  • Alopecia in women: treatment can help!

    Women for reasons of deeper placement of the hair bulb in the layers of the epithelium are much less likely to become visitors to the trichologist. At the same time, genetic predisposition and many other factors can cause gradual weakening, thinning and loss of hair.

    Increasingly, women are recorded falling out of the bands of "masculine nature" over the whole part of the scalp in a uniform way. This problem of the hair is called diffuse alopecia. Treatment of diffuse alopecia is based on the elimination of a provocateur, because it is such a baldness is symptomatic. Diffuse alopecia can develop with the use of a certain medication, after childbirth, severe stress. After eliminating the provoking factor, hair loss should stop.
    Considering the type of alopecia disease in women, treatment is prescribed on the basis of an individual approach and the reasons that caused hair problems. Treatment of alopecia areata involves the use of vasodilators. The main task at the same time is to provide high-quality nutrition to the hairline to strengthen it. In addition, a course of saturation of the body with vitamins of group B, which gratefully affect not only the state of the nervous system as a whole, but also the strength of the hair.

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    Treatment of alopecia in women in women in women is carried out with the help of special ointments that contain corticosteroids. The maximum effect is provided by complex therapy of the problem with the passage of physiotherapy procedures: ultraviolet irradiation, reflex physiotherapy. Excess of the male hormone testosterone can provoke hair loss androgenic type in women. Starting from the forehead and the top of the head, the zones of hair thinning gradually increase and expand.

    Treatment of androgenic alopecia in women

    Treatment of androgenic alopecia in women is possible, but requires a lot of patient patience. The fact that the therapeutic effect comes after a long time, while the woman waiting for a variety of procedures. Treatment of androgenic alopecia in women:

    • stimulation of hair strengthening and growth through massage, mud treatment, application of masks from seaweed, mesotherapy, electrostimulation, immunomodulation, hypnosis
    • use of medicines that suppress the secretion of male hormone is the root cause of the disease.

    Universal alopecia in women is a loss of hair on the entire dermal scalp on a woman's body. As a rule, the disease passes against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia and is accompanied by dystrophic changes in the structure of the nails. To answer the question of how to cure alopecia, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the causes of the disease, and to develop an optimal strategy for eliminating provoking factors and treatment.

    It is recommended to limit the impact of certain irritants: stressful situations in personal life or in the service, if possible, adjust the course of medications taken, adjust the mode of work and rest. Stable alopecia is not like yourself. If revealed, treatment of alopecia in women should occur under the supervision of an experienced trichologist, who can offer a modern arsenal of tools and procedures.

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