  • How to get rid of warts on the foot? Methods of treatment

    Plantar warts are a common disease that gives its owners a lot of unpleasant emotions and discomfort.

    Warts on the foot have a number of features that distinguish them from any other papillomas.

    How warts appear on the foot

    Such formations always appear on the sole and at first resemble a common corn. Nevertheless, unlike callosity, the wart on the foot does not disappear by itself after a while and is marked by severe soreness. Plantar warts are so painful that sometimes they completely deprive a person of the ability to move and disrupt his ability to work.

    The size of the plantar warts varies. Sometimes they do not exceed a few millimeters, and in neglected cases can reach 5-6 centimeters in diameter.

    Than warts on the foot differ from ordinary callosities

    At first glance, the horny areas of the skin on the sole do not differ from each other, but in fact to diagnose the plantar wart is very simple. If you remove the layer of deadened epithelium, you can see dark dots, which do not happen with ordinary calluses.

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    These dark dots are traces of blood clots in the capillaries. If you cure a plantar wart, they disappear without a trace, and on the surface of the skin, the pattern is restored.

    What are the causes of the disease?

    As you know, any disease is much easier to prevent than cure. In order to avoid the appearance of plantar warts or at least reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, it is necessary to know what factors contribute to the development of the disease.

    One of the reasons is tight and uncomfortable shoes. Constant wearing of poor-quality footwear, in which the leg feels uncomfortable, and the foot is constantly in a compressed state, increases the risk of warts on the foot. Avoid shoes that press and rub your foot.

    Another reason - slovenliness and problems with personal hygiene. It is necessary to regularly wash your feet, do a pedicure and follow the purity of shoes, since plantar warts often infect people who neglect hygienic procedures.

    In the risk group - people suffering from excessive sweating. They need to regularly use special creams and deodorants, which reduce the sweating of feet, destroy the unpleasant odor and have antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

    Personal hygiene should also be observed in public places. Often people come to dermatologists with plantar warts after visiting swimming pools, saunas, public baths.

    This disease can be of an infectious nature, it is considered quite infectious. If the foot has cracks, scratches or some other skin defects, the risk of infection in public places is very high. Dermatologists recommend to visit swimming pools and baths only in special rubberized shoes, and after visiting the pool must take a shower.

    Methods of treatment for

    Every person suffering from this unpleasant disease is looking for ways to get warts on the foot. It should be noted that the removal of warts on the foot is a difficult process, unlike similar procedures with papillomas on the face or on the hands.

    Plantar warts do not pass by themselves almost never, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor who will study the condition of the tumor and determine the method of its elimination.

    Sometimes to treat a patient prescribed ointment from warts, but it is far from always effective. Most often, surgical intervention is required to remove warts on the feet.

    This operation involves several problems at once. First, within two weeks after surgery, a person is practically unable to walk independently.

    In addition, the thickness of the epidermis on the soles reaches at times 10 millimeters, which greatly complicates access to the root of the wart. Only after a complete removal of the root can we talk about a successful cure. Otherwise the wart will grow again.

    Some physicians recommend removing such growths with liquid nitrogen, but this method is ineffective in the case of plantar warts. Liquid nitrogen eliminates the external build-up, but does not affect the vessels that feed the wart. In addition, the removal of liquid nitrogen( cryotherapy) does not eliminate the cause of the disease and does not remove the root of the papilloma.

    How to remove a wart on the foot?

    The most affordable, effective and high-quality removal method today is called laser coagulation. It has a mass of positive qualities, if we compare it with cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, mechanical excision and chemical cauterization.

    The laser does not damage the skin around the wart, so this method of treatment is the most safe and aesthetically attractive, being not too traumatic. After the operation, a trace remains, but after two weeks, complete healing begins, the skin regenerates, the cutaneous pattern on the foot is restored.

    Laser removal allows you to control the depth of exposure to the desired level, so you do not have to worry about that the wart will not be completely removed. The laser allows you to destroy even very deep formations.

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