
Pink spots on the skin do not itch and do not scaly: photos, red spots after alcohol and after a bath

  • Pink spots on the skin do not itch and do not scaly: photos, red spots after alcohol and after a bath

    The appearance of any skin problems should never be ignored. The reasons for their occurrence are sufficient: problems can begin as from usual dryness due to improper care, and from serious dermatological diseases. The spots of red( pink) color are most often due to stress or a warning of serious diseases. Precisely determine the root cause can only be a professional. Appearing pink spots on the skin do not itch and do not peel for several reasons:

    1. Stress, depression, nervous breakdowns, disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system;
    2. Allergic reactions;
    3. Hormonal bursts in the body, problems with the production of hormones;
    4. Diseases of internal organs, most often digestive, urogenital and cardiovascular systems;
    5. Incorrect food;
    6. Infectious diseases.

    Dermatological Diseases

    In this part of the article I propose to consider with a photo in more detail dermatological diseases beginning with such reddening.

    Psoriasis begins to appear when the skin appears red or pink scaly patches, which quickly thicken and constantly itch. The disease is chronic and causes serious harm to the autoimmune system.

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    Pink lichen affects the shoulders most of the way, avoiding areas of the skin of the face, but here too it is worth to be very attentive. On the body appear pink, clearly delineated spots of very different sizes.

    Seborrheic eczema occurs due to acute disruptions in the work of the hormonal system or as a disease transmitted by inheritance. It can occur in acute and chronic form.

    Ringworm is an infectious disease that can be distinguished by pink spots, clearly delineated by a red rim. It can be transmitted by contact with an infected person or through personal hygiene items.

    Emergence of pink spots

    Circumstances in which strange spots appear on the skin of a person can also affect a possible disease. However, it often happens that people, after reading about the terrible diseases, think that there is something deadly on their face, but it turns out that this is a simple dryness or a problem that has arisen because of the influence of external factors.

    There are some examples of the appearance on the skin of innocuous pink spots. Suppose after a bath you noticed that in some places your skin is normal color, and in others it is painted in red or pink. Why is it so? The answer is simple. During a good warm-up in the bath, your capillaries expand under intense heat. At this time, the so-called reserve capillaries begin to work, which slightly lag behind the others. During the wiping, you can notice that in the places where the main capillaries work, the skin has already become red or pink, and the covers over the spare have remained pale. After taking a bath, the reverse process occurs: the vessels contract, and the skin becomes normal again, but the reserve vesicles are still dilated, the skin above them remains steamed.

    From this, and remain after the bath on the body pink spots. But there is nothing to be afraid of, they pass by themselves after a while.

    The appearance of red spots after the alcohol on the body is quite a normal reaction. The body gets enough alcohol to increase blood pressure, and therefore the capillaries have expanded. In places where they are closest to the skin, red or pink spots appear. Manifestations are noticeable in the areas of the cheeks, neck, arms and shoulders.

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