  • Treatment of measles by folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is measles: symptoms, causes, periods of illness
    • Treatment of measles folk remedies: home recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to protect against measles

    Treatment of measles at home: folk recipes

    As early as the 15th century measles was consideredone of the most dangerous diseases, because as a result of epidemic outbreaks of measles, many people died: both children and adults.

    To date, the disease is easily treated and does not pose a great danger to human life, especially with timely access to a specialist.

    What is measles: symptoms, causes, periods of illness ^

    Measles is an acute viral infection that is transmitted by airborne droplets and affects mainly children. Only measles once a lifetime, and the risk of re-infection is small enough.

    Treatment of measles at home is carried out simultaneously with medical therapy under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

    The causes of measles are as follows:

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    • ingestion of measles virus in the human body;
    • contact with an infected person;
    • stay in a closed institution with an infection vector.

    Symptoms of measles in children and adults

    When infected, the first signs of the disease will appear in about 10 days, and their further manifestation will depend on the stage of the ailment. There are three periods of measles:

    Catarrhal period

    • There is an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, attacks of severe and dry cough, runny nose and sneezing, redness of the eyes and fear of bright light, an increase in lymph nodes.
    • On the third day of illness in the mouth on the mucous membrane of the cheeks appear white spots with a red border.
    • Children can refuse food, referring to abdominal pain, and adults feel the strongest weakness and apathy.

    Period of rash

    • On the 3-4 day after the onset of the disease on the body appears a rash, starting from the area behind the ears.
    • After the rash spreads to the neck and shoulders, then on the trunk and limbs.
    • Spotted-papular exanthema, or rash of measles rapidly increases in size and may even merge with each other.
    • The duration of the stage is 7-10 days.

    Pigmentation period

    • Accompanied by the transformation of red spots into spots of light brown hue.
    • Skin is flaky.
    • After 7-10 days the patient's condition is normalized, cough and runny nose pass.

    The danger of measles is its high infectiousness. The incubation period of measles lasts 9-11 days, after which the first signs of the disease appear. Incorrect therapy can be fraught with serious complications in the form of encephalitis, laryngitis, loss of vision, otitis media, pneumonia, and the like. It is when you have symptoms that you need to see a doctor.

    Treatment of measles with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

    Folk treatment of measles: home recipes

    Treatment of measles in children

    In order to quickly heal the baby from measles, it is recommended to use natural remedies based on herbs.

    • You need to grind the parsley root to make a tablespoon. You can use both fresh and dry roots.
    • Raw materials should be filled with a glass of boiling water, insist for 6 hours in a dark place and strain.
    • Give the medicine to the child 3 times a day on a tablespoon before eating.

    At the stage of skin peeling, you can prepare a warm bath with broth bran:

    • 3 handfuls of bran pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, insist half an hour and pour into the bath.

    Treatment of measles in adults

    In adults, measles is more severe than in children, most often with complications. Improve the well-being will help decoction of fresh burdock roots.

    • Two tablespoons of chopped burdock roots should be poured into 500 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for ten minutes.
    • You should take potions every five minutes.

    Treatment with measles linden

    • To prepare a decoction of lime color, take two tablespoons of dry raw material and pour two cups of boiling water.
    • Insist for three hours and strain with gauze.
    • It is advisable to prepare the drug immediately before taking. In a day you can drink half the glass of medicinal broth three times a day.

    The medicine has soothing and analgesic properties, it helps to improve the patient's condition and greatly accelerate recovery.

    Treating measles with birch buds

    • You need to take a teaspoon of birch buds and pour half a glass of hot water.
    • Insist an hour and strain.
    • Take the medicine three times a day for two tablespoons.

    During the treatment of measles do not forget about the need to take medication, which will appoint a doctor.

    Treatment of raspberry raspberries

    To defeat measles with such tasty and useful berries as raspberries, it is necessary to prepare a healing potion:

    • It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of fresh berries and insist for an hour.
    • Take the decoction three times a day for 200 ml.
    • It is desirable that it be warm and fresh.

    Treatment with measles honey

    Honey is a universal remedy that helps get rid of many diseases, including measles.

    • It is recommended to drink as much as possible herbal decoctions with the addition of honey.
    • You can also use dried raspberry fruit, a tablespoon of which should be filled with a glass of boiling water, insist half an hour and add a spoonful of honey. Drink in unlimited quantities.

    Treatment of measles: expectorant charges

    • Antitussive collection consists of such herbs: violet tricolor, lime blossom( 2 tablespoons), black elderberry, fennel fruits, fenugreek seeds( 1 tbsp).
    • You need to mix all the ingredients, pour a tablespoon of the herbal mixture with two cups of boiling water.
    • Infuse for an hour, drain.
    • Take half a glass of warm broth three times a day.

    Treatment of measles: rinses for the throat

    A person who has measles is known to be very concerned about coughing attacks. To weaken them, you should prepare an infusion of their sage and chamomile.

    • It is necessary to take a tablespoon of raw material and pour a glass of boiling water.
    • Let it brew, drain and cool.
    • It is necessary to gargle with a prepared medicine 2-3 times a day.

    Treatment with grass herbs

    • It is required to thoroughly crush the root of the althea medicinal and pour the raw material with a glass of boiling water.
    • Insist for 15 minutes.
    • Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of potassium ½ cup of water and take three times daily before meals.
    We also recommend that you read the article Rubella treatment at home.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to protect yourself from measles ^

    Prophylaxis of an illness can be passive or active. In the first case, an immunoglobulin is introduced into the human body that has been in contact with the patient. In the second case, a vaccine is used.

    The first vaccination of a child from measles is carried out at the age of 12-15 months, the second - at 6 years. Repeated procedure is necessary in order to protect children who have developed weak immunity to the disease after the first vaccination.

    Measles prevention also includes the following mandatory measures:

    • limiting contact with infected people;
    • adherence to basic hygiene rules;
    • intake of vitamins to enhance immunity;
    • is the right way of life.