  • Orthostatic hypotension or dizziness with a sharp rise

    Orthostatic hypotension as a diagnosis is made in those cases when the patient with a sharp transition from a prone position or sitting to a standing position, the pressure drops more than 20 mm Hg.and does not bounce back for 3 minutes or more. The main reason for this condition lies in the fact that when the position changes, there is a significant decrease in blood flow in the vessels of the brain.

    The causes of orthostatic hypotension

    Orthostatic hypotension, according to many experts, is not considered a disease, most likely, this condition arises because of the inability of blood vessels to keep the blood pressure normal. There are many reasons that cause this condition, which include:

    • Nervous overstrain and prolonged stressful situations.
    • Infectious diseases.
    • Follow a diet for an extended period of time.
    • Unbalanced diet.
    • Admission of antihypertensive, vasodilating and diuretic drugs for several years to treat hypertension.
    • Intoxication of the body, which is manifested by excessive vomiting, diarrhea and excessive sweating.
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    • Loss of large amounts of blood. Diseases of the endocrine system.

    Symptoms of arterial hypotension

    Symptomatic and clinical picture of the disease with orthostatic hypotension is pronounced and manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Darkening in the eyes and fainting.
    • Visual impairment( fuzzy picture).
    • Headaches and dizziness.
    • Increased separation of sweat.
    • Hearing impairment.
    • Pale skin and pronounced weakness.

    For diagnostics it is very important to collect a detailed anamnesis about what preparations the patient is taking, and also to measure blood pressure in prone position for several days. Usually, in such patients, when returning to a horizontal position, blood pressure is restored.

    Treatment and prevention of the disease

    The prognosis of the disease is not so bad if the cause of the condition is stress, medication or poor nutrition. In these cases, it is sufficient to eliminate the reasons for the patient to return to the initial state within a few weeks and the pressure to recover.

    Much worse situation where the cause of orthostatic hypotension is diabetes, Addison's disease, amyloidosis( endocrine system diseases).In these cases, this form of hypotension is treated only with symptomatic means, that is, they are treated with drugs that raise blood pressure. Such treatment can be medicamentous and non-medicamentous.

    In order to increase the pressure with the help of medications, drugs such as cofetamine, ascophene, pyramine, citramone, which contain caffeine, are used. Also appointed hormone-containing drugs that affect the mechanisms of endocrine and nervous regulation of the vascular tone, which includes fludrocortisone.

    Very important is nutrition with orthostatic hypotension, which includes foods with a high content of salt, fats, carbohydrates, as well as the intake of vegetables and fruits that have a tonic effect. Patients diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension should drink plenty of fluids and try not to consume alcoholic beverages.

    Preventive measures for such patients consist in the conduct of a healthy lifestyle and nutritional habits, elementary walks in the open air and control over the intake of antihypertensive drugs. If the cause of hypotension is a prolonged forced recumbency, then you need to start with daily rises for short periods of time, gradually increasing the sitting time.

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