  • Hygiene of men

    General hygiene rules are very important for you, especially when you enter a period of romantic relationships. The unpleasant smell coming from your body can lead your potential partner to the idea that you do not know how to look after yourself. Signs of poor self-care can also become a signal to your potential partner that you are suffering from some kind of disease - either physical or mental. Make sure your hair looks well-groomed, and your nails are clean and neatly trimmed. If you develop the habit of washing regularly, this will help you to always look more attractive.

    Next, we list some of the reasons why you should monitor your penis and keep it clean:

    • The bacteria accumulate on the unwashed penis. In addition, his scent can scare off your current or potential partner.

    • Unwashed penis is a carrier of bacteria and other microorganisms. Therefore, on contact, he is able to transmit an infection, which can later degenerate into cervical cancer.

    • Failure to adhere to proper hygiene rules can also lead to the development of penile cancer.

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    Practically proper care of the penis means that you should rinse it and wipe it dry at least once a day. It's best when you take a shower. In doing so, pay special attention to the head of the penis. At its tip are glands, which produce a substance called smegma. If the penis is not rinsed regularly, then the smegma accumulates in this place. The accumulated smegma is a sign of uncleanliness in a man.

    If you have not undergone a circumcision operation, then turn off the foreskin on the head of the penis. It is here that there is an accumulation of smegma. During washing, this place needs to be washed properly. If you experience unpleasant sensations when pulling the foreskin, due to the fact that the skin is too elastic, then you should seriously think about being circumcised. This is a fairly mediocre operation, and it can be performed by almost any surgeon. Circumcision is a big plus for the health and hygiene of your body. A pure body is a significant part of your partner's success. Of course, such an operation is not necessary for men who have the foreskin hang free folds that can easily be pulled back.

    Major abnormalities in the work of male reproductive organs

    If you notice any of the signs listed below, you should consult a doctor immediately.

    • Any unusual pain, irritation of the skin or swelling in the area of ​​the penis or testicles.

    •. Different difficulties associated with urination, or too frequent urination.

    • Any unusual discharge from the penis.

    • Any rash in the genital area.

    In most cases, such mild ailments are easily treatable. However, it is important to put the right diagnosis as soon as possible, because among the above signs there are also those that can seriously threaten your health and well-being. More signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

    The main disorders of the male reproductive system include testicular cancer( testicular cancer) and prostate gland problems. Testicular cancer is not a very common disease and usually occurs in young men. His appearance can be identified at an early stage, if you take the habit of regularly examining the testicles themselves.

    Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are most common in elderly men. If you know more about signs that indicate the presence of diseases, then you can establish the correct diagnosis and the very beginning of the disease. Early diagnostics make it possible for a doctor and a patient to choose a course of treatment that is most likely to lead to complete recovery.