  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, its causes, treatment and prevention

    According to statistics, hemorrhoids are the most common non-infectious disease of the rectum. Most people at least once in their life have come across some manifestations of this disease. Discomfort, pain, bleeding - symptoms of hemorrhoids, familiar to many. How to relieve the exacerbation of hemorrhoids and completely get rid of this unpleasant problem - only a qualified doctor can answer this question.

    What is hemorrhoids?

    Hemorrhoids are a disease associated with thrombosis, pathological enlargement and inflammation, the tortuosity of the hemorrhoidal veins that form specific nodes around the rectum. This is one of the most common rectal pathologies, which affects an average of 12 people out of a hundred. Among the total number of diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids are diagnosed in about 40% of patients.

    Disease is equally common in both men and women. According to experts, more often still hemorrhoids develop in males, because women in the detection of the first symptoms of this disease immediately seek the help of a doctor.

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    The development of this unpleasant disease is associated with an increased growth of cavities in the rectum. For the inflow of blood to the intestine in the human body corresponds to a relatively large number of blood vessels - 6 arteries and a dense venous network. When there is a violation of the outflow of blood in the pelvic region, stasis occurs, as a result of which cavernous bodies increase in size and deform, which causes the formation of pathological hemorrhoids.

    Causes of exacerbation of hemorrhoids

    There are many reasons why the course of this disease worsens, and forces a person to consult a specialist. This includes:

    • low-activity lifestyle, leading to stagnation of blood in the pelvic region;
    • frequent constipation;
    • improper nutrition and eating a large number of spicy, spicy, pickled, smoked foods and alcohol, also leading to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis;
    • pregnancy and childbirth are very common causes for which an exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs. Together with the increase in the period of pregnancy, the growing uterus presses more and more on the vessels and walls of the small pelvis. Moreover, during pregnancy, the intestine does not work well, which also affects the development of the disease;
    • heavy physical work and lifting weights are also one of the factors provoking a hemorrhoid swelling;

    In addition, there are also some psychological reasons leading to an aggravation of this disease. This includes stress, stress and constant unrest, which is very important for people engaged in mental work.

    Exacerbation of hemorrhoids: treatment of

    The aggravation of this disease is one of the most common causes that force patients to seek medical help. The main manifestation of exacerbations is thrombosis of external pathological hemorrhoidal nodes or prolapse of internal nodes. In rare cases, a combination of both of these situations is observed. In thrombosis, the hemorrhoidal nodes increase in size and become denser.

    Exacerbation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is often accompanied by severe inflammation and swelling. For treatment in this case, often prescribed conservative therapy - suppositories, ointments and various phlebotrophic drugs. Depending on the stage of the course and the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the patient may be assigned surgery. It should be noted that with severe exacerbation of the disease, inflammation and edema, surgical intervention is rarely prescribed, because after the operation in this case, significant complications can develop.

    If you contact a specialist in a timely manner with a question about what to do with an exacerbation of hemorrhoids and how to reduce the activity of his symptoms, then the acute current will last only 6-7 days. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, acute hemorrhoids can quickly develop into paraproctitis, which is characterized by the appearance of severe purulent inflammation. Therefore, for patients with this pathology, when the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult specialists immediately.

    Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

    As you know, the aggravation of any disease is provoked by some factor. In most cases, this is associated with violations of the regime and malnutrition. The acute course of hemorrhoids involves bed rest and correction of the patient's diet. Nutrition with exacerbation of hemorrhoids excludes the use of products that can cause constipation, which prevents irritation of the digestive system in general and pathological nodes in particular.

    As a rule, the acute course of the disease is observed within 5-7 days. During this period, the patient should adhere to a strict diet that allows the following foods: protein omelet, meat broth, rice porridge, boiled meat and white rusks. If these recommendations are not followed, the disease can progress and manifest more often, and the pain syndrome becomes more intense. In the period between exacerbations of the disease, the patient may feel completely healthy.

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