  • Hemorrhoids in women: symptoms, treatment, photos, causes

    Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease, both among men and women. However, the most common are female patients.

    Often this is due to professional characteristics and some physiological conditions inherent only in the female body( menstruation, pregnancy, labor).

    Hemorrhoids is a varicose expansion of the areas of the rectum veins with the formation of hemorrhoids( convoluted thrombosed sections of the veins).Depending on the localization, the "activity"( tendency to prolapse and self-correction) of nodes and the presence of hemorrhoids complications can be classified as follows:

    1. 1) Internal hemorrhoids - hemorrhoidal nodes are located in relative distance from the ampullar part of the rectum;
    2. 2) External hemorrhoids - hemorrhoids are in close proximity to the anal opening;
    3. 3) Hemorrhoids with concomitant anal fissure;
    4. 4) With the deposition of hemorrhoids;
    5. 5) Complicated with thrombosis of the nodes - often the main sign is intense bleeding from the rectum.
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    Causes of hemorrhoids in women

    Hemorrhoids are a disease, the appearance of which can be provoked by various factors. At the heart of the pathogenesis of this disease is the violation of blood flow in the pelvic region.

    Among the main etiological and provoking factors are the following:

    1. 1) Sedentary image of professional activity( prolonged sitting in the sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, violation of arterial flow and outflow of venous blood from the organs);
    2. 2) Pregnancy - During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in the bloodstream in women increases significantly, and the blood flow to all organs increases accordingly. The sedentary image of a pregnant woman provokes venous congestion and increases the risk of hemorrhoids;
    3. 3) Generic activity - the main causes of hemorrhoids in childbirth are: the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the pelvic organs, leading to a disruption in circulation, as well as a significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure( see how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth);
    4. 4) Frequent constipation, the appearance of which is associated with inappropriate nutrition( inadequate intake of plant fiber);
    5. 5) Intense physical activity and weight lifting, inadequate physical abilities of the body;
    6. 6) Sharp intensive weight loss;
    7. 7) Burden of heredity and predisposition to the pathologies of blood clotting and tuberculosis;
    8. 8) Frequent practice of anal sex;
    9. 9) Regular intake of laxatives not for therapeutic purposes, but for the purpose of losing weight;
    10. 10) Natural age-related changes in the body.

    Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

    Hemorrhoids in women should be differentiated with some other diseases of the rectum due to the similarity of symptoms - benign and malignant tumors, polyps, anal fissures, infectious pathologies, etc.

    The "classical" pattern of hemorrhoids in women is based on the followingsymptoms, which should pay attention in the first place:

    • discomfort in the anus and projection of the rectum;
    • soreness( more often the pains are blunt noel character) in the rectum area while sitting and during the act of defecation;
    • definition of a well palpable seal in the anus;
    • feeling of burning or intense itching in the anus;
    • skin hyperemia in the anus;
    And also the appearance of such symptoms should bother a woman:

    1. 1) Edema of subcutaneous fat in the anus( in the sitting position patients are concerned about the discomfort and sensation of a foreign body in the rectum);
    2. 2) Isolation of blood from the rectum during the act of defecation. Blood is on the surface of stools and has a bright red color;
    3. 3) Difficulty in emptying the intestines and frequent constipation;
    4. 4) Loss of hemorrhoids, which can be corrected independently after the act of defecation( the second stage of the disease) or with the help of fingers( the third stage).As the disease progresses, the nodes may fall outside the physical activity and act of defecation.
    See also: what looks like hemorrhoids in women, photo of the initial, and also other stages.

    Complications of

    Hemorrhoids in the absence of treatment can develop into some more dangerous diseases and conditions: iron deficiency anemia( arises from massive single or regular blood loss), acute thrombophlebitis, fistula, anal fissures, secondary infection, suppuration of pathologically enlarged and tortured foci.


    Diagnosis of hemorrhoids never causes difficulty. To suspect the development of this disease allows visual external examination of the anus, as well as digital rectal examination. For differential diagnosis with other pathological conditions of the colon and small intestine, advanced research methods are used:

    • sigmoidoscopy( allows to thoroughly study the mucous membrane of the lower part of the sigmoid and entire rectum);
    • Irrigoscopy;
    • Colonoscopy( performed to assess the condition of the colon throughout);
    • fecal occult blood test;
    • biopsy if necessary - with a suspected malignant neoplasm;
    • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
    See also, features of hemorrhoids in men.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids in women

    Depending on the degree of severity, the presence of complications and the course of the pathological process, a scheme for treating hemorrhoids in women is selected.

    The very first stages of the pathological process are well suited to conservative therapy with the use of sedative, phlebotrophic, haemostatic and analgesic drugs.

    In order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, tablet preparations are used: Flebodia, Detralex, Troxevasin, Diosmin. In the form of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, such medications as Relief Ultra, Gepatrombin G, Aurobin are used - they can be used at home.

    In addition, in the presence of inflammation shows the use of microclysters and sedentary baths with decoction of chamomile or oak bark, which have a good anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. To remove itching and swelling, the use of antihistamines and topical agents with glucocorticosteroids is indicated.

    In the course of a disease of moderate severity or the presence of complications, obvious dropouts, it is necessary to resort to more effective methods of action: cryodestruction, sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation, latex ring ligation.

    To radical surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in women should be resorted to in the event that the pathological process is strongly started and conservative therapy does not bring the proper effect, as well as with the regular prolapse and infringement of hemorrhoids.

    Read also, treatment of hemorrhoids at home.

    Prevention of disease in women

    It is much easier to prevent the development of hemorrhoids in women than the whole life then treat it during periods of exacerbation. In order to protect yourself from the appearance of this pathological process, you should adhere to a few simple rules:

    • to consume enough foods rich in vegetable fiber;
    • to limit the use of excessively spicy and spicy foods;
    • is regularly engaged in physical activities that are feasible for the body;
    • take breaks in work with a minimum charge when sitting;
    • use hard working chairs instead of soft ones;
    • Avoid tension and excessive straining during the act of defecation;
    • regularly go for walks and perform gymnastic exercises during pregnancy.

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