
Mask for hair with honey, cinnamon: application for hair growth, testimonials and photos

  • Mask for hair with honey, cinnamon: application for hair growth, testimonials and photos

    Hair mask with honey and cinnamon for hair growth and health( with reviews, photos and videos)

    Bee honey is known to everyone as an excellent antipyretic and antibacterial product, a real storehouse of vitamins necessary for a person. Not long ago, another amazing property of honey was discovered: assistance with cosmetic problems, in particular with hair. Cinnamon can not only restore the structure of hair, but also increase their density. What can be a mask for hair with honey described in this article.

    8 pluses of a honey mask

    What is useful for a honey mask for hair? Here are just some arguments in favor of trying to make a honey mask:

    1) Honey contains fructose, which restores any damage to the hair.

    2) Glucose makes the hair smooth and silky.

    3) Dry tips of hair moisturizes one of the components of honey - riboflavin. It also prevents hair salting, normalizing the work of hair follicles.

    4) In honey, there is niacin acid, which gives hair shine and vibrant color.

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    5) Honey mask prevents the appearance of gray hair.

    6) Pyridoxine improves the condition of dry hair, helps fight dandruff.

    7) Folic acid accelerates hair growth, and ascorbic acid strengthens the hair.

    8) Potassium moisturizes hair superbly, and iron improves blood circulation of the head.

    General rules for honey masks

    Honey masks are great, but they all have several general rules.

    1) Honey mask should be done sitting in the bathroom, as the mask is very flowing.

    2) Honey must be preheated in a water bath.

    3) And the head must always wear a hat to preserve the "greenhouse effect".

    4) The time of action of honey masks is 1 hour.

    5) Honey must be washed off with a shampoo.

    A variety of honey masks

    What are the most popular honey masks? Here are the recipes of some of them.

    1) Honey and egg mask. It uses honey and eggs.2 tablespoons of honey to melt in a water bath and add to it a beaten egg and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. The mask moisturizes the hair well.

    2) Honey and oil mask. Warm honey and burdock oil on separate water baths. Mix and apply on hair.

    3) Honey mask with cinnamon.1 spoon of cinnamon powder( ground cinnamon), combine with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the mask and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Apply to hair.

    4) Mask made of honey and cognac.1 teaspoon of honey to combine with mashed yolk and add 1 tablespoon of cognac. Apply to hair.

    5) Mask made of honey and onions. Grate a small onion and 1 clove of garlic. Mix the resulting gruel with 2 tablespoons of honey. Make a mask on the hair.

    6) But the mask is made of honey, lemon and olive oil. You need to combine 2 tablespoons of honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Make a mask on the hair.

    Reviews of women

    And here are some reviews about the honey mask left by Russian women on the Internet.

    Tann4ig writes: "I really like to make a honey mask at home, despite all the pain in the process of this procedure( the mask is badly flowing).So, I take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, wheat germ oil or castor oil, aloe vera juice in the ampoule. All this is mixed and carefully put on the tips of the hair, and then on the top of the head. The procedure is not very pleasant, as everything and everywhere is very sticky, but you have to endure for the sake of beauty. I clean my hair under my hat and wrap my head around with a towel. The mask is washed off after 2 hours. By the way, this mask can also be used for lightening hair. At least my hair lightened this wonderful mask. "

    Mrs. writes at the forum: "It has already been written that the honey mask is used for hair growth, and it really is. I do this mask 2-3 times a week, and the effect is stunning! To make a mask, honey must be diluted with warm water necessarily warm, not hot!) And apply along the entire length of the hair. Collapsible in a bundle and put on the shower cap. Keep the mask for about 2 hours and then rinse with water. "

    Lapo4ka19072012 writes: "Girls, I found a way to restore hair after pregnancy - a honey mask. Catch a recipe, can someone come in handy. So this: connect 100 ml of water and 30 grams of chamomile, insist 1 hour. Strain the solution and add to it 1 teaspoon of honey. Wash washed and washed hair with a honey-chamomile decoction and put on the shower cap. Wash off after 30 minutes. Hair after such a mask becomes wondrous and silky. "

    Vasilok is sure that it is simply impossible to lighten hair with 1-2 natural colors better than honey. The girl writes: "Girls, I give you a free prescription for lightening hair" not chemistry "(!) Usual honey will help us.2 tablespoons of honey should be melt in a water bath. Hair wash with shampoo with a pinch of soda to better cleanse the scalp. On the washed hair, it is necessary to apply the prepared honey and twist the hair into the tail. Top with a hat. Walk with her and with a mask from 3 to 9 hours. After the procedure, it will be noticeable that the hair has brightened. "


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    Bee honey is known to everyone as an excellent antipyretic and antibacterial product, a real storehouse of vitamins necessary for man. Not long ago, another amazing property of honey was discovered: assistance with cosmetic problems, in particular with hair. Cinnamon can not only restore the structure of hair, but also increase their density. What can be a mask for hair with honey described in this article.

    8 pluses of honey mask

    What is useful for honey hair mask? Here are just some arguments in favor of trying to make a honey mask:

    1) Honey contains fructose, which restores any damage to the hair.

    2) Glucose makes the hair smooth and silky.

    3) The dry tips of the hair moisturizes one of the components of honey - riboflavin. It also prevents hair salting, normalizing the work of hair follicles.

    4) In honey, there is niacin, which gives hair shine and vibrant color.

    5) Honey mask prevents the appearance of gray hair.

    6) Pyridoxine improves the condition of dry hair, helps fight dandruff.

    7) Folic acid accelerates hair growth, and ascorbic acid strengthens the hair.

    8) Potassium moisturizes the hair superbly, and iron improves the circulation of the head.

    General rules for honey masks

    Honey masks are great, but they all have several general rules.

    1) Honey mask should be done while sitting in the bathroom, as the mask flows heavily.

    2) Honey must be preheated in a water bath.

    3) And the head must always wear a hat to preserve the "greenhouse effect".

    4) The time of action of honey masks is 1 hour.

    5) Honey must be washed off with a shampoo.

    Variety of honey masks

    What are the most popular honey masks? Here are the recipes of some of them.

    1) Honey and egg mask. It uses honey and eggs.2 tablespoons of honey to melt in a water bath and add to it a beaten egg and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. The mask moisturizes the hair well.

    2) Honey and oil mask. Warm honey and burdock oil on separate water baths. Mix and apply on hair.

    3) Honey mask with cinnamon.1 spoon of cinnamon powder( ground cinnamon), combine with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the mask and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Apply to hair.

    4) Mask made of honey and cognac.1 teaspoon of honey to combine with mashed yolk and add 1 tablespoon of cognac. Apply to hair.

    5) Mask made of honey and onions. Grate a small onion and 1 clove of garlic. Mix the resulting gruel with 2 tablespoons of honey. Make a mask on the hair.

    6) But the mask is made of honey, lemon and olive oil. You need to combine 2 tablespoons of honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Make a mask on the hair.

    Reviews of women

    And here are some responses about the honey mask left by Russian women on the Internet.

    Tann4ig writes: "I really love to make a honey mask at home, despite all the pain in the process of this procedure( the mask is badly flowing).So, I take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, wheat germ oil or castor oil, aloe juice in the ampoule. All this is mixed and carefully put on the tips of the hair, and then on the top of the head. The procedure is not very pleasant, as everything and everywhere is very sticky, but you have to endure for the sake of beauty. I clean my hair under my hat and wrap my head around with a towel. The mask is washed off after 2 hours. By the way, this mask can also be used for lightening hair. At least my hair lightened this wonderful mask. "

    Mrs. writes at the forum: "It has already been written that the honey mask is used for hair growth, and it really is. I do this mask 2-3 times a week, and the effect is stunning! To make a mask, honey must be diluted with warm water necessarily warm, not hot!) And apply along the entire length of the hair. Collapsible in a bundle and put on the shower cap. Keep the mask for about 2 hours and then rinse with water. "

    Lapo4ka19072012 writes: "Girls, I found a way to restore hair after pregnancy - a honey mask. Catch a recipe, can someone come in handy. So this: connect 100 ml of water and 30 grams of chamomile, insist 1 hour. Strain the solution and add to it 1 teaspoon of honey. Wash washed and washed hair with a honey-chamomile decoction and put on the shower cap. Wash off after 30 minutes. Hair after such a mask becomes wondrous and silky. "

    Vasilok is sure that it is simply impossible to lighten hair with 1-2 natural colors better than honey. The girl writes: "Girls, I give you a free prescription for lightening hair" not chemistry "(!) Usual honey will help us.2 tablespoons of honey should be melt in a water bath. Hair wash with shampoo with a pinch of soda to better cleanse the scalp. On the washed hair, it is necessary to apply the prepared honey and twist the hair into the tail. Top with a hat. Walk with her and with a mask from 3 to 9 hours. After the procedure, it will be noticeable that the hair has brightened. "


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