
Hair hairs: what to do and how to treat folk remedies

  • Hair hairs: what to do and how to treat folk remedies

    Not only among women are relevant issues on the topic of hair problems, men can also suffer much from this, but are fenced off from many women's problems. The question that visits representatives of both the strong and the weaker sex in the same relationship is: "Why do my hair come in?".Unhealthy hair looks very bad, and nobody likes it, so in this article you will find out why hair is climbing, what to do and how to treat this condition.

    Why do men and women get hair?

    The reasons why there are a lot of hair on my head, so before going to the trichologist, I propose to analyze them in more detail.

    1. Wrong care of hair and scalp. Frequent use of unsuitable or even harmful means, abuse of them. Also, here you can relate and various cosmetic styling products, like varnishes, mousses, substandard paints, etc. The result is a strong hair loss, perhaps even whole shreds;
    2. Frequent use of a hair dryer at high power. Hair dryer, curling iron, ironing, and other similar products drastically dry hair, make them weaker and more vulnerable to external factors. From this locks start, or break, or actively climb;
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    3. If a woman or a man is constantly sitting on debilitating diets and the body does not get it, you need a quantity of vitamins, then you should not be surprised by problems with the scalp. You can sit on a diet, but do not harass yourself with hunger strikes or poor nutrition. Also, do not eat a lot of fried, spicy, salty, too sweet often;
    4. Chronic or acquired diseases of scalp and hair follicles, obviously, affect hair loss. If a person is not sure about this, then you should visit the doctor and believe.

    How to cure hair

    Folk remedies are the best way to radiate hair from problems, including from falling out.

    When hair is terribly often and abundantly dropped, the mask based on cognac and burdock oil will help you. Mix one tablespoon of cognac, butter and lime honey, which should be pre-heated to a liquid state. If you have too long hair, then use two tablespoons. Mix all ingredients and distribute evenly over the scalp. Massage movements rub the mixture for 10 minutes, then, warm the hair with a towel and wait 20-30 minutes. After, rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure every two weeks.

    It happens that after the birth the hair falls out too much from the hormonal disorder, in this case the mask with castor oil and chicken eggs will help you. Stir a tablespoon of butter with two yolks and apply to the hair, distributing the mixture evenly, but paying special attention to the roots. Apply and cover for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Repeat this procedure is recommended once a week for 3 to 4 months, after which the result will be clearly visible.

    If the hair on your head does not just climb, but drop out and remain on the comb with whole tufts, then the mask from the decoction of medicinal herbs will help you. Take 40grams of burdock roots, 5-10 grams of calendula dry inflorescences and 20 grams of hop cones. All put in a free container and pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew for two hours. Next, strain and leave to cool to room temperature. Rinse the broth every time after washing with shampoo. By the way, such a remedy can be used to restore hair after staining or a similar unsuccessful procedure.

    Of course, such tools are quite effective, but is it always? For example, if the hair climbs in the child or is there a real focal alopecia? Here you can not help with simple broths and folk masks, but it is worth turning to a specialist.

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