
How to accelerate the growth of hair on the head at home using folk remedies

  • How to accelerate the growth of hair on the head at home using folk remedies

    How to accelerate the growth of hair on the head at home: advice from experts and feedback from women

    Which woman does not dream about thick and long hair? Alas, far from all beauties nature has presented long curvy hair - a subject of admiration of men and envy of other women.

    However, in the XXI century, when hairdressing art is at an unattainable height and can offer a woman any services to change the structure of hair( straightening, long wave, etc.), to promote faster hair growth can be easily done. So, how to accelerate the growth of hair on the head at home?

    What is the norm?

    It's sad, naturally, hair does not grow too fast. For example, 1-1.5 cm per month is a good indicator, and the most ideal one is 2-2.5 cm. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the latter values ​​can be achieved, for the most part applying additional funds.

    Salon procedures( washing with special shampoos, masks) can immediately show an excellent result - 3 or more cm, - but how much chemistry will go along with these drugs in the hair and scalp is a big question. Finally, the most radical procedure is hair extensions. Not too useful for the health of hair follicles, but quickly and beautifully.

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    Outside and inside

    Before advising any professional or folk remedies, it would be nice to understand the reasons for slow hair growth. Experts divide them into internal and external.

    Internal causes include:

    1. Psychological state. Stress and chronic sleep deprivation not only poorly affect the state of the nervous and autonomic systems, but also greatly slow the growth of hair.
    2. Proper nutrition. Abuse of coffee, alcohol, fast food leads to slower hair growth, while daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, greens, dairy products, eggs and fish helps to strengthen real hair and strong hair in the near future. Olive and linseed oil, pure water, vitamin-mineral complexes also contribute to the acceleration of hair growth. Thus, hair, like skin, is very sensitive to human food.

    Among the external causes that affect hair growth, we can name the following:

    1. Traumatic chemical effects. These are all kinds of new-fashioned shampoos, lacquers, foams that do not just fail to achieve the effect promised by the manufacturers, but also seriously damage the hair, overloading them with chemical constituents and clogging the pores of the scalp.
    2. Traumatic physical effects. Who of the women today can live without a daily hair styling hot hair dryer, straightening irons, etc.?And yet this is a very harmful procedure for the health of the hair. From the hot air, the hair begins to break, and a sticky foam or high hairiness causes the hair to constantly stay in an uncomfortable, artificially created position. As a result - thinning and dull appearance.

    Popular advice

    To accelerate the growth of hair, it is necessary at the time to abandon the super popular shampoo, fashionable packings with a lot of varnish. And most importantly - to try to forget for a while about professional hairdresser's tools( almost all of them contain chemistry) and seek help from folk medicine.

    Arsenal of its hair care products is very, very rich: therapeutic masks, rinsing head massage.

    Among the most famous non-chemical( vegetable) hair care products, the most popular are mustard or mustard powder, hot pepper, onion, burdock and castor oil, cinnamon, honey, nicotinic acid.

    Reviews of women

    On the Internet, women constantly share with each other a variety of masks for the growth and treatment of hair. And to confirm a positive result, the photo "before" and "after" is surely uploaded. Some even prefer to shoot the video -

    step-by-step recipe, like what to do.

    The user MissBlack writes that she managed to grow gorgeous hair with a mustard mask and immediately brings her composition: alcoholic balsam( 1 tablespoon), mustard( 2 tablespoons), castor oil, burdock oil, vitamin A - all ingredients1 tbsp.a spoon, sugar and a decoction of nettle."I started making this mask in January," the girl writes, "and did the courses 1-2 times a week. Did a month, and then a break and for the third month - again a mask. The result - for a month the hair has grown more than 5 centimeters! Now I have a head of hair to the waist. I am very pleased with the result - the maximum result and the minimum of parabens! Girls, appreciate it!

    Got the love of many women and such a means to accelerate hair growth, like burdock oil. It can be used both in pure form, and with the addition of extract of nettle or lemon juice.

    For example, a user of Melinel with the help of this oil was able to not only restore her own hair and accelerate their growth, but also helped her husband. However, here already had to resort to an additional procedure - massage.

    Here is her story: "Burdock oil I have been using for a long time. I prefer product of firm "Evalar" with any additives - a turn, a camomile, a neetle. A tremendous effect can be achieved if you use oil constantly and, of course, do not take hormonal means and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Constantly - means, before every washing of the head. Hair growth is enhanced tangibly. In addition, if you also do head massage, you can even remove the bald spot and strengthen the hair. My husband had a similar problem and we almost coped with a simple head massage using burdock oil and a couple drops of rosemary. Literally in two weeks on the spot of bald spots, hair has begun! So try it! Maybe you can do it! Attaching photo".

    The same effect, but certainly not in a week, but more, can be achieved with the help of other means - for example, hot peppers and cinnamon. They, like burdock oil, and mustard, warm the scalp well and stimulate the growth of the hair follicles.

    Here's how to grow hair from hot pepper:

    And this is the result of a small growth and improvement of the hair condition after a mask with cinnamon:


    Which woman does not dream about thick and long hair? Alas, far from all beauties nature has presented long curvy hair - a subject of admiration of men and envy of other women.

    However, in the XXI century, when hairdressing art is at an unattainable height and can offer a woman any services to change the structure of hair( straightening, long wave, etc.), to promote faster hair growth can be easily done. So, how to accelerate the growth of hair on the head at home?

    What is the norm?

    It's sad, naturally, hair does not grow too fast. For example, 1-1.5 cm per month is a good indicator, and the most ideal one is 2-2.5 cm. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the latter values ​​can be achieved, for the most part applying additional funds.

    Salon procedures( washing with special shampoos, masks) can immediately show an excellent result - 3 or more cm - but how much chemistry will go along with these drugs in the hair and scalp is a big question. Finally, the most radical procedure is hair extensions. Not too useful for the health of hair follicles, but quickly and beautifully.

    Outside and inside

    Before advising any professional or folk remedies, it would be nice to understand the causes of slow hair growth. Experts divide them into internal and external.

    Internal reasons include:

    1. Psychological state. Stress and chronic sleep deprivation not only poorly affect the state of the nervous and autonomic systems, but also greatly slow the growth of hair.
    2. Proper nutrition. Abuse of coffee, alcohol, fast food leads to slower hair growth, while daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, greens, dairy products, eggs and fish helps to strengthen real hair and strong hair in the near future. Olive and linseed oil, pure water, vitamin-mineral complexes also contribute to the acceleration of hair growth. Thus, hair, like skin, is very sensitive to human food.

    Among the external causes that affect hair growth, we can name the following:

    1. Traumatic chemical effects. These are all kinds of new-fashioned shampoos, lacquers, foams that do not just fail to achieve the effect promised by the manufacturers, but also seriously damage the hair, overloading them with chemical constituents and clogging the pores of the scalp.
    2. Traumatic physical effects. Who of the women today can live without a daily hair styling hot hair dryer, straightening irons, etc.?And yet this is a very harmful procedure for the health of the hair. From the hot air, the hair begins to break, and a sticky foam or high hairiness causes the hair to constantly stay in an uncomfortable, artificially created position. As a result - thinning and dull appearance.

    Popular advice

    To accelerate the growth of hair, it is necessary at the time to abandon super popular shampoos, fashionable packings with a lot of varnish. And most importantly - to try to forget for a while about professional hairdresser's tools( almost all of them contain chemistry) and seek help from folk medicine.

    Arsenal of its hair care products is very, very rich: therapeutic masks, rinsing head massage.

    Among the most famous non-chemical( herbal) hair care products, the most popular are mustard or mustard powder, hot pepper, onion, burdock and castor oil, cinnamon, honey, nicotinic acid.

    Reviews of women

    On the Internet, women constantly share with each other a variety of masks for the growth and treatment of hair. And to confirm a positive result, the photo "before" and "after" is surely uploaded. Some people prefer to even shoot the video -

    step-by-step recipe, how and what to do.

    The user MissBlack writes that she managed to grow gorgeous hair with a mustard mask and immediately brings her composition: alcoholic balsam( 1 tablespoon), mustard( 2 tablespoons), castor oil, burdock oil, vitamin A - all ingredients1 tbsp.a spoon, sugar and a decoction of nettle."I started making this mask in January," the girl writes, "and did the courses 1-2 times a week. Did a month, and then a break and for the third month - again a mask. The result - for a month the hair has grown more than 5 centimeters! Now I have a head of hair to the waist. I am very pleased with the result - the maximum result and the minimum of parabens! Girls, appreciate it!

    Got the love of many women and such a means to accelerate hair growth, like burdock oil. It can be used both in pure form, and with the addition of extract of nettle or lemon juice.

    For example, a user of Melinel with the help of this oil was able to not only restore her own hair and accelerate their growth, but also helped her husband. However, here already had to resort to an additional procedure - massage.

    Here is her story: "Burdock oil I have been using for a long time. I prefer product of firm "Evalar" with any additives - a turn, a camomile, a neetle. A tremendous effect can be achieved if you use oil constantly and, of course, do not take hormonal means and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Constantly - means, before every washing of the head. Hair growth is enhanced tangibly. In addition, if you also do head massage, you can even remove the bald spot and strengthen the hair. My husband had a similar problem and we almost coped with a simple head massage using burdock oil and a couple drops of rosemary. Literally in two weeks on the spot of bald spots, hair has begun! So try it! Maybe you can do it! Attaching photo".

    The same effect, but certainly not in a week, but more, can be achieved with the help of other means - for example, hot peppers and cinnamon. They, like burdock oil, and mustard, warm the scalp well and stimulate the growth of the hair follicles.

    Here's how to grow hair from hot pepper:

    And this is the result of a small growth and improvement of the hair condition after a mask with cinnamon:
