  • Intrauterine contraceptives

    Intrauterine contraceptives are also known as spirals. Such spirals are usually inserted inside the uterus in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Modern intrauterine contraceptives can have various forms and are made of thin plastic( polyethylene) and copper. There is also a relatively new tool made of plastic, which has been dubbed the "intramuscular contraceptive system".Such systems, as a rule, are saturated with the hormone progestogen. The systems are equipped with two tendrils that extend from the contraceptive itself, pass inside the cervix and freely hang out of it into the vagina. Checking their location, a woman can make sure that the contraceptive is in its place.

    Intrauterine contraceptives are introduced into the uterus through the cervix. The operation is performed by an experienced doctor during menstruation. After several medical examinations at the initial stage of their use, such intrauterine contraceptives can remain inside the uterus for five years. And if we talk about intrauterine contraceptive systems, then their validity is limited to three years. The principle of action of contraceptives under consideration depends on their type. So, the copper spiral prevents the movement of sperm cells that are sent to the uterus, and the released egg, which moves from the ovary to the vagina. Thus, intrauterine contraceptive spirals interfere with fertilization. In addition, intrauterine contraceptive spirals contribute to some changes in the inner membrane of the vagina, which makes it impossible to implant a fertilized egg. Intrauterine contraceptive systems work somewhat differently. They change the composition of the uterine mucus, which blocks the spermatozoa in the vagina and prevents them from entering the uterus. As a result of prolonged use of

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    for some of these systems, the process of ovulation may stop in women.

    Efficacy of

    The effectiveness of intrauterine contraceptive use is approximately 98%, and the effectiveness of intrauterine contraceptive pills is 99%.This means that with the correct application of the first only two women out of a hundred can get sick, and the second - only one. If such a medium & lt;That or systems fail, it usually happens on the estate of the first six months of their use. The longer these funds are inside the womb, the more likely that a woman will not become pregnant.

    Benefits of

    • These contraceptives provide long-lasting and highly effective protection against pregnancy. In addition, their use does not give irreversible results. Such contraceptives are very convenient because the woman can not think of them at all

    , except when she checks whether the contraceptive is in place( checks the location of the antennae).If the contraceptive is in place, then she can have sex without any additional training at any time. Using intrauterine contraceptives and systems somewhat reduces the local level of hormones, but does not affect other hormonal processes in the body.

    • Such methods of contraception are very convenient for individual use. A partner may not even

    4 suspect of its existence. Antennae located in the vagina, are invisible and not at all felt during sexual intercourse.

    • The use of such contraceptives does not affect sex.

    • As with progestogen tablets, they reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, as well as slow the development of those diseases that a woman already has.

    Negative aspects of

    • Intrauterine contraceptives and systems should be installed by qualified specialists. Some women may feel uncomfortable and unpleasant spasms in the uterus during the initial period of use of such contraceptives. The use of these contraceptives can cause more bleeding during menstrual cycles and pain in the lower back, especially during the first months after the introduction of the contraceptive inside the uterus.

    • The use of intrauterine contraceptives can lead to inflammation of the pelvic organs. In addition, these contraceptives do not protect against infection with sexually transmitted infections( for more details, see Chapter 12).But the use of these contraceptives does not increase the risk of intrauterine cancer and cervical cancer.

    • The use of contraceptives under consideration causes changes in the menstrual cycle. To them,

    BUT include, for example, small discharge before the beginning of the menstrual cycle and after its completion. However, the prolonged use of these contraceptives leads to the fact that such phenomena cease.

    • It happens that the intrauterine contraceptives are rejected by the uterus. In this case, protection from pregnancy ceases to work. Therefore, it is important for a woman to check regularly whether the spiral is in place.

    • Very rarely, but sometimes it happens that the use of spirals leads to perforation of the wall or cervix( if the spiral has been incorrectly installed) or to the ectopic changes. And then another and another accompany.!bloody discharge, pain in the lower part of the kyvot and whether painful sensations during stool. Ectopic pregnancy can be accompanied by menstrual cycles of varying intensity or cause their complete absence. However, the use of intrauterine contraceptive systems almost always leads to complications with menstrual cycles. Therefore, if a woman notices something wrong with her menstrual cycle, she should show herself to the doctor.

    • I Women who are under 25 years of age should not use such contraceptives. It is believed that women giving birth are better tolerated intrauterine contraceptives. Intrauterine contraceptive contraceptives should be installed after consultation with a physician, who must make sure that his patient does not have contraindications to the use of such receptors.

    • Intrauterine contraceptives and systems do not provide protection against sexually transmitted infections.

    • 11 Some women do not want to use intrauterine contraceptive systems because they contain chemical( hormonal) substances that can disrupt the body's natural balance.

    However it was, intrauterine contraceptives and systems are considered one of the most reliable contraceptive methods.