  • Independent test examination

    You should develop the habit of regularly conducting an independent testicular examination.11 not for vanity! Testicular cancer is a rare disease, and in general it affects men aged 15 to 40 years. If the disease is not detected at an early stage, then its development can have fatal consequences.() However, if such a cancer is detected at an early stage, then it is well treatable. This is one of the forms of cancer, which is successfully cured. Based on the above-mentioned

    , you should conduct a testicular examination at least once a month.

    1. Testicular examination is best done after taking a bath or shower. At this point, the scrotum is in a relaxed state, which greatly facilitates the examination and helps to immediately detect something unusual.

    2. First, you need to examine the epidemics( epididymis), a structure resembling strings, under the skin of the back of each testicle. These are the vas deferens, and usually they have some swelling.

    3. Carefully and carefully examine each testicle. To do this, feel the bulges of the testicles on all sides with the thumb and forefinger of both hands. Any changes in their size or densities, unexpected painful sensations should alert you. Warning signals during examination are:

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    - a small hard seal, when you feel it you do not experience painful sensations;

    - any visible structural changes or new sensations;

    - unusual pain and pain when moving;

    - any accumulation of fluid or blood.

    Any of these signs( one or more) may indicate an initial stage of the development of a cancerous tumor or other disease that is completely amenable to treatment. When you find them, contact your doctor immediately.

    4. At the end of the examination, place the palm under the testicles and scrotum to support them. And now carefully examine their shape, try to remember their weight. There is nothing unusual in that one testicle can be more than another. However, if you feel that one of the testicles began to weigh more than before, then you should be examined by a doctor.

    Regular self-examination will help you remember the shape, size and structure of your testicles, which in the future will immediately reveal something that is not right or unusual.