  • Alopecia: the causes of the disease

    One of the most significant and common male concerns is hair loss. If hair loss is of a rare nature, due to overexertion, excessive stress on the body and stress, it will not lead to baldness and will pass during normalization of sleep and rest. But if we talk about alopecia, then this pathology, which is a partial or complete lack of hair in the hair growth areas( most often - the scalp).

    The intensity of the problem depends on the patient's age. For example, about half of all men over the age of 50 have a tendency to baldness. In women, this indicator is relatively lower, but also significant - 37%.The likelihood of the development of androgenic alopecia increases with increasing age. At the same time, traumatic alopecia, as well as dermatomycosis of the scalp, is characteristic of children.

    Does the same cause the mechanism of alopecia? Currently, there are disputes and discussions on this issue. At the same time, the most significant negative factors that lead to hair thinning are known.

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    Alopecia: causes of

    It should be said that, depending on the nature of hair loss, different types of alopecia are distinguished. Also, the reasons for the development of various problems differ. Consider the situation when alopecia is manifested: the causes of loss of mature hair:

    • due to the transformation of physiological processes in the body of a pregnant woman( especially after childbirth);
    • uncontrolled use of drugs( hormonal drugs, retinoids, drugs that slow blood clotting, interferon, antitumor drugs);
    • suffered severe emotional or physical stress;
    • disorders of hormone secretion due to endocrine disorders;
    • unbalanced nutrition, which leads to a shortage of a number of microelements( zinc, iron).

    Hair loss, both mature and growing, can quickly lead to even complete baldness. The main causes of rapid loss of hair can be poisoning with chemical compounds( gold, boric acid, arsenic, thallium), radiation therapy, strong effects of drugs, fungal mycosis.

    Alopecia: the reasons for women are somewhat specific .Typically, hair loss occurs against a background of dysfunction of the endocrine system, as well as disorders of the ovaries of different nature.

    Focal alopecia is an acquired hair loss characteristic locations or foci. To defeat such an alopecia can any part of the scalp. Gradually increasing in size, foci can lead to total baldness. Alopecia areata: the causes are still unclear.

    With scarring alopecia on the scalp, shiny smooth areas appear, free from hair bulbs. Among its causes can be called congenital malformations, the effect of infections, the formation of pigment spots, the use of a number of drugs.

    Androgenic alopecia in men

    Androgenic alopecia in men suggests a strong genetic sign that triggers the mechanism of hair loss under certain circumstances or when reaching the age. Modern medicine is known for at least 90 pathologies, inherited, which in one way or another are associated with the loss of hair. Among them is the nesting, family alopecia, total alopecia, congenital alopecia with keratosis of the soles of the feet and palms and others.

    As you can see, the causes of alopecia are often objective, not dependent on the will of man. At the same time, strengthening control over nutrition and hair protection will strengthen hair follicles and avoid excessive loss of hair.

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