  • Purulent maxillary sinusitis: treatment and symptoms

    Purulent sinusitis is one of the forms of sinusitis, is a consequence of untreated acute catarrhal sinus, resulting in pus in the maxillary sinuses. In some cases, the cause may be deep caries, and other diseases that affect the upper row of teeth.

    In most cases antibiotic therapy is used to treat purulent maxillary sinusitis. If the course of the disease is complicated by high fever and a large accumulation of pus in the sinuses - you may need a puncture.

    And so, before you understand the issue of how to treat purulent maxillary sinusitis, it is worthwhile to talk more about the diagnosis, symptoms and causes of this ailment.

    Causes of

    In general, sinusitis occurs as a result of a protracted runny nose, against the background of a decrease in the body's immune defenses as a result of ARVI or other infectious diseases.

    Few people attach importance to the usual rhinitis, they continue to do their own thing, letting things go by themselves. However, such an unreasonable attitude to itself can lead to the onset of catarrhal and, after purulent sinusitis.
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    Any runny nose is accompanied by an inflammatory process and swelling of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which natural ventilation of the maxillary sinuses is disturbed. As a consequence, we get a blockage of sinuses and the formation of stagnation in them. Over time, pathogens begin to multiply actively, provoking the formation of pus.

    Acute maxillary sinusitis of this form is caused by severe course, and a vivid symptomatology that causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. If you do not heal the acute stage to the end, then the sinusitis becomes chronic, it is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.

    In some cases, the disease can provoke osteomyelitis, periodontitis, deep caries and other problems with the teeth. This is due to the proximity of the upper row of teeth( especially the molars) to the maxillary sinus. This kind of sinusitis is called odontogenic.

    Such provoking factors as: curvature of the nasal septum, adenoids, polyps in the nose - can be a trigger for the development of the disease. In this regard, to cure purulent maxillary sinusitis, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, if possible.

    Symptoms of purulent maxillary sinusitis

    Purulent maxillary sinusitis, and its characteristic symptoms give the adult a lot of inconvenience. Everything starts from the acute stage, and in case of infection, resulting in the formation of pus - the symptoms only worsen.

    Most often, people who have had sinusitis diagnosed complain of such clinical symptoms:

    1. 1) Increased body temperature to 39-40C, resulting in weakness, chills, general malaise.
    2. 2) Feeling of raspiraniya and pain in the area of ​​the sinus, which formed pus. Also the head starts to hurt, painful sensations can give in the upper jaw, temporal lobe, forehead. In a horizontal position, people get better, and with the head tilting, coughing or sneezing, the pain increases markedly.
    3. 3) There may be redness, and then swelling of the face.
    4. 4) Complete or partial nasal congestion. If the sinusitis is unilateral, then problems with breathing will only occur in the affected sinuses.
    5. 5) When purulent sinusitis develops, the discharge from the nose becomes yellowish-green. All this is accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
    6. 6) If the genyantritis is bilateral, the above symptoms will manifest from both sides simultaneously.
    In addition, the sense of smell is significantly reduced, and at night a person can be annoyed by a sudden cough. This is due to the flow of mucus down the back wall of the nasopharynx.

    At the first signs of the disease should immediately go to the doctor, then you will help treatment of purulent maxillary sinusitis without a puncture.


    First, the ENT doctor will conduct a general examination of the patient and listen to his complaints. Further it is recommended to undergo roentgenological examination, which will clearly see the accumulated pus in the sinuses and its level.

    If this is not enough, the doctor can conduct a diagnostic puncture of the contents of the maxillary sinus. The procedure is painful, and is performed as a last resort.

    Treatment of purulent maxillary sinusitis

    To cure purulent maxillary sinusitis without a puncture, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of an experienced specialist. Only in this case you can avoid unpleasant complications, because pus can spread into the cavity of the skull, causing a lot of rustling there. May develop meningitis or meningoencephalitis. In addition, inflammation can go to the eyes, ears, mouth and respiratory tract.

    Self-treatment of acute purulent maxillary sinusitis with "grandmother's" recipes or folk remedies categorically excluded. They can be used as a result of complex therapy, and only after the appointment of a doctor. For example, a common method of heating the maxillary sinuses should not be done, because in the presence of pus, it only aggravates and speeds up the spread of the inflammatory process.

    As a rule, complex therapy includes taking antibiotics, using vasoconstrictive drops, as well as rinsing the nose and taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. To avoid puncture, follow all doctor's recommendations.

    Treatment of acute purulent maxillary sinusitis

    Rarely treatment of purulent maxillary sinus in the acute stage is dispensed with without the use of antibiotics. To select effective drugs, the doctor determines the sensitivity of the pathogen to them.

    At the moment, apply 3 groups of antibacterial drugs - macrolides, cephalosporins and penicillin. These are such medicines as:

    • Ampicillin, Amoxicillin;
    • Ceftibutene, Cefixime;
    • Azithromycin, Clarithromycin;
    The average course of antibiotic therapy should not exceed 7-9 days. In some cases, it is possible to use antibiotics intramuscularly or intravenously. With the standard course of the disease, they are prescribed in the form of tablets. It is possible to prescribe topical preparations - Bioparox or Isofra, which will also help to eliminate the infection.

    As a rule, improvement of state of health occurs on the 2-4 day of admission, however, it is necessary to bring the treatment to the end. If relief does not come, you need to replace the selected antibiotics with another group( for example, replace penicillins with macrolides).This all happens strictly under the supervision of the doctor.

    It's not always the cause of bacterial genyantritis, in this case, the use of antibiotics will not bring the proper result.

    Treatment at home

    To facilitate breathing, as well as reduce inflammation in the mucous membranes, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed. This is an important stage in the treatment of purulent antritis in the home, along with the use of antibiotics.

    In most cases use:

    • Nazivin;
    • Nasol;
    • Otrivin;
    • Sanorin;
    Also do not forget about washing the nose, it can be ordinary saline solution, or pharmacy: Dolphin, Humer, Aqualor. Various herbal kits are also suitable.

    If washing at home does not help much, it is recommended to go to a polyclinic, there will be a painless washing of the maxillary sinuses by the method of moving the liquid, or by simple - "cuckoo".In addition, the hospital can hold sessions of UHF and laser therapy.

    For the removal of pain, various analgesics can be used:

    • Acetylsalicylic acid;
    • Nurofen;
    • Naproxenum, etc.
    It is preferable to use Ibuprofen for children, but you can not give aspirin categorically.

    Surgical treatment

    If treatment of sinusitis at home did not help, there is an effective, but painful procedure that many are afraid of - puncture of the maxillary sinus. It is performed in the absence of a response to conservative therapy, as well as a strong accumulation of pus in the sinuses.

    During the puncture, the otolaryngologist pushes out pus, and at the same time rinses the bosom with a solution of antiseptics. After that, he enters the necessary drugs into the sine area. The procedure brings considerable relief.


    To prevent the development of this disease, it is necessary to treat catarrhal and other diseases in a timely manner. To be engaged in strengthening of the general immunity, hardening, regularly taking vitamins, etc.

    If you have purulent sinusitis, you should not do self-medication and uncontrolled intake of various drugs, or wait until the disease passes by itself. So you only harm yourself, and create the conditions for the transition of the acute form to chronic sinusitis.

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