  • Eggs

    Male testes, like the female ovaries, produce sex hormones - androgens and the most important of them the hormone testosterone. Eggs also produce seminal fluid. In a developing fetus testosterone contributes to the development of male genital organs. During puberty, this hormone promotes the production of sperm and the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair on the body and face, changes in vocal cords and muscle growth. The size of the testicles varies between 2.5 and 4.5 cm in length and about half of it in width. Most men have a left testicle hanging below the right one.

    Eggs constantly produce sperm. In fact, they produce it at an incredible rate - about 1000 spermatozoa per second. True, the male

    spermatozoa mature within 70 - 75 days. A young adult male loses about 300 - 500 million spermatozoa only with one ejaculation.

    Inside the testicles, spermatozoa are produced in spiral tubes called seminal ducts. The young spermatozoa produced in them enter a large spiral tube( epidemic), where they finish their development. Mature spermatozoa accumulate in epi-dedimis and in the vas deferens, which are a long tube that emerges from each testicle. On this tube sperm from the testicles enter the urethra, and through it - outwards. In the place where the seminiferous tubules enter the urethra, several glands are located. Two small glands( seminal vesicles) reach a length of 5 cm. They produce a liquid highly enriched with fructose, which is a kind of sugar. Fructose promotes the activity of spermatozoa and their ability to move quickly in a humid environment. Below the seminal vesicles is the prostate gland. In form and size, it resembles a chestnut. The secret that it produces is similar to an alkaline emulsion. It affects the structure, taste and smell of sperm. Its alkaline environment neutralizes some acids, both inside the male urethra, and inside the female vagina.

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    The iron of the Cooper is located below the prostate. During sexual arousal, it produces a few drops of clear secret, which accumulates at the entrance to the urethra and is a lubricant that neutralizes the acidic environment inside the urethra and facilitates the passage of sperm through it during ejaculation. This secret often contains viable sperm, and therefore a woman can become pregnant even if the man during the ejaculation takes out the penis from the female vagina.