  • Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment, photos, symptoms, causes

    Dry seborrhea Fat seborrhea
    skin is dry, scaly has a brilliant appearance and expanded pores
    hair is thin, brittle with tapering tips fatty, oily, drop out in large volume
    Dandruff easily crumbles, looks like dry white scales flakes of dandruff are glued together and form greasy plaques of gray-yellow color
    on the hair. itching strongly pronounced sometimes present

    Causes of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

    In most cases, the cause oforei lies in hormonal failure when there is an infringement proportion of androgens and estrogens. But there are other factors for the appearance of seborrhea:

    • malnutrition;
    • biotin hypovitaminosis;
    • yeast-like fungi( with a pathological increase in their number);
    • long-term use of hormonal drugs, glucocorticosteroids;
    • age;
    • heredity;
    • nerve and mental illness;
    • violation of personal hygiene rules;
    • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • instagram viewer
    • chronic infectious processes;
    • stress;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • immunodeficiency.
    The frequent occurrence of seborrhea in adolescents is due to an imbalance in the work of the gonads. With a natural decrease in sexual function in the elderly, this pathology is practically not found.
    Read also the symptoms and treatment of dermatitis in humans.

    Symptoms of oily, dry seborrhea

    Seborrhea can occur in areas where there are especially many sebaceous glands. To such sites carry the person, folds and a skin of a pilar part of a head, a back.
    Most patients are first diagnosed with fat seborrhea, which can turn into a dry form under the influence of both endogenous and exogenous factors. In connection with this, to date, oily and dry seborrhea are considered as stages of the same pathology.

    A characteristic symptom of oily seborrhea is the shine of the skin( from the side it looks like it is covered in liquid fat) on the chin, nose and forehead, as well as small black dots( comedones).The loss of sterilizing properties of sebum can lead to the attachment of a secondary infection.

    With dry seborrhea , the skin is very dry, reacting sharply even to a slight mechanical irritation. Affected areas on the face are sensitive to water procedures and cosmetics. On the extensor surfaces of the limbs and on the body, spots of pink color with small scales can appear on the sides.

    There is also mixed seborrhea, which is characterized by manifestations of dry and oily seborrhea in one area of ​​the skin. During the period of illness, excessive sweating of hands and feet, axillary depressions can be observed.

    Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

    Treatment of seborrhea should be carried out in conjunction with the therapy of other abnormalities in the body under the guidance of a trichologist or dermatologist.
    The central nervous system, endocrine glands, internal organs are subject to examination and treatment. Not the last place is the definition of the hormonal background. It is very difficult to establish a provoking factor, so the problem should be approached in a comprehensive manner.

    Medical treatment

    Based on the indicators of bacterial inoculation and microscopy, antifungal drugs are selected, the use of which with this disease is mandatory. This includes ketoconazole and bifonazole.

    Sedatives, exfoliating, antiallergic preparations, complexes of vitamins and minerals, medicines for normalizing the function of the gastrointestinal tract are also prescribed from medicines.

    Women are prescribed oral contraceptives( Diane-35) to control the activity of the ovaries in order to suppress excessive production of male hormones. So you can reduce the secretion of sebum, but contraceptive medications should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

    General restorative treatment:

    • sanatorium treatment;
    • sufficient sleep;
    • sports;
    • a diet with restriction of flour and confectionery products, fried, salty, fatty, spicy food;
    • regular walks.
    Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment:

    • therapeutic massage;
    • cryomassage;
    • darsonvalization;
    • laseropuncture;
    • electroporation.
    Local treatment includes the use of special shampoos, ointments, lotions, masks and powders containing ketoconazole, sulfur, salicylic acid and zinc.


    Prophylaxis of seborrhea is a healthy lifestyle, involving proper nutrition, dosage of sunbathing and regular exposure to fresh air.

    To prevent seborrhea from developing on the skin, it is recommended that:

    • strengthen immunity;
    • take care of your skin properly;
    • in time to treat gastrointestinal diseases;
    • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    • take vitamins;
    • visit the beauty salon to clean the pores;
    • to avoid stressful situations;
    • to control the fatness of hair and scalp with the help of trichologist.

    Complications of

    Seborrhea should be treated correctly and timely, as the disease can lead to serious complications.

    1. 1) Acne rash is one of the easiest consequences of seborrhea. It is a disease of the skin, in which various rashes appear on the skin: closed and open comedones( black and white dots), papules and pustules.
    2. 2) Scarring of the skin occurs in the place of papular and pustular acne, which can be observed in seborrhea.
    3. 3) Alopecia - loss of hair in full or in part in places of their usual growth. Alopecia begins gradually during puberty and its peak reaches about 25 years. Hair is thinner, thinning, gradually replaced by a fuzz.
    4. 4) Seborrheic eczema, or dermatitis is manifested in the form of yellow, fused, fatty scales, covered with a crust. Eruptions are most often localized on the hair growth line, behind the ear folds, in the eyebrows, in the nasolabial folds. It is also characteristic of excessive skin peeling. Red spots, papules except the face can be formed and on the trunk( axillary cavities, inguinal region).
    5. 5) Erythroderma - generalized reddening of the skin, which is accompanied by pronounced large-plate scaling, severe itching, a feeling of thickening of the skin and the appearance of erosion.
    All complications develop as a result of infection or activation of normal saprophytic flora.

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    Seborrhea is a disease caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system.
    Unhealthy skin condition, manifested by increased activity of the sebaceous glands, a change in the chemical structure of sebum and the pathological condition of the epidermis.
    The most common pathology is observed in puberty and in adolescence.

    Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is dry, oily - differences

    There are three types of seborrhea: dry, oily and mixed. Between the first two species the difference is that in dry seborrhea, salivation is low, and in case of oily seborrhea it is elevated.