  • Conception of the child

    Nowadays couples have an opportunity to control sexual intercourse so well that they are able to decide at what time they should conceive a child and under what circumstances. The effectiveness of contraceptives helps married couples avoid unwanted pregnancies. On the other hand, the development of science and technology enables couples suffering from infertility to also have a child. The changing views of society on the very nature of family relations are expressed in the fact that the traditional family, which has always been a married heterosexual couple, is now widely perceived by many as one of the possible options.

    The mentioned time, as such, does not exist for the pair. This expression is rather understood as the ideal option, in which both partners are ready to assume their parental responsibilities and responsibility for the birth and upbringing of the child. In practice, such a concept as "correctly chosen time" implies that a couple who decided to have a baby counts when the right moment comes for it, the essence of which is that the complications in life associated with the appearance of the child will be compensated by increasingmaterial well-being. At the same time, this moment should come when the couple is still young and expects new experiences from life, but already wants to live a settled family life. Pregnancy, the birth of a child and his upbringing in many ways change the life of the wife.

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    gov. At this time, their roles change, plans for the future change and a change in views takes place. With the advent of the child, the life of the couple will never be as carefree as before.

    A survey in the UK in the mid-1990s indicates that many women do not want to have children early. In 1983, 65% of women gave birth at the age of 27-29, and approximately 26% gave birth after thirty. In 1993, this ratio was 58% and 34%.At the same time, the number of women who give birth after 40 years has increased, and in the period from 1983 to 1993 their number increased from 1.1% to 1.5%.Such growth is associated with the development of science and technology, which allows treating infertility and nursing children born with various pathologies.

    It is considered, "for biological reasons," that the best time for the birth of a child in women falls on the age of 25 to 29 years. After 35 years, reproductive capacity in women begins to decrease sharply because ovulation becomes more intermittent, hormonal changes lead to the fact that the uterus becomes less sensitive to implantation, and the released egg is less viable than the young organism. With these changes, it is also connected with the fact that the older the woman, the more she puts her health and the health of her child at risk. For example, it is very likely that a woman after 35 years, and even worse, after 40 can give birth to a child with Down's syndrome. The technical means available to medicine in our time allow us to recognize anomalies of the future child at the embryonic stage. This makes it possible for older couples to try to acquire a baby, because they know that if a future child detects deviations, they can count on abortion. Of course, pregnancy at any age has its pros and cons. In most couples, it depends on such important factors as temperament, the essence of their relationship, the degree and power of attachment to each other, the way of life, finally. Modern medicine, technical capabilities, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy, the creation of conditions for safe childbirth and the birth of healthy children, which allows to have children, even older couples. However, you should take into account a number of factors. In our further discussions, we will proceed from the assumption that a heterosexual couple will give birth to a child and educate him, and also that partners in a married couple of approximately the same age.

    When both partners are over twenty, they are at the peak of their reproductive function and have enough strength and energy to grow a child. At this age, complications in pregnancy are much less common, and recovery after pregnancy is without any complications. In addition, when their children grow up, they will still be physically strong enough to help their children raise their grandchildren. On the other hand, young couples have not yet realized that they are ready for a settled family life, they want to try everything and maximize their abilities in society. In addition, at this time, married couples do not yet feel financially secure in order to afford the costs associated with caring for the child. In addition, one or both partners tend to pursue a career before assuming parental responsibilities.

    After thirty years, married couples already feel that their life is more or less arranged and financially secured. By this time, they are already more consciously considering the issue of the child and the obligations that it imposes on them. They have enough time to deal with the child. So in 30 - 35 years, married couples are quite likely to have a child. However, after 35 years their time goes away, and they may have various problems associated with conceiving a child. In this case, they will have to resort to the help of doctors. During this period, there is also a high risk that the child will have a genetic defect or the pregnancy will go through with great complications. Restoration of the body after childbirth also passes more slowly than in young years.

    Most couples after 40 years are well-established and well-off people. For them, the birth of a child is the beginning of a new life, which gives them a real opportunity to communicate with people of a younger age. On the other hand, it is quite difficult at this age to decide on the birth of a child because of possible complications during pregnancy and during childbirth, and

    also because there is a possibility of a child with a disability. Older couples should also take into account that they will have nowhere to wait for help, as their parents will by then be quite old and will themselves need help and support.