
Contraindications and consequences of photoepilation: technology, reviews, video

  • Contraindications and consequences of photoepilation: technology, reviews, video

    Contraindications and the effects of photoepilation: patient reviews, video tips of cosmetologists

    Photoepilation is one of the most popular procedures for getting rid of unwanted hair. Cosmetologists say that the problem of hair disappears, albeit not forever, but for a long period is guaranteed. And this means that in addition to positive qualities, this procedure also has negative consequences. Let's talk about the contraindications and the consequences of photoepilation.

    Before enrolling in photoepilation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with what the service in general is. Below is a list of diseases in the presence of which this procedure will be contraindicated for you. But more accurately can determine whether or not you should do this procedure, only a dermatologist.

    Basic contraindications for photoepilation:

    • oncology;
    • cardiac dysfunction;
    • any skin diseases;
    • infectious chronic diseases;
    • varicose veins;
    • moles;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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    In addition to the above, you may have an individual intolerance to this procedure, this will help determine the doctor.

    Possible negative consequences of

    The consequences of this procedure can be varied and unexpected. Let's list the main ones.

    • In case of an incorrect procedure, serious skin complications may occur. Sometimes they can be quite serious, although the frequency of such cases is very low.
    • After this procedure, you can get a burn. It appears if the tone of your skin is too dark or the machine is not properly prepared for work. For this reason, treat with high responsibility to choose the salon where you will undergo this procedure.
    • Inflammation of the hair follicle. If you visit the pool within a week after photoepilation, you may experience this kind of skin reaction.
    • Visual impairment, fortunately, temporary. If you do not use goggles during the procedure, you may have a visual problem.
    • Allergic reaction. Allergies can be caused by light or anesthetic drug, which are used during the procedure.
    • Malignant lesions on the skin. This is possible when carrying out photoepilation where there are birthmarks.

    The technology of photoepilation is quite simple. During the procedure, a powerful pulse of light is directed to the roots and rods of the hairs. Melanin, contained in the hair, absorbs light, after which the roots of the hair are strongly heated and in themselves fall out. This procedure gives a good result when working with dark hair due to the high content of melanin in them. This method is suitable for hair removal in all parts of the body.

    Let's find out the opinion of the girls who tried photoepilation, after reading their reviews.


    Albina: I visited just nine sessions of photoepilation. The effect is, and it is noticeable. Specifically, in the bikini zone and in the navel area, hair generally ceased to grow, on the thighs the effect is slightly worse, but in any case, too.

    Marina: I went to our polyclinic for photoepilation, but for some reason the result is almost zero, considering how much money I paid for it. Not very happy with the result.

    Alexandra: I've done myself photoepilation for two times. Well go hair on the legs, but the bikini zone as it is not very amenable to the procedure. Legs lose a total of about seventy percent of hair, and in the bikini zone - I do not even know, less than fifty, probably.

    Ksiukha: I came to the clinic, I wanted to do an electric depilation of the armpits, but the doctor dissuaded me. Instead, advised to do photoepilation. I am very satisfied with the result. Thanks for the advice of a specialist.

    Veronica: For a very long time I tried to get rid of the hair under the armpits with this procedure, but, unfortunately, all attempts failed.

    More information can be found from the offered video material.

    Photoepilation is one of the most popular procedures for getting rid of unwanted hair. Cosmetologists say that the problem of hair disappears, albeit not forever, but for a long period is guaranteed. And this means that in addition to positive qualities, this procedure also has negative consequences. Let's talk about the contraindications and the consequences of photoepilation.

    Before enrolling in photoepilation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with what this service generally represents. Below is a list of diseases in the presence of which this procedure will be contraindicated for you. But more accurately can determine whether or not you should do this procedure, only a dermatologist.

    Basic contraindications to photoepilation:

    • oncology;
    • cardiac dysfunction;
    • any skin diseases;
    • infectious chronic diseases;
    • varicose veins;
    • moles;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    In addition to the above, you may have an individual intolerance to this procedure, this will help determine the doctor.

    Possible negative consequences of

    The consequences of this procedure can be varied and unexpected. Let's list the main ones.

    • In case of an incorrect procedure, serious skin complications may occur. Sometimes they can be quite serious, although the frequency of such cases is very low.
    • After this procedure, you can get a burn. It appears if the tone of your skin is too dark or the machine is not properly prepared for work. For this reason, treat with high responsibility to choose the salon where you will undergo this procedure.
    • Inflammation of the hair follicle. If you visit the pool within a week after photoepilation, you may experience this kind of skin reaction.
    • Visual impairment, fortunately, temporary. If you do not use goggles during the procedure, you may have a visual problem.
    • Allergic reaction. Allergies can be caused by light or anesthetic drug, which are used during the procedure.
    • Malignant lesions on the skin. This is possible when carrying out photoepilation where there are birthmarks.

    The technology of photoepilation is quite simple. During the procedure, a powerful pulse of light is directed to the roots and rods of the hairs. Melanin, contained in the hair, absorbs light, after which the roots of the hair are strongly heated and in themselves fall out. This procedure gives a good result when working with dark hair due to the high content of melanin in them. This method is suitable for hair removal in all parts of the body.

    Let's find out the opinion of the girls who tried photoepilation, after reading their reviews.


    Albina: I visited just nine sessions of photoepilation. The effect is, and it is noticeable. Specifically, in the bikini zone and in the navel area, hair generally ceased to grow, on the thighs the effect is slightly worse, but in any case, too.

    Marina: I went to our polyclinic for photoepilation, but for some reason the result is almost zero, considering how much money I paid for it. Not very happy with the result.

    Alexandra: I've done myself photoepilation for two times. Well go hair on the legs, but the bikini zone as it is not very amenable to the procedure. Legs lose a total of about seventy percent of hair, and in the bikini zone - I do not even know, less than fifty, probably.

    Ksiukha: I came to the clinic, I wanted to do electro-epilation of the armpits, but the doctor discouraged. Instead, advised to do photoepilation. I am very satisfied with the result. Thanks for the advice of a specialist.

    Veronica: For a very long time I tried to get rid of the hair with armpits with this procedure, but, unfortunately, all attempts failed.

    More information can be found in the video material.