
Otitis of the ear: treatment with folk remedies at home

  • Otitis of the ear: treatment with folk remedies at home

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    Read the article:
    • What is otitis media: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treating otitis folk remedies: homemade prescriptions
    • Prevention and helpful advice how to avoid otitis

    Folk otitis treatment: home recipes

    Otitis is a fairly common ENT disease. According to statistics, about 80% of children under the age of three years have dealt with this ailment, while adults face it only in 24-63% of cases.

    In any case, it is important to diagnose the disease in time to start a correct and effective treatment.

    What is otitis media: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Otitis is an inflammation in the middle ear that causes severe pain. Treatment of the inflammatory process at home is possible only in case of prior consultation with a specialist.

    Otitis types:

    • depending on the duration of the disease: acute and chronic;
    • depending on the origin: infectious and non-infectious;
    • , depending on the type of inflammation: exudative, catarrhal and purulent;
    • , depending on the location of the inflammation: external, middle and inner.
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    The causes of otitis are:

    • neglect of ear hygiene, resulting in infection of the ear;
    • hit the middle ear of an infection that penetrates from the inside, for example, with a cold;
    • ARVI, as a result of which there is edema of the nasal mucosa;
    • chronic tonsillitis, polyps, adenoids;
    • weakening of the immune system as a result of strong stress, frequent stresses or chronic diseases.

    Symptoms of otitis, depending on the localization of the inflammatory process:

    • Otorhinolaryngology: pain in the ears, which can increase with pressure on it, the appearance of painful sensations during the opening of the mouth. If the purulent otitis develops, that is, the appearance of the furuncle in the ear, the patient complains of itching, ear congestion and pus scent with an unpleasant odor.
    • Otitis media: pain of a different nature inside the ear, fever, pain in the jaw and even the eye, worsening of the hearing.
    • Internal otitis media: dizziness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, significant hearing impairment.

    Treating otitis with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Treating otitis at home: tips and recipes

    Treating otitis with folk remedies will be quite effective if carried out in conjunction with traditional treatment under the supervision of a specialist. This is extremely important, because this disease with incorrect treatment can trigger a complete loss of hearing.

    Folk treatment of otitis in adults

    In the practice of otitis treatment in adults, tea tree oil has proved itself well. To prepare a remedy is very simple:

    • On a water bath you need to warm up a small amount of a mixture of such oils: olive, almond and tea tree oil.
    • The mixture needs to be heated to 36 degrees. Drip the oil by pipetting a few drops into each ear.

    Very effective in the treatment of otitis is tincture of calendula, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

    • Drip the tincture in the diseased ear with 3 drops every 3 hours.

    Treatment of otitis in children

    In treating a child's disease, it is very important to choose an effective and preferably natural remedy. As a rule, experts insist on taking antibiotics with ear infections, and also advise you to use some folk remedies for treatment.

    It is recommended to put warm compresses on the ear, use ear drops, a heating pad. You can also prepare an effective herbal extract from dog rose and nettle:

    • Equal amount of nettle and rosehip mixed, brew a couple of spoonfuls of collection with a liter of boiling water and cook on a water bath.
    • Give the kids a decoction instead of tea.

    Treatment of acute otitis

    In the treatment of acute inflammatory process it is recommended to use tincture from mint leaves:

    • For its preparation, pour 2 spoons of leaves with a glass of vodka and insist for 7 days.
    • Drip every 4 hours for 3 drops in a sore ear.

    Well help with acute pain tincture of sweet potato:

    • 2 spoons of herbs pour 100 ml of vodka, insist for a week, drain.
    • Make turuns of gauze and insert them into the ears, pre-moistened in the prepared tincture.

    Treatment of chronic otitis

    An effective remedy is a preparation prepared from camphor alcohol diluted in water in a 1: 2 ratio, flour, flax oil( 1 tsp).

    • Of these ingredients, you need to mold a cake and wrap it in a compress paper.
    • Pellet to attach to the ear and secure with a woolen shawl for additional warming.
    • Perform the procedure daily before bedtime.
    • If the test for cakes was a lot, it can be stored in the refrigerator.

    Treatment of external otitis

    Treatment of this type of disease consists in getting rid of the boil. There are several ways to do this:

    • You can apply baked onions or plantain to your ear.
    • Prepare the broth on the basis of bay leaf, brewing 5 leaves with a glass of boiling water. Drink twice a day for 3 tablespoons, as well as bury 10 drops in your ear twice a day.
    • It is recommended to put a warming compress on the ear. It is necessary to prepare an alcohol solution from alcohol and water in a proportion of 1: 1, slightly to warm it up. The ear should be anointed with baby cream, so that the skin does not dry out, then moisten a piece of gauze in the solution and attach it to your ear for 2 hours.

    Treatment of otitis media

    To remove inflammation, a garlic remedy effectively helps:

    • For its preparation, rub garlic in a gruel and mix it with approximately the same amount of vegetable or sunflower oil.
    • Cover and press for 10 days. After this, the mixture must be filtered, add to it eucalyptus oil and glycerin( a few drops).
    • Before use, it is necessary to slightly warm the mixture and inject a few drops of the resulting oil into the ear.

    To stop severe ear pain, you can also use garlic:

    • The garlic clove needs to be cooked on an open fire.
    • After this, the garlic should be slightly cooled and placed in the ear canal.

    Treatment of purulent otitis

    In the purulent process propolis tincture will be very effective:

    • It is necessary to pre-insist propolis on vodka.
    • Compress is done this way: you need to wet the compress in the tincture and place it in the ear aperture.

    A very effective remedy for purulent discharge is a decoction from the roots of a raspberry:

    • Grind, and then 3 tablespoons of roots pour a liter of boiling water and insist 12 hours.
    • You need to drink twice a day for 600 ml.
    • Duration of treatment - 1 month.

    Treatment of catarrhal otitis

    With a catarrhal form, liquid honeycomb is effective. It is recommended to drip a couple drops of honey in the auricle every 3 hours.

    Well and the broth from corn stigmas well helps also. It is not difficult to prepare it:

    • It is necessary to take a spoonful of corn stigmas and brew them with a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and strain.
    • Take the broth 3 times a day for 100 ml 30 minutes before meals. You can add a spoonful of honey.

    Treating exudative otitis

    • To cure this kind of otitis, you need to moisten the tampon in the leek and lemon juice in your ear.
    • The tampon can also be moistened in chamomile infusion.
    • Very effective remedy is the infusion of plantain, mixed with the juice of hare cabbage. In such a facility, you can moisten turuns and put them in your ears.

    Treatment of fungal otitis

    With fungal otitis, antifungal ointments are usually used. You can also prepare a decoction of cowberry leaf:

    • It is necessary to brew 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist an hour and strain.
    • Take the decoction inside in ½ cup three times a day.
    We also recommend that you read the article How to remove the sulfur plug from your ear at home.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid otitis ^

    Prevention of otitis media consists of following the following measures:

    • Systematic care and proper cleaning of the ear canals. It is forbidden to use foreign objects for cleaning.
    • Timely treatment of ENT diseases - organs that can provoke the appearance of otitis media.
    • Children should always wear headgear, especially when outdoors in the cold season.
    • Babies should avoid hypothermia. Parents should carefully wipe their ears after bathing their children.
    • Strengthening of the immune system, hardening of the body.
    • Active lifestyle, proper nutrition, no bad habits.