  • Intrauterine device

    An intrauterine device( IUD), or "spiral", is inserted into the uterus. It is small in size( about 2.5 cm), made of plastic, can be wound with the finest copper wire or contain the hormone progesterone. One spiral can be installed for several years( according to the latest data - up to 10 years).The IUD influences the change in the inner shell of the uterus and accelerates the passage of the egg 5-7 times over the fallopian tubes, as a result of which the egg does not have time to acquire the qualities necessary for implantation, which prevents pregnancy.

    Usually, IUDs are recommended for healthy and giving birth to women over 25 years of age who have sex with a regular partner,( in nulliparous women, complications in the form of inflammatory diseases occur 7 times more often).

    It is believed that with sporadic contacts the spiral makes the female's sexual system more vulnerable to infection. But with established relationships this option of contraception can be ideal. The World Health Organization views the IUD as one of the safest and most effective temporary methods for preventing pregnancy.

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    In the world it is used by 60 million women, and the efficiency of intra-uterine contraceptives is 98-99%.In Russia, they are even more popular than contraceptive pills.

    Advantages: the device is cheap, long-term, does not require care;no hormonal effects, a woman for a few years, free from fears and hassles, which contributes to increased sexuality;the female organism receives the biologically active substances contained in the sperm;at the request of a woman, the IUD can be removed at any time. Types of intrauterine contraceptives. There are over 50 varieties of IUDs( spirals, arcs, loops, springs, etc.).Here are 5 different options. The most common:

    a) polyethylene loop Lips;Containing copper:

    b) Multiload;

    c) Cooper;D) Cooper;E) Progestastert, a progesterone releasing hormone.

    Disadvantages: possible increased bleeding during menstruation, the appearance of pain during this period. Within 20 days after installation, the risk of infection increases. In addition, there are cases of prolapse of the IUD( 7%).

    Introduction of the spiral. The IUD should be installed by a doctor or an experienced nurse. This is done on the 5th-7th day of the monthly cycle, because at this time the introduction of the Navy is easiest. The procedure takes a few minutes.

    1. The spiral is placed in the plastic applicator( a).The applicator is inserted into the cervical canal of the uterus( b).

    2. The IUD is squeezed into the uterine cavity( c), where it acquires its normal shape( d).

    3. The applicator is removed, and thin threads remain outside the uterus, for which the IUD can be removed if necessary. You can check with your finger that the IUD is in place.