
Inguinal dermatomycosis - the causes of its occurrence and the ways of treatment

  • Inguinal dermatomycosis - the causes of its occurrence and the ways of treatment

    Statistical data on fungal morbidity among the population look very disappointing - everywhere there is an increase in various forms of dermatomycosis. Moreover, the older a person, the more susceptible he is to such diseases.

    Specialists explain this situation with age-related changes in the body, acquired internal diseases and reduced immunity. However, in recent years, fungal lesions have increasingly become registered in children.

    The culprit of inguinal epidermophytia

    It is known that epidermophytic or superficial mycosis of the skin can cause several species of fungi, but the most important role is given to fungi of the genus Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton.

    In respect of inguinal epidermophytia( fringed eczema), the main danger is the fungus of the genus Epidermophyton. It is by the name of the pathogen that the disease is named. Therefore, inguinal dermatomycosis refers to the true epidermophyte. The rest of the diseases of fungal etiology is more correctly called dermatomycosis

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    The most common disease occurs in males. Doctors believe that this is due to the peculiarities of their life - great physical activity, often accompanied by heavy sweating, active visits to baths, saunas, swimming pools and gyms - all this contributes to the spread of the fungus, because he likes to settle in damp and warm places.

    In such conditions, the fungus can be in a viable condition for a long time and if the rules of personal hygiene are not respected( other people's clothes, shoes, used in a sick person, mats and rugs in gyms), it easily infects the steam and damp skin of a person. In addition, epidermophyte can also be infected in hospital conditions through ships and hospital linen.

    In women, dermatomycosis of the inguinal region is relatively rare, usually accompanied by a mixed infection. For example, epidermophytia in combination with yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida - the most frequent variant of female defeat. Also, in women, inguinal mycosis is almost always accompanied by a reaction of skin inflammation, which is less common for men.

    How the inguinal epidermophytia of the

    is manifested The most typical places of epidermophyte localization are inguinal folds, between the buttocks, under the mammary glands, and in men also in the scrotal area.

    Primary lesion is usually located in the groin, but later on it extends to the abdomen, inner thighs, flesh to popliteal pits, and even under the chest. Sometimes, the epidermophyte covers almost the entire surface of the body, right up to the scalp.

    In men, the primary lesion may be in the scrotum area, while it is often mild, and therefore remains unnoticed. Later it passes to the groin and further along the stomach and thighs. In men, a typical typical simultaneous fungal infection of the feet and inguinal area.

    Symptomatic of epidermophytosis is quite typical:

    • Round spots with clear contours;
    • The color of the spots from pale pink to brownish brown( depending on the stage of the stain);
    • Spots slightly elevated above the skin;
    • There is a tendency to annular peripheral growth and fusion of spots, they form a patterned pattern, which is also a hallmark of this form of fungal attack;
    • The edges of the spots are covered with rashes of various shapes and sizes, there may be both bubbles, pustules, and erosions after opening the bubble elements, and scales are a sign of a healing bubble. In this case, in the central part of the spot, healing of the vesicles can already occur, and on the periphery they only appear. Such polymorphism of the elements of the rash makes it possible to distinguish epidermophythy from other fungal lesions;
    • Affected areas can be strongly itchy( up to a painful itching), which causes considerable discomfort to the patient. This can lead to combs that easily become infected( in this case, the disease progresses heavily), in this case, there is moxibustion and ulceration of the skin.
    • Regression spots occur gradually, it becomes less intense coloring, acquiring a brownish hue and peeling.

    It is believed that for typical epidermophytosis, only polymorphic stains are characteristic, and inflammation and mocculation occurs only when secondary flora( piococcus or candida) is attached. Without treatment, inguinal dermatomycosis acquires a chronic course and can last for years.

    Treatment of inguinal dermatomycosis

    Without proper treatment, the disease becomes chronic and worsens in warm or hot seasons. In addition, independent attempts to treat the disease with hormonal ointments also help to keep the disease in a latent, sluggish form.

    If there is no involvement in the process of nails and hair, the treatment of inguinal dermatomycosis is often limited to the use of antimycotic external agents with fungicidal and fungistatic action. The first group of drugs kills mushrooms, and the second - prevents the reproduction of new ones. Well-proven drugs that have a complex action - antiseptic, drying, antipruritic, fungistatic and fungicidal. These requirements are fully met by terbinafine and its generic( a cheaper but not less effective analogue) Termicon.

    The drug is available in the form of a spray, which makes it more convenient to use - ointments often roll down in the skin folds, cause a "greenhouse" effect, thus having a less therapeutic effect. Spray is easy to apply, while it is well retained on the surface for a long time, protecting and sanitizing the skin. The most acceptable frequency of use of these drugs is 1-2 times a day, however in the first days it is allowed to use it more often.

    With severe skin inflammation, lotions with:

    • are recommended;
    • Chlorhexidine;
    • Potassium permanganate;
    • Furacilin;
    • Nitrofungin;
    • Etacridine.

    Bubbles should be pierced with a needle treated with alcohol, and lubricate with antiseptics - diamond greens, iodine or fucarcine. Also on the surface of punctured vesicles can be applied ointments:

    1. Tar, boron-tar;
    2. Sernuyu;
    3. Salicylic;
    4. Lamisyl;
    5. Naphthyfine;
    6. Oxiconazole;
    7. Ketonazole.

    In general, antimycotic drugs are recommended to be changed every 7-9 days so that the pathogen does not become addictive. The total duration of treatment can reach in uncomplicated cases one and a half months.

    How to treat epidermophytia in women

    Separately, it is necessary to say how to treat inguinal epidermophyte in women. In view of the fact that they often quite often besides the inguinal zone are affected by the area under the breast, they need to carry out very thorough hygiene of both the groin and perineum, and under the mammary glands. The skin in the groin should be clean-shaven, it will help to fight infection more effectively.

    It is recommended that you visit the shower several times a day or do a wet wipe. In this case, after water procedures, the skin needs to be dried carefully by a separate one!a soft towel and then wipe the skin with knitting, tanning and disinfecting solutions - bark of oak, willow, chamomile, celandine, alternating, sage. Also, the skin under the breast can be treated with resorcinol or silver nitrate. In general, the treatment of epidermophytosis in the chest area is no different from that in the inguinal zone.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophythia with folk remedies

    The purpose of using all traditional medicine is to provide drying, antipruritic( antihistamine), anti-inflammatory effect. For this, grasses are often used:

    • Camomiles;
    • Sage;
    • Strings;
    • Cleanness;
    • St. John's Wort;
    • Oak and willow bark;
    • Birch leaves;
    • Calendulae.

    These broths are used as lotions on the affected areas. It is also possible to make fees from these components.

    Birch tar has an excellent healing effect. It is a part of tar soap, Wilkinson's ointment, Vishnevsky liniment, ichthyol ointment. Tar soap for the period of treatment should be the only means for washing the body and hands.

    In addition, pharmacies sell pure tar. It can be used as an independent agent or it can be added to other mixtures. So, tar can be mixed with melted fat in equal proportions and lubricate this mixture with affected areas of the skin.

    You can make compresses of tar, castor oil and egg white. All components must be taken equal number. Usually the mixture is applied overnight.

    However, do not abuse tar, with its long-term use may cause allergic reactions and itching.

    Remember that independent treatment of fungal diseases can be fraught with aggravation of the disease and its transition to the chronic phase. Therefore, it is most correct not to prescribe independently ointments and pills, and consult with a doctor. It should also be done when deciding to use the traditional medicine as an additional therapy.

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