  • Warts on the legs: treatment and causes

    Plantar warts are a very unpleasant problem for people between the ages of 20 and 30.

    Of course, you can get this kind of infection at any age, but the most common age interval is exactly this. It is worth telling about how warts look on the toes and what can be a cure for warts on the legs.

    Warts on the feet whose treatment can take a long time, appear and develop gradually. First, on the sole appears, so to speak, a natto-tectus, which has a rounded shape and resembles a shiny plaque. Further on these places begin to appear keratinized layers, which may not even differ in color from the surrounding skin.

    As for soreness, then, as a rule, the viral wart on the leg does not hurt. Rather, everything, it interferes with walking and creates discomfort, especially when walking barefoot. However, if they are located on the foot support points, namely, on the pads or the middle of the heel, the pain in walking will be felt.

    How to treat warts on the legs and how to distinguish them from calluses and similar formations? As mentioned earlier, at the beginning of warts on the soles are quite similar to calluses, but over time, in the place of layers, when they are removed, black dots are formed. This is the effect of capillary thrombosis. It is for this reason that it is easiest to distinguish the problem of warts from other formations, including calluses.

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    In addition, the skin is erased at the site of the disease, which is restored after it is possible to remove the warts on the legs. Now about the treatment. There is certainly a remedy for warts, but it can help with a certain stage and course of the disease.

    Of course, only the specialist can prescribe the best and right treatment, but some folk remedies for warts can relieve discomfort.

    For example, you can make a foot bath with mint infusion, only water should not be too hot, even better a little cool. This will relieve fatigue and soothe the pain after walking. However, such a remedy is by no means a cure for warts, and it is also advisable to use it after consultation with a doctor.

    Exactly like the grass that is loved by many celandine. Most people are sure of the miracle of this plant, which is why its extract is often used in body creams and similar kinds of natural cosmetics.

    However, traditional medicine, as an alternative, offers garlic. It is believed that garlic, burning out the very formation, affects the micro markets, killing the virus. To do this, you need to crush a garlic clove, and attach it to a pre-steamed wart, after which it's good to attach it with a bandage. Keep such a compress for 15-20 minutes, then remove the bandage and rinse the skin with warm water.

    However, it should be noted that there will be a very severe burning sensation, which must be tolerated. Warts on the legs are treated with a similar method, first dried, and then removed.

    The process of acquisition or infection in viral warts can occur in public places, for example:

    • pool;
    • gym;
    • baths;
    • saunas.
    • and other places where people walk without shoes. Moreover, moisture promotes softening of the skin layer, and, consequently, faster infection.

    It should also be noted, in some cases, warts on the leg whose treatment did not occur for a long time, can dissolve themselves, but these are isolated cases.

    If you resolve them yourself on the skin, then, however, it can take up to several years. Of the treatments, the most effective are laser removal, freezing of warts with liquid nitrogen, or hyperthermia. The latter will be discussed.

    Everyone who has encountered this problem is asked one question: what helps the warts best and how to treat them correctly, and what method will be disposed of. The method of hyperthermia is that the warts affected by the warts descend into water, the temperature of which is as high as the skin can withstand( 45-48 degrees Celsius).

    During the procedure, blood vessels expand, the skin becomes reddened, and local immunity is activated. The process takes about 30 minutes with an intensity of 2-3 times a week. By the way, it should be noted that the simplicity of the method in many respects causes mistrust and even ridicule in patients.

    Although practice shows that this method is one of the most effective in combating plantar warts. Also it is worth saying that with this method, the risk of scarring is reduced to zero. And besides, there are no drugs that can cause an allergic reaction and harm the body.

    A little more about the initiative. ..

    You can not fight warts on your own without consulting a specialist. You can often hear about cutting a wart at home. On this account, I must say a few "buts."

    Firstly, the house is not a sterile room and it is possible to make any cuts on its own - it threatens to get another infection, which can also give complications.

    Secondly, the tools are unlikely to be professional and properly processed, which also does not exclude infection.

    And, thirdly, only the correct diagnosis after the assay is an indicator for any surgical intervention.

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