  • Psychological problems of sexuality

    Studies of the second half of the XX century showed that sexual desire and the ability to carry out sexual activity persist in healthy men and women until the ninth decade. At the same time, the life and psychological problems of the elderly exert serious pressure on those who seek to maintain intimate relationships.

    Elderly people have to put up with the fact that in their lives there are many unpleasant physiological, emotional and material changes.

    The lifestyle and individual characteristics of a woman's personality determine her reaction to the onset of menopause. There is a depressed state or depression, which is mostly caused by a feeling of less attractiveness and a decrease in self-esteem at this age.

    Men's problems are also more psychological than physiological. Some men stop their sexual activity because of fear of insolvency. The first failure causes them to abandon subsequent attempts.

    Meanwhile, a positive attitude towards one's own sexuality can play a decisive role in keeping it to a very old age in both men and women.

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    Psychological problems of the elderly. Elderly couples( a) as reasons for the disorder( b) of satisfactory sexual relations( c) indicate the following circumstances:

    1. Disharmony, conflicts in the non-sexual sphere, negatively affecting partnerships.

    2. Traditional views on the behavior of the elderly may make them think that they are too old for sex.

    3. A couple may feel uncomfortable and guilty for their "loose" behavior in the eyes of others.

    4. Monotonous sexual behavior can lead to boredom and extinction of sexual reactions.

    5. Concerns about lowering the potency and attractiveness can lead to finding a partner younger in age.

    6. Another option for responding to the fear of insolvency as a result of the weakening of sexual reactions is a complete rejection of intimacy.

    7. Experiences about loneliness, retirement, problems with money can suppress sexual attraction and the opportunity to realize intimacy.

    Practical problems of the elderly. Problems that need to be overcome by the elderly couple( a) in order to preserve the joy of sexual intercourse( b), rather than stop sexual activity( c).1. One of the partners may be interested in sexual activity, and another - not.

    2. Physical problems associated with age-related changes in the reproductive area can make the affinity painful, until special treatment is performed.

    3. Somatic diseases, health problems, can make intimacy difficult. The use of special positions can help.

    4. The death of one of the partners often leads to the termination of the sexual contacts of the other. Many older people are not inclined to seek new partners.

    5. Those who want to find a new partner often can not do this. In the older age group, the number of women exceeds the number of men, many also hesitate to be active in finding new contacts.