  • Choosing a method of contraception

    There is no universal contraceptive;all methods of contraception have their pros and cons, so the choice of contraceptives op-

    is decided by each person individually. When you choose a contraceptive, pay attention to the following: "

    • How much is this method of contraception effective( in%)?

    • How easy and safe is it to use?

    • Whether the chosen method of contraception applies to the daily intake of tablets,etc. •

    • Does this contraceptive tool in advance plan for sex( eg putting on a diaphragm before having sex or taking care of having a condom on hand)?

    • Is it possible to use this contraceptive( for example,back-up) right during sex?

    • Is this a side effect on health?

    • What are the health benefits of this contraceptive?

    • Is it possible to refuse such a contraceptive if you decide to have a baby?

    •When and how are you going to purchase such a contraceptive?

    All these aspects are extremely important for you and for the partner with whom you somehow have to solve these issues. When deciding on the choice of contraceptives, always use the doctor's recommendations, because only he can tell you and your partner which contraceptive will be most effective for you.

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    Currently, there are 12 methods of contraception, some of them have several varieties. Such a wide range of contraceptives will help you and your partner to choose exactly what you need in this period of your life. Over the years, the circumstances of life are changing, and technologies related to the production of contraceptives are changing.

    sometimes it is worth trying to learn more about new tools that appeared recently, and, perhaps, replace them with those that you used before.

    All contraceptives work in different ways. We can divide them into three types:

    • hinder ovulation( ie, release the egg);

    • interfering with the connection of spermatozoa and oocytes;

    • immobilizers that kill sperm.

    Barrier contraceptives are those that physically prevent the penetration of sperm into the cervix and prevent spermatozoa from fusing with the female egg.

    Hormonal contraceptives affect the female hormone cycle, which prevents fertilization.

    Intrauterine contraceptives and intramuscular contraceptive systems that prevent the penetration of spermatozoons into the uterus, their fusion with the female germ cell and the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall.

    Natural natural methods and sets of contraceptives that are based on calculations of the most probable period of time when a woman can not become pregnant or, on the contrary, on the calculation of those days that are most favorable for fertilization.

    The fifth group includes sterilization, which is a surgical way to prevent fertilization.

    Recommendations of the doctor

    There are always reasons why you should seek advice from a doctor in the family planning clinic. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your problems with specialists, to find out which contraceptive methods are at their disposal, as well as to watch and hold the contraceptives themselves and to learn more about what they are intended for. In addition, such contraceptives as male condoms, you can get there for free. Consultations with your doctor will help you to understand the existing individual health protection systems for men and women.

    an overview of the available contraceptives, which are divided into two types:

    • disposable( or short-term), the action of which can be quickly and easily terminated;

    • long( or permanent), the action of which can not be stopped immediately or not at all.