
Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck: symptoms and treatment, photos, causes

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck: symptoms and treatment, photos, causes

    Lymph nodes - guard posts, standing on the pathways of lymph drainage.

    Their inflammation can be as a reaction to increased intake of infection from other organs in them, as well as from their own defeat, along with other organs of the human body.

    The purpose of the lymph nodes is to filter the lymph, detect foreign substances and cells in it, fight against them and in the induction of proteins responsible for immune reactions.

    Therefore, the main cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes is a reaction to the presence of a foci of inflammation located higher along the lymphatic drainage pathways. For neck lymph nodes it is, above all, the maxillofacial zone, as well as the oropharynx.

    Angina, gingivitis, periodontitis and periostitis, this is far from a complete list of the main causes leading to inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck

    When the lymph node is inflamed on the neck, the following symptoms are observed:
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    1. 1) Enlargement of the lymph node. From a small pea it can increase in size to a centimeter or more. Several closely spaced knots can be merged into a single enlarged conglomerate when palpated.
    2. 2) Soreness. If in the norm the node does not react at all to touch, then it becomes very painful with inflammation.
    3. 3) Puffiness of tissues in the area of ​​the lymph node, loss of elasticity and elasticity of the skin covering it.
    4. 4) Redness of the skin with inflammation of the superficial lymph nodes. This symptom suggests that the inflammatory process already leads to destructive changes.
    5. 5) Increased temperature in the area of ​​the inflamed node.
    6. 6) Deterioration of general condition: increase in body temperature, lethargy, weakness and other signs of intoxication.
    Also read the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis.

    Diagnosis of inflammation

    Typically, for the diagnosis is enough listed characteristics and several additional data obtained as a result of a survey and examination.

    So from the anamnesis often follows, that the increase in a lymphonodus occurred after the appearance of a sore throat or the strengthening of a toothache, very often it happens after various swelling in the mouth or on the face. During the examination, inflammation in the tonsils, the presence of strongly destroyed teeth, fistulas with a purulent discharge in the mouth or on the skin can be detected.

    Examination of the actual lymph nodes is done manually, i.е.by feeling. So, for the palpation of the subordinate or submaxillary nodes, the head tilts to the side to be surveyed and the following parameters are determined with the fingertips:

    • position of the lymph nodes
    • number
    • dimensions
    • form
    • density
    • soreness
    • mobility
    • consistency
    Differential diagnosis should be performed between lymph node inflammation and other diseases,which there is an increase in lymph nodes. It can be:

    • oncological diseases
    • of the actual lymphatic system( lymphogranulomatosis, etc.)
    • tumors along the lymphatic flow that caused metazatization to the lymph node
    • lymphatic outflow violation
    • connective tissue diseases
    • HIV
    • blood diseases, etc.
    In complexcases of diagnosis, as well as with the slightest suspicion of oncology, the most important diagnostic method is biopsy - a laboratory study of tissue fragments of the lymph node. This method is also shown for specific lymph nodes - lesions of lymph nodes in tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.

    Treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck

    A small increase in lymph nodes, as a rule, does not require targeted treatment. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that caused the reaction of lymphoid tissue - to cure a sore throat or teeth.

    With severe inflammation, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed - diclofenac, nimesulide, etc. Very good results give the use of antibacterial therapy. If there is no opportunity or time to determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics, wide-spectrum drugs are used.

    Local compresses based on dimexide and anti-inflammatory drugs are very effective. Dimexide, in addition to its own action, promotes rapid and deep penetration of the medicine into inflamed tissues.

    When suppuration is very important timely opening and draining the focus of inflammation, it helps to avoid the formation of phlegmon. At the final stages of treatment, physiotherapy( UHF, D'Arsonval currents) is shown.

    It is absolutely not recommended to apply physiotherapy, especially associated with any warming effect, at the onset of the disease, as this can lead to the rapid occurrence and spread of purulent exudate.

    Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck is an important sign of the emergence of a real health threat, so all possible self-medication is strongly discouraged. Immediate treatment to a specialist will help not only to quickly achieve full-fledged treatment, but also to avoid many serious complications.

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