  • Wart ointment: types and uses

    Despite the fact that warts are a noticeable cosmetic defect, their appearance should cause a person to reconsider their way of life, because the cause of excessive local growth of individual skin epithelial cells is the introduction of a human papillomatosis virus in them.

    Once the virus enters the body, it is introduced into the genome of the cell and stored in it in an inactive form - active reproduction of the virus and scattering of its copies by other cells is possible only with weakening of the body's immune system.

    It is with the appearance of external signs of the disease that a wart ointment is needed, the use of which will help to destroy the growth of the epithelium.

    Methods for the removal of warts

    It must be recognized that any methods of removing warts are aimed only at removing symptoms of the disease - removing the virus from the genome of the cell and completely freeing it of the body is very difficult. In order to influence them,

    • methods of traditional medicine can be used - their action is based on the effect on the body of components of certain plants that have proven anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, as well as on the effect of the "placebo effect";
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    • surgical techniques, including laser removal of warts - in this case, immediate surgical destruction of the altered tissue is used, which, in fact, is a wart. This method allows a short time to remove a large number of benign growths, but disrupts the integrity of the body;
    • ointment for removing build-up - it contains substances that have keratolytic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. This method of treatment, of course, requires careful follow-up of the doctor's recommendations, and the continuation of treatment for a sufficiently long period of time, but does not cause injury to the body and can not cause infectious agents to enter it.

    Ointment from warts

    When treating any skin disease, including warts, it is necessary to get a qualified opinion of a dermatologist - their symptoms may resemble manifestations of other dermatitis and dermatoses, the treatment of which should be based on completely different principles.

    Correctly selected ointment helps to eliminate benign neoplasms on the skin and not to harm the patient's body.

    Ointment when used should destroy only altered tissue or destroy cells that have virus inclusions in the genome, while blocking the reproduction of new copies of the pathogen.

    In addition, there is a separate category of drugs - ointment on the face, which, even with prolonged use, should not worsen the appearance of the patient, leave no traces and scars, be almost invisible even with prolonged use.

    Most often as an ointment from warts, dermatologists recommend the use of drugs that include oxolin or salicylic ointment. These drugs should be applied to the intact skin after an appropriate hygienic toilet of the affected area of ​​the skin.

    Salicylic ointment from warts

    Salicylic ointment from warts is a medicinal product with pronounced keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This ointment should be applied strictly to the area of ​​the changed skin - directly on the surface of the wart.

    For this reason, it is important to protect the surrounding skin - you can paste a regular fixing plaster around the built-up edge, in which a window of the correct size should be cut.

    In dermatology 3-5% salicylic is used, which should be applied 1-2 times a day, not rubbed into the skin. If necessary, a protective dressing can be used to prevent contamination of clothing.

    This drug can leave scarring on the skin, so it should not be applied to the face, mucous membranes( including the genital area).

    Oksolinovaya ointment from warts

    Oksolinovaya ointment from warts is a drug with a pronounced antiviral effect - under the influence of oxoline, the normal process of reproduction of viruses inside the cell is disrupted.

    This ointment can be applied to intact skin and mucous membranes of the whole body - after the disappearance of the wart there will not even be an unnoticeable scar.

    Currently, in dermatological practice, a 3% oxolin ointment is used to solve a similar problem, which should be applied not only to it, but also to adjacent areas of the skin - it is necessary to move from the healthy skin and the edges of the wart to its center.

    It is important to remember that in the treatment of warts, as well as other types of skin lesions caused by the papillomatosis virus, it is important that the local treatment recommended by the doctor is important.

    Also important is a whole range of activities, the timely use of which helps prevent the activation of a "dormant" viral infection. In addition, preventive measures are required, the use of which will avoid microtraumas and local skin lesions.

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