
Odontogenic sinusitis: symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

  • Odontogenic sinusitis: symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

    Odontogenic sinusitis is an atypical inflammation of the mucosa, which is located in the maxillary sinus.

    As is known, common sinusitis occurs due to the complication of acute rhinitis or acute respiratory viral infection, against the background of a decrease in immunity. The development of the odontogenic form is in no way connected with these factors.

    Do not delay treatment in the long box, since complications have very unpleasant consequences.

    Causes of

    There is odontogenic sinusitis due to a foci of infection that is located in the oral cavity, usually these are various diseases of molars. When pathogens from the oral cavity enter the maxillary sinus, they cause inflammation.

    Consider the main reasons that contribute to this:

    1. 1) Errors in the filling of the upper molars due to the unprofessional actions of the dentist. Physiologically arranged so that the roots of these teeth are located too close to the maxillary sinus, therefore, when cleaning and sealing channels, you can accidentally put the material used in the maxillary sinuses. The organism regards the filling material as a foreign body and begins to fight it, thereby provoking pain and a runny nose. If, after a visit to the dental clinic, you notice discomfort, and the presence of a cold - consult a doctor to avoid aggravating the process.
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    2. 2) Untimely visits to the dentist, and as a result of improper care of the oral cavity are the main cause of the onset of odontogenic sinusitis. In the risk zone are those who have deep caries, as in the absence of treatment it causes necrosis of the nerve of the tooth. As a result, inflammation of nearby tissues occurs, which promotes the infection in the maxillary sinuses.
    3. 3) An unsuccessfully removed tooth also provokes the development of inflammation. In the process of removal, the dental root is able to get into the same sinus, and as in the case of filling materials, the body tries to get rid of it by causing painful sensations.
    4. 4) In addition to the above, it is possible to provoke the disease and such processes as: osteomyelitis, periodontitis, radicular cyst, inflammation around the retouched tooth.
    Regularly monitor your oral cavity to prevent infection.

    Stages of development of

    In total, there are 2 stages that this type of sinusitis passes. Everything begins with a serous form, which characterizes the acute inflammatory process that began in the maxillary sinus. It promotes the formation of edema, the filling of cells with liquid, as well as the expansion of blood vessels.

    If you do not start timely treatment, then the process will go into a purulent stage. As there is a profuse swelling of the mucosa, as a result of which the anointing space overlaps, thereby making it difficult to drain mucus.

    Purulent maxillary sinusitis manifests itself in abundant symptoms - the temperature rises, it builds up the nose, weakness appears and bad breath occurs. Each of the stages can be both acute and chronic. Moreover, as a result of a decrease in immunity, chronic sinusitis can again return to the acute phase, with the manifestation of the corresponding symptoms of intoxication.

    Symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis

    Odontogenic sinusitis, and its symptoms in the acute stage do not differ from the usual manifestations of sinusitis, since the inflammation is in the same place.

    Basically, at a doctor's appointment, adults complain of symptoms such as:

    • weakness and malaise;
    • pain in the head, and discomfort in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
    • increase in body temperature to 38.5 - 39 degrees;
    • reduction of smell;
    • unilateral nasal congestion;
    • purulent discharge, on the side of the nose where the inflammation is;
    • pain when pressing on the tooth, which became the source of infection.
    Palpation in the cheek area( dog fossa) is marked by soreness. On the corresponding side there is an inflamed mucous membrane in the mouth, there may be a purulent discharge, as well as lymphadenitis.

    Symptoms of Chronic Stage

    The chronic form often proceeds asymptomatically. It is manifested by unsystematic painful sensations in the region of the maxillary sinuses, as well as by the feeling of bursting and heaviness. The temperature is normal, or slightly increased, the general condition is satisfactory.

    In addition, a characteristic symptom of odontogenic sinusitis is the allocation of only one sinus of the nose, as well as the formation of crusts in it. In the oral cavity, the formation of polyps, and the presence of inflammation.

    To confirm the diagnosis should do a radiograph, it will be possible to see the "culprit", as well as the presence of pus in the sinuses.


    To begin with, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics to distinguish odontogenic form from rhinogenic sinusitis.

    And so, odontogenic sinusitis is characterized by a one-sided lesion - a feeling of heaviness, raspiraniya and purulent discharge, as well as the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity. In the future, it is necessary to determine the affected tooth, and examine the maxillary sinuses.

    1. 1) The most informative diagnostic method is radiography. It can take place using various methods( panoramic, sighting).Thanks to computed tomography, you can easily determine if there are foreign objects in your axillary. However, this is not always enough, then the doctor appoints a cone-ray tomogram. She is able to see the difference in tissue density, but reliably determine what it is not always obtained.
    2. 2) When computer methods do not provide enough information, a time-proven endoscopy comes to the rescue. Due to a small endoscope, the contents of the sinuses and anastomosis can be studied in detail.
    Other diagnostic methods are based on the examination of the patient, and the conduct of appropriate tests.

    Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis

    Odontogenic sinusitis is a dangerous disease, and its treatment should only take place in a polyclinic, under the supervision of an experienced ENT doctor, and a dental surgeon.

    First of all, the dentist performs the removal of the cause that caused the sinusitis( foreign body, seal, or the tooth itself).After these manipulations, sanitation of the oral cavity is performed.

    Then the ENT doctor starts to work, his job is to rinse the maxillary sinuses, which is carried out by puncturing, and entering necessary medicines( antiseptics, antibiotics).After completion of treatment, the patient is prescribed nasal drops with vasoconstrictive effect, as well as physiotherapy. In case of complications, antibiotics are prescribed.

    As a rule, the treatment of acute odontogenic sinusitis occurs under the influence of local anesthesia. In severe cases, general anesthesia and hospitalization in the hospital may be required. Self-medication at home should be completely ruled out.

    Treatment of chronic form

    If chronic odontogenic sinusitis occurs without complications, then its treatment differs little from acute therapy.

    However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect by removing only one tooth, since the foci have already spread to the large sinus surface. In such neglected cases, an extensive operation is performed to remove the overgrown tissue from the maxillary sinuses. For this, an incision is made in the oral cavity, through which further manipulation is performed. The wall of the sinus is pierced with a drill, and all the newly formed tumors are removed.

    Further, iodoform turundum is used with an outlet to the nasal cavity, which is placed in a previously made opening in the area of ​​the lower nasal passage, whose diameter is 1-2 cm. The pre-made passage in the mouth is completely closed. Tundra is extracted only a day after the operation. On the 5th day, the sinuses are washed with antiseptics. Sutures are removed gradually, at least after 7-8 days.


    Any disease is always better to warn than to deal with the consequences.

    Based on the causes of odontogenic sinusitis, the basis of prevention is timely oral care, and regular visits to the dentist( every 6 months).

    Remember, to cure odontogenic sinusitis with folk remedies is simply unrealistic. At the first signs of the disease, immediately consult a doctor. Do not bring sinusitis to a chronic stage.

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