  • Laser Wart Removal: Preparing for the procedure

    Warts visually often do not differ much from convex moles, but this is not a reason to treat such skin formations lightly or ignore their appearance.

    Warts can appear at any age, in nature they are benign tumors that indicate problems of the immune system of the carrier.

    When new formations of this type appear, it is necessary to contact the doctor in a timely manner who will prescribe the appropriate treatment or laser removal.

    Warts - not only not aesthetically, but also dangerous

    In most cases, it is the unsightly appearance of this "sore" that is the reason for contacting a doctor or a plastic surgery clinic to remove a wart.

    The greatest concern is that this new growth is delivered to its owner when it appears on the face, neck or arms. In other cases, they can cause discomfort - because of periodic itching, clinging to clothes or interfering with movements.

    But even in case the tumor does not cause discomfort, it makes sense to remove the build-up by the laser.

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    The decision to treat warts with a laser is because if these lesions are damaged, infection can spread and more blood loss.

    Also, some species cause pain and can eventually lead to a partial or total loss of performance.

    For example, laser removal of plantar warts will take a few minutes, it may take several days to fully manifest the result, but as a result, the patient will forever forget about the discomfort while walking, and there will be no trace of the new growth.

    Laser wart removal

    Laser cutting is the most modern and effective way to combat skin growths of this type.

    The procedure is completely safe and has no contraindications. If necessary, it is possible to perform this procedure for patients of any age - nowadays wart removal by laser is widely used for children. Before widespread use in laser medicine, removal was performed by the usual surgical procedure.

    At first glance, the operation is not dangerous, but it required the use of pain medications( local anesthetics or general anesthetic agents), and after it there were always terrible scars and scars.

    On postoperative rehabilitation in this case, it took a lot of time, there were risks of blood infection, the opening of bleeding and the development of complications during the healing period.

    Laser removal leaves all these difficulties in the past. The operation itself will take a few minutes. The procedure is painless, the laser affects an extremely affected area of ​​the skin, after the final healing from the wart there will be no trace.

    Are there any alternative ways to remove warts? Today, laser cauterization of warts remains the simplest and most accessible way, the use of which allows you to get rid of unattractive growths.

    If we discuss the removal of warts at home, then we can confidently note the fact that most folk methods do not work, and the rest are highly morbid and dangerous.

    In any case, it is strictly forbidden to independently open the build-up at home, to try to squeeze it out or cut it.

    Such a removal of warts in the home can lead to severe bleeding, infection and contamination of the blood.

    It is much easier and safer to remove the built-up edge with a laser in a specialized laser surgery clinic.

    Price for the removal of warts by laser

    To date, almost all laser surgery procedures are available to everyone. If the patient is going to follow the doctor's recommendation to remove the warts with a laser - the cost of the intervention may vary significantly depending on the region and the status of the clinic.

    If the patient decided on laser removal, it is worth considering not only the choice of a medical institution, but also a specific doctor.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the reputation of the clinic, to try personally to communicate with patients. Do not hesitate to require a license from a medical institution.

    It should always be remembered that the removal of warts by laser can be carried out exclusively in medical institutions, but not in beauty salons of beauty salons.

    Even if the price of the patient is quite satisfactory for the procedure for laser removal, do not give up on finding out the rates in other institutions.

    You should always know that it is worthwhile to perform a laser wart removal in another place if the cost of the intervention is unreasonably understated or overstated in a particular clinic. The average cost of the procedure for Russia for 1 mm is 450 rubles.

    All methods of removing warts require a preliminary examination with a therapist and dermatologist, you may also have to visit a dermatologist-specialist for the treatment of skin infections.

    Do not indulge in the presence of any skin irritation or rash in the immediate vicinity of the neoplasm.

    Laser removal is completely safe, has no age restrictions. If necessary, this method can eliminate warts in children. To date, laser removal to children is often done.

    Because of the presence of unattractive growths on the skin, many children experience difficulties in communicating with others, in addition, because of excessive physical activity at times, there is a risk of catching and disturbing the tumor.

    If you notice a buildup of children, be sure to visit a specialist and seriously think about the removal.

    In addition, in any method that is used to remove warts, the doctor should tell his patient that the intervention eliminates the manifestation of the disease, but does not affect its cause.

    This is why it is important to conduct an examination with an immunologist and prescribe a treatment that restores the normal immune status of the patient's body.

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