  • The best carpet cleaner: what is it?

    Microbes and bacteria enter our house in various ways: with streams of atmospheric air, on clothes and shoes, on wool of domestic animals. Their favorite food is house dust, which accumulates in carpets, carpets, upholstery upholstered furniture. It is there that they quickly master and begin to multiply actively.

    Microbes contribute to the development of a number of infectious diseases, and house dust mites and products of their vital activity provoke allergies.

    For young children with a still undeveloped immune system, it is hardest to resist the harmful effects of microbes. Playing on an insufficiently clean carpet, babies are most closely contacted with allergens and sources of infections, especially when pulling into the mouth toys that come into contact with them, the health of the child is in danger.

    The answer is given by the specialist in ecology and hygiene of living quarters, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera. I. I. Mechnikov RAMS Tatiana Zheltikova:

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    There are many chemical agents for disinfection and fighting pathogens, but the vast majority of them are not suitable for home use. The reason - in the special requirements for household chemicals for living quarters.

    Household chemicals used in residential areas must be highly effective and safe. All these requirements are met by the new best carpet cleaner "Vanish Extra Hygiene", designed specifically for deep hygienic cleaning of floor coverings and upholstery upholstery.

    Taking care of home hygiene and family health, we often do not notice the enemy lurking directly underfoot: pathogenic microbes, bacteria and dust mites inhabit carpeting and upholstery upholstery.cleaning the carpet with a vacuum cleaner only slightly reduces the population of microbes and ticks. A little better are the usual detergents. Microbes and mites represent a serious danger to human health.


    Do not take risks and try to wash carpets with a washing machine. In this case, because of the severity of the product, washing machines very quickly break down the drum, and spare parts for washing machines are not so cheap. Therefore, it is better not to wash carpets in washers, save a bunch of nerves and money on spare parts.

    Vanish Extra for carpets

    How to deal with microbes in carpets? Conducted laboratory tests have shown that the carpet cleaner "Vanish Extra Hygiene" destroys microbes by 99.9%.

    A snapshot of a living room under ultraviolet light: green color gives out the main places of congestion of microbes. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the carpet cleaner «Vanish Extra Hygiene» was carried out on carpet flooring, infected with pathogens.

    Study of the effect of Vanish Extra Hygiene on home dust mites revealed that the product can be used with high efficiency to contain growth in their numbers in carpets and carpeting. "

    Thus, it is possible to recommend with confidence "Vanish Extra Hygiene" for cleaning carpets, carpets and upholstery upholstery to reduce the adverse factors that contribute to the development of various allergic and infectious diseases and ensure the cleanliness and safety of your home, taking care of home comfort.

    The new "Vanish Extra Hygiene" provides deep carpet cleaning and destroys microbes by 99.9%.

    Folk remedies

    Some people use folk remedies to maintain the purity of their carpets. You can sprinkle the surface of the coating with a fine grinding salt, and then brush it with a brush soaked in a soap solution and vacuum it.

    You can use a solution of ammonia( 2 tablespoons of ammonia for 1 liter of water) for cleaning, with obligatory ventilation of the room after work.

    You can dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of citric acid in 1 liter of water and try to clean the carpet surface with this solution. Greasy stains are removed with a gruel of starch and gasoline. Stains from beer, wine, liquor are wiped with a cloth soaked in soapy water, then clean using a solution for 1 liter of water 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

    In any case, whatever means you use, you need to protect your hands from contact with harmful chemicals and use rubber gloves.

    The best way to clean carpets is to resort to the help of cleaning companies that have at their disposal a cleaning technique and professional means of a narrow spectrum of action. Gentle brushing regimes are what your carpet needs.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

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