  • Physical attractiveness

    There are many studies showing that appearance is of great importance in the emergence of sympathy between people. The external attractiveness of is everywhere very valuable quality. A poll of over 10,000 people of different races, religions, and political systems on six continents demonstrated that men prefer women with attractive physical qualities( young face and good figure) that imply youth and health, which indicates their possible high fertility. Women, as a rule, prefer wealthy men with a strong social position, because their wealth, authority and ambition serve as a certain guarantee for the protection and upbringing of future offspring.

    Men more women appreciate the physical attractiveness of the opposite sex. A stereotype is well known, according to which men are attracted in women with a thin waist, long legs and a beautiful chest.

    Most men also like well-groomed hands, clean hair and lack of noticeable hair on the body. When meeting a woman, men, first of all, pay attention to her face. At the same time, many of them consider attractive such women's faces in which childish features are expressed, for example, big eyes. They create an unconscious feeling in men that such a woman does not pose a danger to them and in the future will not compete in the struggle for leadership. It is also possible that the childish features of women's faces activate in some men a program of caring for the weak, defenseless, give them a sense of their importance and strength, increase their self-esteem.

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    It can be argued that the external data of a woman is by no means the only, and sometimes not the most important, factor that can attract a man to her for a long time. However, for the formation of his erotic interest, the appearance of a woman is certainly important. Intuitively feeling it, women try to devote more time to their appearance. It is no coincidence that the fair sex is up to 90% of patients visiting the offices and clinics of cosmetic surgery.

    Women are more like men whose appearance speaks of their maturity and power. They attach great importance to the bearing of a man as an important indicator of good health, self-care, confidence and a stable position in society. As an outwardly ideal image of a man, a woman is more often called a tall, slender man with a muscular, lean body and small buttocks. In this case, in the characteristics of external attractiveness, the size of the penis is not mentioned at all. It is noticed that a woman rarely enters into a long relationship with the one who attracts her only outwardly. It turned out that beautiful men constantly face the inflated sexual expectations of their girlfriends. The untidiness and sloppiness of a potential partner can scare a woman away.

    Such qualities as a healthy complexion, clear eyes, beautiful teeth, good hair and a strong body attract representatives of both sexes.

    Appearance is of great importance in the formation of the first impression. For both men and women, the external appeal of a new acquaintance is the main criterion determining the desire to continue acquaintance.

    Men and women sincerely believe that beautiful people have attractive personality traits, that they are happier, sexier, more sociable, smarter and more successful than other people. At the unconscious level, men think that beautiful women are more open, sociable, more inclined to show concern, tenderness and love for the man who is next to her.

    It may seem that external beauty is definitely a positive quality. However, we must remember that extremely attractive people suffer from sexual harassment more often than others. By the way, their appearance often evokes envy and dislike of the members of their sex, who regard it as a threat to their own psychological well-being.

    Looks and attractiveness. Studies conducted on American students showed that they prefer external appeal more than similarities in views. Here's how they evaluated in the conditional scores of various communication partners: 1. Attractive women:

    a) with similar views 12.7;

    b) with excellent views 11.3.

    2. Unattractive women:

    a) with similar views 11.0;

    b) with excellent looks 9.5.

    3. Attractive men:

    a) with similar views 12.0;

    b) with excellent looks 10,6.

    4. Unattractive men:

    a) with similar views 10.4;

    b) with excellent looks 9.9.

    Attractiveness of various facial features. According to a survey conducted in the UK, the most attractive were:

    1. Eyes - 62%.

    2. Hair - 22%.

    3. Teeth - 5%.

    4. Mouth - 3%.

    5. The rest - 8%.

    Which part of the body is most attractive to people of the opposite sex?

    A. The five most attractive parts of the body in men:

    1. The face is 55%.

    2. Hair - 8%.

    3. Shoulders - 7%.

    4. Breast - 6%.

    5. Hands - 4%.

    B. The five most attractive parts of the body in women:

    1. Face -32%.

    2. Feet - 24%.

    3. Breast - 18%.

    4. Hair - 5%.

    5. Hips - 4%.

    Myth about masculine appearance:

    A. Men think that in their appearance women are attracted:

    1. Growth-13%.

    2. Eyes - 4%.

    3. Developed muscular torso and broad shoulders - 21%.

    4. Strong hands - 18%.

    5. Harmony - 7%.

    6. Large penis - 15%.

    7. Buttocks - 4%.

    8. Other - 18%.

    B. Women believe that in the male appearance they are attracted:

    1. Growth - 5%.

    2. Eyes-11%.

    3. Developed muscular torso and broad shoulders - 1%.

    4. Strong hands - 0%.

    5. Harmony - 15%.

    6. Large penis - 2%.

    7. Buttocks - 39%.

    8. Other - 27%.

    Choose a lifestyle. Many people evaluate not only the appearance and personal characteristics of a potential partner. They also pay attention to the lifestyle that they can expect if they associate themselves with this partner with lasting long-term relationships. Will it be a quiet family home life( 1), or will it become mobile, dynamic with regular visits to various clubs, parties, filled with travel and adventure( 2).

    Compatibility factors and choice of marriage partner. Analysis of the computer selection of partners in the United States showed that: A. Less often married couples in which:

    1. One partner is much more interested in sports.

    2. One partner is much taller.

    3. A man is more interested in art and music.

    4. A man needs more love.

    5. A man has a more abstract mentality.

    6. One is inclined to dominate and suppress others, and the other on the contrary is extremely passive and subordinate.

    7. One is very restrained and accurate, and the second is extremely unassembled.

    8. A man is much more tense.

    B. Partners are more often married:

    9. Equally judicious or equally carefree.

    10. Similar in level of confidence or anxiety.

    11. One witty, and the second - quiet.