  • Genital warts( papilloma) symptoms

    This disease is well known under the name of genital warts or genital papillomas. Its causative agent is the virus of the papilloma, which is transmitted sexually. It is believed that over the past decade the number of infected people has increased 10-fold.

    Genital warts is a viral lesion of the skin and mucous membranes in the form of papillary growths on the genitals or in the rectum. Acute warts are small protuberances in the genital area, usually around or inside the vagina, around the anus, on the penis and on the perineum( areas between the genital organs and the anus).They are very contagious and most often spread through sexual or other close contact of bodies. It can take three to twelve months after infection, before the warts appear. In addition, the virus can remain in the skin tissues even after the warts are removed, and cause a recurrence of the disease. Diseases in which the excessive moisture of the vagina and discharge from it, for example fungal diseases, and pregnancy can contribute to the growth of warts in women.

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    Genital warts are associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer and penile cancer.(Cervical cancer is detected at an early stage with a smear, so women who have an active sex life should take a smear at least every three years for early detection of cancer if it develops.) Other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis or gonorrhea,can be transmitted simultaneously with the virus of a pointed wart.

    Reasons for

    • Genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus . Most of the 80 strains of the virus cause the appearance of only safe warts, but some of them are associated with a greater risk of cervical cancer or penile cancer. Most people with papillomavirus do not have any symptoms.

    • Genital warts can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. The disease provokes an early onset of sexual activity, frequent changes in sexual partners, and the occasional use of contraceptives.

    • As in the case of other sexually transmitted diseases, genital warts in children can be evidence of excessive sexual activity of parents. However, newborns can acquire papillomavirus when they pass through an infected birth canal.

    Symptoms of

    • Small red round or flat itching formation near the vagina, anus, penis or perineum or on them

    After about several weeks or even months after infection in the perineum, anus, penis, etc.there are one or several painless soft pink or gray warts( condylomas).They grow quickly. These formations are arranged in groups, then merge, outwardly resembling cauliflower.

    As already mentioned, condylomas are usually located on the glans penis, frenulum, on the external opening of the urethra, the edges and the inner sheet of the preputial sac, around the anus and in the femur - scrotal fold. Warts, as a rule, do not hurt themselves, but when rubbing against clothing they can bleed, itch, wet, emit an unpleasant smell.

    When the condylomium proliferates( it is observed quite often) the process acquires an invasive character and affects all new tissue sites.

    • Several warts can grow together to form a shape similar to a flower.


    • A medical history and physical examination are required. Examination of pelvic organs in women should include taking a smear( in which a small sample of cells from the cervix is ​​taken);In addition, the doctor can examine the vagina with a colposcope( an enlarger for examining the inside of the vagina and cervix).

    • Blood tests can be taken to exclude the presence of another sexually transmitted disease.

    • An analysis can be made of inoculation of vaginal discharge or penis to exclude gonorrhea or chlamydia.

    • A biopsy( tissue sample analysis) can be performed to exclude cancer.

    Treatment of

    • The doctor may use podophyllin or trichloroacetic acid, chemicals that gradually destroy warts, which causes necrosis of condylomas, but necrotic changes are also observed in healthy tissue areas that are protected with an inert oil solution or ointments. The drug is rinsed thoroughly after 1-4 hours.

    • The patient can be treated at home using imiquimod or podophyllos. Local application of 5-fluorouracil 2-3 times a day is considered effective. There is also a drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

    • Pointed warts can be removed with liquid nitrogen, which freezes and, thus, destroys them( cryosurgery).Warts can also be destroyed by electrical discharge( electrocautery) or destroyed by laser surgery.

    • The sex partner( or partners) of an infected person should also be examined. However, in many cases they will not have any symptoms.

    • Do not attempt to remove the warts with the use of over-the-counter products. Such chemical solutions are too sharp for sensitive genital skin and can disfigure them.

    Prevention of

    • Use latex condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent the spread of the disease.

    • Consult your doctor if you or your sexual partner develop symptoms of pointed warts.

    Timely treatment prevents the spread of pathology. It is necessary to refrain at this time from sexual contacts. The course of treatment must be passed to both partners. After the end of 6 months you need to use barrier methods of contraception.