  • Signs and treatment of cerebral vascular hypotension

    Hypotension or lowering of blood pressure arises due to a decrease in the tone of blood vessels. Due to a decrease in tone and a decrease in blood flow, the consumption of cells by nutrients and oxygen is reduced. One of the first of all organs and systems suffers from this brain. Oxygen starvation of the brain causes most of the symptoms that people with low blood pressure suffer from.

    How is the hypotension of the cerebral vessels manifested?

    In this state, several variants of the development of the disease and clinical symptoms are possible, therefore, the hypotonia of the cerebral vessels is as follows:

    • The brain tones the tonus of the smallest arteries, which in the end leads to a forced increase in blood flow in them. The walls of small blood vessels stretch and cause the appearance of headaches. Localized headaches in the neck or temples.
    • In the brain, the tone of the veins is significantly reduced, as a result of which there is a violation of the outflow of venous blood. Patients with a diagnosis of hypotension especially acutely feel this in a prone position or in a sitting position when the head is lowered down. In these positions of the body, the outflow of blood from the veins is naturally disturbed, causing a decrease in pressure. A characteristic symptom is a bursting headache, which usually appears in the morning.
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    • In some cases, patients are concerned about migraine-like pains that appear, as a rule, in one half of the head. Plus, headaches cause symptoms such as nausea, darkening in front of the eyes, sometimes vomiting.

    Normally, the outflow of blood from the venous channel of cerebral vessels occurs when a person wakes up. At night, during sleep, the tone of the veins is reduced, and a certain amount of venous blood accumulates in them. When getting out of bed a person starts moving, which causes a reduction in skeletal muscles and the expulsion of venous blood into the bed. This, in turn, causes an increase in the tone of the veins and a slight increase in blood pressure.

    In hypotonic patients, venous hypotension manifests itself as headaches in the morning, which after some motor activity pass and do not disturb patients during the day. However, towards evening, these patients again experience a decrease in activity, fatigue, decreased efficiency and drowsiness.

    Very often, patients with hypotension feel dependent on their health conditions from weather conditions, and sometimes begin to anticipate the change of weather and atmospheric pressure. When weather changes, these patients are usually irritable, subject to negative emotions and mood swings, are depressed for a long time. Very often they have a violation of sleep - some patients have insomnia, and others - increased drowsiness.

    Problems with blood supply to the brain in response cause other problems, primarily with cardiac activity. During the day, patients notice pain behind the sternum and in the heart, a violation of the rhythm and heart rate. A characteristic and excellent sign of such pains is their appearance in a state of complete rest, without physical exertion.

    This is followed by problems with the volume of inhaled air, since the amount of blood flow and oxygen in the blood also decreases in the lungs. As a consequence, patients often take a deep breath, explaining this by saying that they do not have enough air.

    In venous hypotension, symptoms such as numbness of the cusps or legs, a feeling of "crawling crawling," coldness of the upper and lower extremities, increased sensitivity to high and low temperatures can occur.

    Hypotension of cerebral vessels under the condition of chronic course can cause a decrease in potency and sexual desire in men, as well as a violation of the menstrual cycle in women. This is due to the fact that the centers of regulation of many organs and systems are in the brain.

    Treatment and therapy

    For the treatment of cerebral vascular hypotension, an integrated approach and combined therapy are used. The course of treatment is usually prescribed to patients only after examination by a cardiologist and neuropathologist. After examining the patient and collecting an anamnesis, a complete clinical examination should be carried out, which includes such analyzes:

    • General and biochemical blood tests.
    • Investigation of blood viscosity and clotting rate.
    • Dopplerography of cerebral vessels.
    • Angiography of vessels.

    Patients with hypotension should follow a diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, move more, exercise. From medicamental agents in the treatment of hypotension of the vessels of the brain, the following methods are used:

    • As first aid, medicinal preparations containing caffeine are used. They are used for a short period of time, because they have only a symptomatic effect, but they are not used for permanent therapy.
    • As supportive therapy, nootropic drugs are used, including aminalon, nootropil, phenibut, and others.
    • In case of depression and migraine-like pain, preparations encephabol, stegeron, tanakan are prescribed, which accelerate blood flow and tone the vessel walls.
    • Vegetable preparations have a good therapeutic effect in hypotension, of which ginseng root is often used, rhodiola rosea extract, eleutherococcus tincture, levsea liquid extract and others.
    • As nutrition and building material for vessels use the treatment with amino acids, many of which have the properties of neurotransmitters( substances that transmit the signal between the cells of the nervous system).Of amino acids, glycine, glutamic acid and gamma-aminobutyric acid are used.
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