis 60 g / 8 g., Add 10 drops of Vitamin A and stir well in a preheated butter. Then, in a solution, soak gauze, put on a sore spot and fix it. It is desirable to spend the procedure at night.

    Treatment of psoriasis with

    • soda In a glass of water, dilute a couple of tsp.soda and the resulting solution to wipe plaques;
    • In the bath with hot water add 500 gr.soda and chamomile broth. Then immerse yourself in the bath for 30 minutes, then allow the skin to dry itself.

    Treatment of psoriasis with onions

    • Peeled onions are crushed, wrapped in cheesecloth and applied for a couple of minutes to the affected areas.
    • After the onion procedure, the skin is washed and applied to it with a moisturizer with added vitamin A.

    Treatment of psoriasis with the egg

    • Whipped with ch.l.seabuckthorn oil raw egg add dessert spoon of vinegar.
    • With the mixture obtained, lubricate the diseased areas at night.

    Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide

    • Twice during the day, it is necessary to lubricate psoriasis papules with hydrogen peroxide.

    Treatment of psoriasis with celandine

    • Mix Vaseline, alcoholic celandine and flax oil in a ratio of 1: 2: 4 and lubricate the plaques once a day;
    • Powdered celandine mixed with 1: 1 vaseline and rubbed into a sore spot. The procedure is two days with a break of four.

    Treatment of psoriasis with medicinal plants

    • Soaked for the night chaga crushed in a meat grinder and pour boiling water for two days in a ratio of 1: 5.Infusion is taken three times for 0.5 cups after eating;
    • Mix the equally taken nettle leaf, burdock root, turn, licorice and air. Art.herbal collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 4 minutes and then insist an hour. This decoction lubricate the affected skin.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of dermatitis with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice how to prevent the onset of psoriasis ^

    • Avoid dry or cool climates;
    • Use gloves when in contact with detergents and disinfectants;
    • Regularly enhance immunity;
    • Avoid sunshine, burns or other skin damage.