
What to do if the skin on the face is dry and flaky: the causes of the appearance and the fight against them

  • What to do if the skin on the face is dry and flaky: the causes of the appearance and the fight against them

    Weak inflammation of the facial skin, which causes peeling, is familiar, unfortunately, to many. Individual skin areas, most often cheeks and temporal zones, are tightened, unpleasant peeling, itching and dryness. Cosmetic masking is not the best option in this case, because you can only exacerbate the situation. But how then to do what to do, if the skin on your face is dry and flaky, you will learn about the causes of the problem and its solution in this article.

    Causes of the problem

    All possible causes of dermatologists are usually divided into external( natural factors or poor-quality cosmetics), and internal( lack of useful vitamins, poor nutrition, problems with internal organs).

    Combating external causes

    Fighting external factors is not so difficult, if you have some perseverance and properly monitor yourself. It is required to use special cosmetic means for skin care, regardless of what the weather is outside the window.

    1. Make sure to wash off make-up for the night and wash the skin with a moisturizing tincture. Do not forget about this important aspect for the health of the face.
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    2. The face needs to be cleaned with soft means: foam, milk to remove make-up, gel and others. These funds should be used daily for girls with dry skin or strongly prone to external influences.
    3. Do not use products that contain alcohol or have a very doubtful composition.
    4. Prevent peeling with tonic or lotion. With their help, you can remove dirt from the deepest pores.
    5. Do not wipe your face after washing with a hard towel, even a healthy skin, it can be very irritating and cause unpleasant consequences.

    Combating internal causes

    Very dry facial skin, persistent acne, itching, redness for no apparent reason - it all happens for a reason. And even if you use professional cosmetic care products, it does not shield you from the external manifestation of internal problems. When there are problems with such organs as the stomach, intestines, cardiovascular system, genitourinary system and many others, it is difficult to avoid manifestations on the face and body of acne, redness and excessive dryness.

    1. In the case when very dry skin is manifested due to problems such as beriberi and dysbacteriosis, it is enough to take prescribed medicinal complexes, most often consisting of vitamins A, B, E and F, at the right time. On your side, it is bestto eat dairy products, fish, grain bread, rice, cabbage, nuts, berries and quality cereals. All these products are rich in vitamins. Of course, do not throw and external care lotion, tonic and creams.
    2. When hormonal disorders occur, before you begin to treat the skin, you need to restore its normal job. Your doctor will help you in this. Unfortunately, at home, with the help of any standard drugs, this problem can not be eliminated, for this professional proven means will be needed.
    3. When the body lacks fluid, and it happens because of debilitating diets and improper nutrition, the skin will necessarily begin to peel off. Then you need to resume the normal diet, exclude highly carbonated drinks, and drink only clean filtered water, at least eight glasses a day.

    And now I propose to find out what other women think about the dryness and flaking of the skin of the face, and what they advise to do in this case - see the video below.