  • Surgery to remove the uterus

    In Western countries, approximately one in ten women in old age undergo surgery for complete or partial removal of the uterus. In the past, such operations were carried out in all cases when women complained of pains in the uterus. For example, with fibroids( benign tumors on the wall of the uterus) or polyps( a benign tumor that has a branched shape resembling a tree that emerges from the uterine wall and grows into the cervix);in endometriosis( in which fragments of the lining of the uterus lining accumulate in different parts of the abdominal cavity, causing internal bleeding during menstruation and the formation of a cyst);when the uterus falls( the uterus settles inside the vagina, and sometimes even protrudes from it);with cancer of the uterus and cervical cancer. Now there are other ways of treating diseases of the uterus. For example, curettage( scraping of the inner mucous lining of the uterus) is used for both diagnosis and treatment. Treatment with hormones reduces menstrual bleeding. In some cases, laser cauterization is used. And even if there is a question about the removal of the uterus, then it may be about removing only some part of the uterus or cervix.

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    Women who have an uterus removal often complain to their friends that after the operation they will not be able to enjoy sex. Reality says the opposite. In most cases, in such operations, the uterus itself and the cervix are removed( total removal);quite often not only the uterus and cervix are removed, but also the ovaries, one or both;much less often only the uterus without the cervix is ​​removed( partial removal);and, at times, radical operations are sometimes performed, during which the uterus, cervix, ovaries and part of the vagina are removed. When all the health problems are left behind, when the operation is over and the pain is over, a woman can start a new life. After the removal of the uterus and menstruation cease;if one of the ovaries is removed, then from the hormonal point of view the situation develops, as after menopause. These changes in a woman's body are usually accompanied by depression, loss of energy, a reduction in sexual urges. But they are all easily eliminated by a course of therapy that restores the hormonal balance of the body.

    When women in the postoperative period start depressive states and loss of interest in sexual life, the reasons for this should be sought not in the violation of the hormonal balance, but in rethinking( their "I." Women lose their femininity. They cease to feel themselves a useful member of society and lose interest in life. Therefore, consultations with specialists are very important not only before surgery, but also during the postoperative period. In the post-operative period, there is support from relatives, relatives, friends. From a physiological point of view, there are no special reasons that could prevent a woman from enjoying sexual life. Most often, the problem lies in the psychic perception of the changes occurring in the postoperative period.