  • Contraceptives after the incident

    There are so-called "urgent care" pills, which in fact work like an ambulance. Otherwise, these are contraceptive pills, which are taken in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences after sexual intercourse. These tablets are intended for women who fear an unplanned pregnancy after sex, if for some reason they did not use the contraceptive, or something unforeseen happened with the barrier contraceptive, or in case of violence, when the woman did not plan to engagesex. Whatever these reasons, a woman should consult a doctor or an ambulance within three days( 72 hours), who can also help her. Seeking help, a woman should explain to doctors or medical personnel that she needs a contraceptive of "emergency care," which, as a rule, consists of two powerful contraceptive pills taken immediately. Two other tablets must be taken 12 hours later. Depending on which phase of the menstrual cycle the woman is in, the pills either delay ovulation, interfere with fertilization, or prevent implantation. Such tablets most often have a side effect, manifested in the fact that a woman is tormented by nausea or vomiting. After vomiting, a woman should take a couple more pills instead of those that did not get into her circulatory system. However, this side effect may not be the case if you take the pill while eating. The effectiveness of such contraceptive tablets is 95%.

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    Another immediate way to prevent unwanted pregnancies may be the introduction of a copper spiral( intrauterine contraceptive).This should be done no later than five days after fatal sexual intercourse. This method is suitable for all

    women. An intrauterine contraceptive will prevent the implantation of a fertilized embryo into the uterine wall. If in the future this spiral is not needed, you can easily remove it during the next menstruation. The effectiveness of this method is very high and is 99%.This method is suitable for those women who have just finished the course of hormonal contraceptives, as well as those who do not tolerate the high content of the hormone estrogen.

    Both ways of "urgent help" after an unsuccessful sexual intercourse are suitable for almost all women. If a woman took an "urgent help" pill, then in the future she needs to think about some alternative contraceptive. For example, an intra-spiral can be a very effective way of preventing pregnancy.