  • Folk remedies for hemorrhoids, as a method of treatment

    Unfortunately, one of the most common diseases in our time has become hemorrhoids. Many people, seeking to cope with this by no means pleasant illness, resort not only to the help of doctors, but also to the advice of traditional medicine. Of course, it should be noted that folk remedies for hemorrhoids may not be as effective as the methods offered by official medicine. But still they have the right to exist.

    The best folk remedies for internal hemorrhoids

    Many patients, after trying a variety of methods, decided that the best remedy for hemorrhoids is raw potatoes. The main thing is to apply it correctly. So, it is recommended to cut out a raw candle from raw potatoes, similar in size to a regular rectal candle. Then you need to slightly gouge the anus with cold clean water and insert the resulting candle into it. Such a potato medicine can stay in the bowels all day, because it does not feel at all during movement. However, if you feel the urge to defecate, then you need to take it out and throw it away. And after the chair is recommended to insert a new, exactly the same candle.

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    Also, the treatment of internal hemorrhoids by folk remedies is carried out with the help of garlic. To do this, one small piece of his need to moisten his own saliva and carefully inserted into the anus. Garlic should be there long enough - for three to five days. If the lobster jumped out, then in its place must be inserted another. The course of treatment with garlic can be repeated after ten days. This method is effective not only for the treatment of this disease, but also for its prevention. For this purpose, this procedure is done four times a year.

    Not bad help and onion candles. In order to make such a candle, you need to take a small bulb, cut it to the middle and carefully extract the core. After that, the core should be put in a glass and pour boiling water. Water should be drained immediately. Repeat scalding a couple more times. After this, the candle prepared in this way should cool down. Insert this onion candle into the rectum for the night, repeating the procedure for 10 consecutive days. As a rule, after this time, the pain completely disappears.

    Many people think about how to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies, if it was badly started. But in this case, traditional medicine offers a fairly effective method. You need to prepare a special enema based on herbal infusion. To do this, take a teaspoonful of daisy-free chamomile and chernobylnik, mix, and then pour about 150 ml of steep boiling water. This mixture should be well infused for about 20 minutes, after which it must be filtered. When the temperature of the infusion drops to about 37.5 degrees, it can be inserted into the anus. If the patient suffers severe pain in the rectum area, it is recommended to prepare an enema by making a decoction of black wormwood. Moreover, it is also necessary to inject it into the intestine in an even warmer form( approximately 37.5 degrees).

    There are other, no less effective folk remedies against hemorrhoids. For example, our ancestors hastily treated this disease with juice of mountain ash. They squeezed it from the berries of this plant. Take it followed approximately 100 ml for half an hour before the start of the meal three times a day. To make this medicine taste more pleasant, a small amount of honey was added to it. To wash down it followed cool water. By the way, this is a pretty good and mild laxative.

    Also, the Russian people have long noted that herbs from hemorrhoids are also quite effective. Therefore, healers advised mixing in the same proportions such dried plants as gentian, shamrock and wormwood. Then one teaspoon of this mixture was diluted with a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand for about 40 minutes. Take this infusion on a tablespoon a couple of times a day. It is believed that if such treatment is carried out long enough, the hemorrhoids will soon disappear completely.

    Traditional medicine and external hemorrhoids

    Perhaps one of the simplest options for treating external hemorrhoids is the use of cold lotions. To do this, clean gauze is soaked in sufficiently cold water and applied to the outer knots for a couple of minutes. This procedure should be repeated four times a day. After weeks, instead of lotions, you can begin to apply to the knots for half a minute ice, wrapped in a piece of gauze. The same method of treatment can be used and in the event that there is an exacerbation of hemorrhoids - the cold quickly removes the edema, so the pain decreases.

    Those who are looking for a cure for hemorrhoids by folk remedies will probably be interested in learning about another interesting method. It consists in the following: tansy should be put in a basin, then pour it with steep boiling water. After this, it is necessary to stand over the basin while steam is on.

    Another treatment for external hemorrhoids folk remedies can be carried out with the help of special trays. To do this, you need to boil a couple of liters of water in a saucepan and fill in the yarrow, as well as branches and leaves of walnut. Fire should be reduced and continue to boil the broth for a quarter of an hour. After this, the resulting broth should be filtered, let cool and pour into the pelvis. Then you need to sit in this pelvis and continue to sit until the broth becomes completely cold. Repeat this procedure is three times. Many are sure that this is the best folk remedy for hemorrhoids, because it allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

    Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    In case if it becomes necessary to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy with folk remedies, a woman should consult with an experienced doctor in advance. After all at this time the future mother should think not only about her own state of health, but also about her baby's condition. Only a qualified doctor will be able to find an effective remedy for a woman in such a difficult situation for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    Choosing methods of treatment is very carefully. It is possible that such a patient would be better served by medicines created by official medicine, because they too can be safe and effective. The main advantage of such drugs is their validity and relative safety of use during pregnancy. And folk remedies for hemorrhoids, alas, do not always help, and self-medication sometimes leads to serious consequences.

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