
Ducane Diet: a menu for every day and a table of products

  • Ducane Diet: a menu for every day and a table of products

    Ducant Diet, the menu for every day that we will tell you today, is very popular on the Mediterranean coast. This original diet, developed by a nutritionist from France Pierre Ducant, consists of eating foods with a low carbohydrate content.

    Such a diet can be used not only for weight loss, but also for the purification of the body and the normalization of metabolic processes. Compliance with the rules of the diet at all its stages allows you to lose 3-5 kilograms a week.


    Note: Pay special attention to regular physical activity.

    The menu of Dyukan for a week is characterized by the fact that only natural products are used, which are absolutely safe for people's health. In addition, people who are sitting on such a diet, do not need to restrict themselves to eating.

    The disadvantage of this diet is its imbalance, so as an additional tool you need to take various vitamins. Also in the diet of such a diet contains few fats, so the body needs to be constantly fed with vegetable fats.

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    The main points of the

    diet The main thing that you should know:

    1. a day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water( not from the tap, it's better spring);

    2. every day you need to eat oat bran;

    3. every day to stroll;

    4. Be sure to do physical exercises.

    First stage

    During the first stage of the diet, protein foods are included in the diet: turkey or chicken, calf liver, lean ham, fish, seafood, eggs, low-fat dairy products. In food, you can add vinegar, onion, garlic, a little salt.

    Pierre Duacan tells us that one should not eat pork boiled meat, beef, meat of geese, ducks and lambs.

    The duration of the first stage is 3-5 days. During the first stage in the human body, the process of splitting fats occurs, in which there is dryness in the oral cavity, as well as a slight unpleasant odor.

    The second stage of

    The duration of the second stage of the diet depends on how the body weight decreases. This stage consists of vegetable and protein diets.

    At this stage, daily use of 2 tbsp.l.oat bran. Also in the diet include foods that do not have starch in their composition. It is desirable to eat vegetables in raw or cooked form. From spices you can eat adzhika, garlic and hot pepper.

    You can also use 1 tbsp.l.milk and ketchup, 3 tbsp.l.red and white wine and 1 tsp.low-fat cocoa and cream. From the whole list of products, you can choose only 2 products a day.

    The third stage of

    The length of this stage depends on the number of kilos that have already been dropped. The daily menu in the third stage includes all the food that was consumed in the first two stages.

    In addition, you can eat no more than 1 serving of fruit every day, 40 grams of cheese with bread, 2 times a week, some of the foods that contain starch: maize, potatoes, rice, beans, peas and pasta.

    You can not forget about oat bran. In addition, twice a week you can eat everything as you wish. During the last fourth stage it is necessary to use 3 tbsp.l.oat bran every day.


    Be sure to watch this video if you are going to lose weight! It details all the nuances from Pierre himself.

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    Dukan nutrition: