
Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment in adults, signs of genyantritis

  • Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment in adults, signs of genyantritis

    Probably, most adults have faced such a diagnosis as sinusitis, and they are familiar with the main symptoms of this disease.

    A sinusitis is the inflammation of the maxillary sinus, which is located under the eyes, while the frontitis is an inflammation of the frontal sinus, it is above the eyes. A common name for the inflammatory processes that occur in the frontal sinuses is sinusitis.

    According to statistics, more than 50% of adults who turned to the ENT doctor was diagnosed with genyantritis.

    Causes of

    At first, acute sinusitis develops, in most cases the cause is an infection, about which many have heard - Staphylococcus aureus. She can stay in the body of an adult for a long time, and not show herself.

    In the case of a decrease in immunity and respiratory failure, which may occur due to the active phase of acute respiratory viral infection, colds, allergies, as well as vasomotor or hypertrophic rhinitis, its activation occurs. In addition, people who have a curvature of the nasal septum are also at risk. In children, the cause of sinusitis is often allergic reactions, or adenoids.
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    And so, to the main causes of sinusitis can be attributed:

    • prolonged exposure to draft
    • untreated cold or runny nose
    • curvature of septum and other disorders of nasal cavity
    • allergic reactions
    • polyps, adenoids in nose
    • untimely treatment of dental diseases, and insufficientoral hygiene
    • infiltrating the body of infection, virus or bacteria
    • abuse drops that are intended for therapy of rhinitis
    • weakening of the immune systemsystem for various reasons
    In case if you do not conduct adequate treatment of acute sinusitis, then eventually, it will go into a chronic form. As a result, there will be a purulent bacterial inflammation of the sinuses.

    Signs of sinusitis in adults

    Genyantritis in adults, and its first clinical signs begin with an ordinary cold, which, incidentally, can be not only purulent, but also transparent. To this are added unpleasant sensations in the maxillary sinuses, which intensify towards evening. If the rhinitis does not pass for 3 weeks - this is a good reason to consult a doctor for advice. After a long, not passing cold is the first sign of sinusitis.

    In the future, there is weakness, fatigue and general malaise of the body. The temperature can suddenly jump to high numbers. All this is due to the fact that foreign microorganisms produce toxins that enter the bloodstream of a person, thereby causing the clinical manifestations of intoxication which are listed above.

    Symptoms of acute sinusitis in adults

    If you do not pay attention to the first symptoms of sinusitis in time, then the process goes to the acute stage. It is characterized by an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees or higher, which is accompanied by intense and constant pain in the region of the maxillary sinuses. Over time, the head begins to ache.

    Painful sensations can increase with:

    • sneezing and coughing
    • head incisions
    • when pressing in the sinus area
    All this is accompanied by copious discharge from the nose, which, as a rule, have a transparent, yellow-green or green hue. The color of the snot will depend on the stage at which the disease is located.

    Transparent secretions - the initial stage, green - inflammatory, if there is a yellowish tint - it means that the sinusitis became purulent. In addition, the adult has a decrease in smell, tear and photophobia.

    In some cases, swollen eyelids, and also appear swelling. Often, all this occurs against the background of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, which serves as one of the provoking factors in the development of the disease.

    Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

    Chronic antritis in adults has more blurred symptoms, in contrast to the acute form. Basically, this is a persistent cold that does not go away with the use of standard treatment.

    In addition, chronic sinusitis is accompanied by pain, which is located deep in the eyes and head. A distinctive feature is that such pains can subside if a person takes a horizontal position. At the same time, they can increase with blinking.

    A dangerous sign that the disease has spread to the walls of the eye is the development of inflammation of the conjunctiva, as well as the reddening and swelling of the eyelids in the morning.

    General signs:

    • malaise, fatigue, fast fatigue
    • runny nose
    • temperature normal, or slightly increased
    • pain in the eye area, headaches
    • smell decrease
    The danger of this form of the disease is the possibility of complications - meningoencephalitis, meningitis swelling, meningitis, accumulation of pus in the brain - all these are formidable intracranial complications of chronic sinusitis.


    As a rule, if you are on the mark to a competent ENT, diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis will not be particularly difficult.

    First of all, the patient is questioned to identify complaints, as well as the examination of the nose and maxillary sinuses. After that the doctor can direct you to the roentgenogram, which will clearly show the accumulation of pus and its level in the sinuses. To identify the infection that caused the occurrence of sinusitis take a swab from the nose.

    If these methods of diagnosis were ineffective, the doctor can perform a puncture of the inflamed sinus, it may be necessary to determine the nature of the course of the disease. The resulting liquid is sent to a laboratory for analysis.

    According to the results of diagnosis, a suitable conservative treatment of sinusitis will be prescribed. In rare cases, surgery may be required, which involves a puncture, but this is rarely used nowadays.

    Treatment of sinusitis in adults

    Sinusitis in adults, and the tactics of its treatment will depend on the stage of the inflammatory process. Uncomplicated acute sinusitis can be treated at home.

    For this use pharmacy means, for example:

    1. 1) Sinupret
    2. 2) Nasol
    3. 3) Otrivin
    They are designed to remove the edema of the nasal mucosa, and also contribute to the removal of contents from the sinuses.

    In case the ailment has passed into a purulent form - self-medication is unacceptable, you need to contact a specialist. He will choose the optimal method of washing the sinuses - by puncturing, or moving the mucus. In addition to washing, the doctor will prescribe a suitable scheme for taking antibiotics( macrolides, cephalosporins or penicillin), as well as other drugs that may be needed to strengthen and detoxify the body.

    If the course of treatment is chosen correctly - the disease in adults is maximum after 2 weeks.

    Treatment of chronic sinusitis

    Here everything is somewhat more complicated, since chronic sinusitis in adults, as a rule, requires surgical intervention. The operation that is usually done with sinusitis is called maxillary sinusitis.

    Operative intervention is carried out with one purpose - disinfection and cleaning of the maxillary sinus, during which the polyp, foreign body or fungal formations can be extracted, everything will depend on the volume and neglect of the process.

    At the moment, for the treatment of sinusitis can be used as a little outdated traditional surgical methods, and more modern - endoscopic. In developed countries, such methods are considered the gold standard in the treatment of this disease, if conservative treatment in adults has proved ineffective.

    What exactly to use - it's up to your and your doctor who can consult in more detail about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The effectiveness in the case of surgical intervention is at the level of 95-99%, and the recovery period is very short, without complications.

    Treatment of sinusitis at home

    Antritis in adults can be cured without surgery, for this we recommend trying some folk recipes that are easy to make at home.

    1. 1) The first recipe is pretty simple. For its preparation we need 5 leaves of bay leaf, which is sold in a regular store. We throw it into any convenient container and bring it to a boil, before filling the water with a small amount. After take a piece of cloth, soak it in the resulting broth and put on the area of ​​the maxillary sinus. Do this one time, at a time, until the water cools. For the treatment to be effective it must be done regularly for 7 days, best in the evening.
    2. 2) We need 30% tincture of propolis and a pan in which you can boil water. And so, the water is boiled and poured propolis( alcohol), then we take a towel and breathe over the steam.
    3. 3) Also at home, you can prepare drops that will be effective for treating sinusitis in adults. To do this, in equal parts we will need 3 components, which will need to be mixed - the juice of a bulb of blue, potatoes and melted honey. Bury the homemade drops in the usual way for you. Store in a dark, cool place.
    4. 4) Do not forget about the rinsing of the nose. To do this, I was advised to use a collection of herbs, or a mixture of salt, soda and beet juice. All this is mixed in a glass of warm water and you can start the procedures. As herbs, you can apply common chamomile and sage + a little salt.
    The above listed various methods of treating sinusitis with folk remedies, which, in our opinion, are the most effective. If you have your own recipes that you can use at home - write in the comments so that others will also know about them.


    After we understood the remaining issues related to sinusitis, it's time to say a few words about the prevention of this disease. Try to adhere to simple recommendations, then the risk of catching this ailment will be low.

    • avoid dry, contaminated air and cigarette smoke
    • wash your hands to prevent infection
    • refrain from smoking and taking alcoholic beverages in large doses
    • harden, so you will improve your immunity
    Begin adequate treatment if you have symptoms,and also in time treat other diseases that can provoke sinusitis - measles, scarlet fever, ARVI, runny nose, etc. Follow these preventive measures, then the genyantritis will not bother you.

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