  • Influence of menopause on sexuality

    At the age of 49-52 years, women completely stop menstrual bleeding and come menopause - the period of extinction of a woman's reproductive function. However, the ability to become pregnant can persist for a year after the last cycle. Within 3-4 years in the female body there are quite intensive changes, called the climax. They are associated with a sharp decline in the level of female sex hormones( estrogen becomes small, and the development of progesterone completely stops).During this period, tissues and organs of the inguinal region largely lose resistance to infections.

    There is a danger of other diseases. Therefore, an annual examination is recommended at the gynecologist and a mammal consultation( breast examination).

    A low level of estrogen in old age leads to the fact that 20-25% of women suffer from osteoporosis( rarefaction and fragility of bones), 50% - there is an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.75% of women during the menopause experience hot flashes( fever, sweat, tachycardia, redness of the skin), more often at night. There is dryness of the mucous membranes of the genitals, narrowing of the vagina, thinning of its mucous membrane, which can lead to painful intercourse, sensation of itching or burning after intimacy, decreases the tone of the mammary glands.

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    To eliminate the negative consequences of hormonal changes, a substitution therapy is prescribed, one of the elements of which is the daily intake of small doses of estrogen and progesterone.

    Comparing their sexual reactions, elderly women note that the time needed to achieve sexual arousal and moisturizing of the mucous membranes increases, muscles tend to strain with excitation, vaginal discharge is less intense, the elasticity of the vagina decreases, the chest swells less, the duration of stimulation necessary to achieve orgasm increases,the intensity of muscle spasms decreases with orgasm( the ability to multiple orgasms persists for many years), there is a shortening of orgasm.

    However, many women may notice that their sexual reactions have changed to a much lesser extent than their partners. Symptoms of climacteric syndrome. The first signs of the onset of the climacteric period is the irregularity of the cycle. In 30-40% of cases the climacterium is complicated by various cardiovascular, neuropsychic and endocrine disorders, which can be observed for several years. Here is a list of the most common menopausal complaints:

    1. Fatigue - 43%.

    2. Night sweat - 39%.

    3. Headaches - 38%.

    4. Insomnia - 32%.

    5. Depression is 30%.

    6. Feeling of heat( "tides") - 29%.

    7. Irritability - 29%.

    8. Tachycardia - 24%.

    9. Vertigo - 24%.10. Goose bumps in the body - 22%.

    Changes in pelvic organs during menopause. A decreased level of estrogen affects the sex organs. The ovaries( a) and the uterus( b) contract, decrease in size. There is a gradual replacement of the muscles of the uterus with a connective tissue, but it retains the ability to contract. The external genitalia( c) become flabby, the fatty layer decreases.

    The walls of the vagina( d) are thinned. Reducing the natural lubrication predisposes to the occurrence of irritation, but the use of water-soluble lubricants or hormones can correct the situation.