  • How to decorate a house with flowers: Florist tips

    There is hardly a person who would deny the importance of colors in creating a home cosiness. At any time of the year, you can make a bouquet and put in a vase, saucer, cup, glass, a small basket. Field flowers, twigs of trees or shoots with fruits make a picturesque part of nature in the dwelling.

    On how to decorate the house with flowers, we'll talk in this article.

    The obsolete large flower arms, bouquets-sheaves. .. Accumulation of plants only distracts from beauty and charm of each separate flower. It is best to make bouquets of an odd number of colors( 3, 5, 7) and complement them with several branches of greenery.

    There are many options for selecting plants in bouquets. However, especially those flowers, grasses, leaves, twigs, which are located in vases freely, are especially good.

    Beautiful bouquet, like music, conveys the mood: bright, colorful, with lush flowers - like a bell, joyful, festive song, and a bouquet of modest colors of soft, close-to-each tones, like a gentle melody.

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    How to choose a vase for

    colors The charm and beauty of a bouquet will be emphasized by a well-chosen vase that does not compete with colors with the brightness of colors. The shape and color of it should be harmoniously combined with plants. The beauty of daffodils, tulips, carnations, roses and irises can be emphasized by a wide, low vase( if there are many colors) or a high one - for one or two flowers ornamented with a green twig or 1-3 leaves.

    For blue delphiniums and large roses, vases of dark color or crystal with extended tops are suitable. Light pions stand out well in large convex vases of bluish-green soft color.

    Very elegant and resistant to cutting dahlias. Although they are small, it even enhances the decorativeness of the bouquet. Bouquets of them and with a few twigs of greenery decorate the dining table.

    In the bedroom, on the dressing table, the desk it is better to put miniature bouquets in flat vases, crystal rosettes or from flowers such as pansies, daisies. Bright boutonniere from 2-3 small slender flowers and twigs of greenery will successfully complement the decoration of a capricious branch in shape or a fungus-tinder.

    Beautiful and gentle look in the spring, 1-2 branches of hazel or birch, which only dissolved their "earrings", and 1-2 daffodils in a ball-shaped crystal vase. In this vase you can put a branch of echoria and red lanterns.

    On the dining table, flowers are best placed in low-pitchers. Creating bouquets to the table, it is desirable to take into account the color of the tablecloth. If it is variegated, then it is better to choose flowers from one-color flowers, or vice versa.

    How to prolong the life of a flower bouquet

    And also pay attention to the conditions of storage of flowers in a bouquet. Carnations do not tolerate very cold water, so they put them in water at room temperature and add a pinch of boric acid.

    To keep the dahlias, roses and chrysanthemums fresh for a long time, add a tablet of aspirin to the water. Tulips or asters should be added sugar. Cut camellias and gardenias last longer if you pour a little salt into the water. Dahlias and poppies are recommended for a moment to dip in slices in boiling water, and then put in a large vase with cold water.

    To stay longer the lilac, it is kept for 1-2 hours in cold water, after which the tips of the branches should be crushed with a knife or hammer and immediately put in water. If the lilac begins to wither in the vase, rearrange the bouquet to boiling water, protecting the flowers from hot steam with paper.

    Lilies of the valley, daffodils, mignonette, carnations, sweet peas, white lilies should be placed separately from other flowers.

    Florist tips

    1. When choosing flowers, commensurate them with the area of ​​rooms. Place large copies in free large rooms. For smaller rooms, buy small plants. Remember - the quantity will not replace the quality. Choose for large rooms 1-2 large or 4-5 small colors.

    2. Consider when choosing the rate of plant growth. So from a small cuttings in a couple of years can grow a huge liana or tree, a place for which is not enough( ficus, cordillin, abutilone, monstera).

    3. Instances with nondescript or small flowers should be collected in groups. Create a miniature community of succulents, cacti or low-growing crops with decorative foliage. Groups are better formed from closely related species( different varieties of violets, begonias, ferns).

    4. Instances with bright foliage or rather large ones should be located separately from others. They will attract the eye - to serve as a compositional center. Note that some plants are able to change the spatial perception of rooms. Cordillins and dracaenes create a sensation of high ceiling, and ampel plants with drooping shoots visually lower the ceilings.

    5. Make low podiums for a group of colors. You can make them from glass, plastic, wood, ceramic tiles or other available material. Plant the plants at different levels. Do not forget about pots and pendants for ampel plants.

    6. In kitchens and in rooms with northern windows, use unpretentious types of lighting( chlorophytums, senpolia, gloxinia).In the kitchen you can make a small plantation of spicy aromatic cultures( laurel, rosemary, hyssop).Rooms with very small windows decorate with such unpretentious plant as filodendron climbing.

    7. Choose plants with different growth patterns: direct growing, ampel, curly and ground cover. Create contrasting compositions. The brightest and most spectacular flowers are placed in the middle, and the less prominent ones are placed around. They will paint with their leaves the beauty of the central flower.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Flowers in the interior of the room:

    Workshop on flower decor:

    How to make bouquets for the house:

    How to place indoor plants in the interior: