  • Human papillomavirus: symptoms and treatment, photo

    What it is? Papillomas develop as a result of the entry into the body of the virus of the same name.

    Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence of papillomavirus infection by about 10 times or more.

    According to statistics, about half of the world's population is infected with this virus while actively sexually active.

    It is important to note that the clinical manifestations of this infection include not only papillomas, but also malignant lesions of the cervix, vulva, perianal region and vagina.

    How is HPV transmitted

    What causes the development of the human papillomavirus, and what is it? Infection with the human papillomavirus occurs during sexual intercourse, it is extremely rare to notice the way of infection through personal hygiene items.

    Perinatal infection, that is, from mother to fetus via amniotic fluid or placenta, practically does not occur( its risk is 2.8%).However, one virus entry into the body is not enough for the development of the pathological process.
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    The disease develops only if the human immunity is weakened. Therefore, identify risk factors that increase the likelihood of clinically significant forms of papillomavirus infection, including papillomas.

    These factors include:

    • a large number of sexual partners( the more of them, the higher the incidence of infection)
    • inflammatory diseases of the genitals that are characterized by a decrease in local immunity
    • Concomitant diseases that deplete the body( especially prolonged chronic processes)
    • hypo- and avitaminosis
    • reception of immunosuppressants, etc.
    Human papilloma viruses are divided into three main groups according to the degree of oncogeneity, each of which is characterized by specific strains.

    So, viruses of low, medium and high oncogeneity are isolated. The higher the degree of oncogenicity, the faster and more likely the papilloma can develop an oncological process.

    The genome of the papilloma virus contains DNA.The development of the virus in infected cells takes place in several stages. The initial stage is characterized by the active formation of viral particles. The next stage is the integration( introduction) of the viral genome into the cellular, so the virus can not actively multiply.

    The infected cells gradually move from the basal layer to the surface layer, which must be taken into account during the treatment( that is, it is necessary to act on both the superficial epithelium and the basal cells).

    Infection with this virus occurs fairly easily because of its high contagiousness, especially when in direct contact with warts. However, the incubation period( the time from infection to the development of clinical manifestations) varies widely. It can range from a month to 3. It should be noted that if the immune system is sufficiently active in humans, the immune system destroys the virus within three months. However, if in the future there is an infection of HIV, and the body remains subclinical forms of infection, then it is activated with the development of an obvious disease.

    See also how the papilloma virus manifests in women and men.

    Symptoms of the human papillomavirus

    As a rule, if the immune system is strong, then the symptoms of the human papillomavirus virus may not appear throughout life. But under certain circumstances, the carrier of the virus may have corresponding manifestations in the form of warts, condyloma or papillomas.

    Given the tropicity of the virus to epithelial cells, papillomas can develop in the following anatomical areas:

    • skin
    • oral cavity
    • conjunctiva
    • esophagus
    • bronchi
    • bladder.
    However, genital and dermal warts are most common( see how to get rid of warts) They can be in the form of the following formations:

    • genital warts
    • papillary
    • keratotic.
    The severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease depends on a number of factors:

    • size papillomas
    • their localization
    • the ease of trauma
    • the presence of itching manifestations
    • the presence of soreness.
    How are papillomas? Their main features are:

    • formations of different sizes
    • the color of their pale pink
    • have a short leg
    • outwardly resemble a wart or cauliflower
    • have a soft consistency
    • can be pigmented
    • in some cases keratotic warts that have a dense surface are found.
    Papillomas on the external genitalia in exceptionally rare cases can grow intensively, which is accompanied by the formation of the Bushek-Levenshtein tumor.

    It can germinate in nearby organs located. However, in the following, malignancy, that is, malignant transformation, is extremely rare.

    Sometimes papillomas can have a flat shape, which leads to certain diagnostic errors. They may be accompanied by itching, pathological discharge, and the presence of bleeding.

    Look also, condylomas in women.


    Currently, doctors diagnose papillomas on the basis of the following studies:

    • clinical-visual inspection
    • cytological study
    • histological study
    • DNA virus determination by polymerase chain reaction. In addition, this study helps to determine the strain of the virus in order to assess the degree of its oncogeneity
    • determining the level of oncological proteins in scrapings.
    Thus, a diagnostic search in the presence of papillomas is aimed at establishing a definitive diagnosis, as well as an assessment of the oncogeneity of a causally significant strain of the virus.

    Treatment of human papillomavirus

    For the treatment of human papillomavirus, immune preparations of both systemic and local action are used. Antineoplastic agents also proved to be very good.

    All these drugs require long-term use in order to completely cut off the cycle of reproduction and activity of the human papillomavirus. Dermatologists are engaged in treatment of this infection, and at localization of papillomas on genitals - gynecologists or urologists accordingly.

    Timely treatment of human papilloma virus has the following objectives:

    1. 1) Remove pathological lesion - papilloma
    2. 2) It is not possible to eliminate the causative agent.
    For this, the following therapy is performed:

    1. 1) Nonspecific antiviral
    2. 2) Local effect on papillomatous foci.
    The last treatment can be implemented in one of the following ways:

    • cytotoxic therapy( for example, used podophyllotoxin)
    • cryotherapy
    • electrocoagulation
    • chemical destruction( for example, trichloroacetic acid)
    • thermosurgery
    • radio wave surgery
    • plasma coagulation
    • laser therapy
    • surgical excision.
    However, before the start of complex therapy, it is compulsory to conduct a detailed examination. Its task is to exclude the oncological process, which requires other therapeutic approaches.

    Currently, the "gold" standard for the exclusion of oncopathology is a histological study, which is performed after a biopsy. In the presence of malignant process, radical treatments should be used.

    They consist in complete excision of the altered warts within the healthy tissues. It is also good to use immunostimulating drugs in parallel. They will prevent the relapse of the disease.

    Prevention of human papillomavirus

    Preventive measures for papillomavirus infection are as follows:

    • exclusion of casual sexual relations
    • minimal number of unverified sexual partners( ideally before a sexual life to conduct a test for the presence of DNA virus in the body)
    • strengthening of immunity
    • treatment of concomitant diseases
    • regular visits to gynecologists by women andurologists men for the diagnosis of inflammatory lesions of the genital tract
    • exclusion of direct contactswith people who have warts
    • use of personal items of personal hygiene.
    In conclusion, it should be noted that human papillomavirus mainly affects the reproductive population, which has an active sexual life. Clinically, this leads to the appearance of both papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes, and malignant oncological processes. Timely diagnosis of this pathological condition can prevent the development of serious complications and timely treatment.

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