  • If the aorta is compacted, then what is the right treatment?

    The diagnosis of "aorta is compacted" is associated with atherosclerosis, age-related changes or hypertension. Recently, this diagnosis is increasingly observed not only in the elderly, but also in the younger generation. The physiologists explain the tendency to age "characteristics" by the relationship of this syndrome with smoking.

    Compaction of the cardiac aorta in critical cases can lead to stratification of the aortic walls, i.e.to a lethal complication.

    Our heart is compared to a pump, through which blood is pumped throughout the body. It consists of two halves - the right and left, which normally "do not support" the relationship between themselves. There is also a left and right atrium, from which the blood enters the same ventricles.

    Between the ventricles of the heart and the arteries that emanate from them, there are valves: in the left side of the heart - the aortic valve, and in the right - the valve of the pulmonary artery. From the right ventricle, venous blood enters the pulmonary artery, then into the lungs. From the left ventricle arterial blood enters the aorta - the largest artery of the body.

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    Causes of

    Aging takes place in the body with age. This also applies to the walls of the artery, but primarily aging affects the inner layer of the artery. This is characterized by its compaction.

    Some muscle cells from the middle layer move into the inner layer, around them a seal is created. As a result, the vascular wall becomes inextensible and dense, gradually losing its elasticity. Thus, the deformation of the artery develops, a tendency to brittleness appears and the inner lumen narrows. Changes occurring in the vascular wall due to atherosclerosis have features that differ from the aging process. However, today there is no way to answer unambiguously, what is the development of atherosclerosis?

    In atherosclerosis, the aorta is compacted, i.e.inside the intima of the arteries, dense arteries protruding into the lumen, empty formations( atherosclerotic plaques) that contain lipids( fats) form.

    The first signs of atherosclerosis occur even in children, but the further development of this disease stops until the elderly. The main reason why such a diagnosis occurs in persons under 50 years of age is a hereditary predisposition. Also of great importance is the disturbed lipid metabolism in the body, i.e.increased blood levels of fatty substances( triglycerides and cholesterol).Atherosclerotic plaques are observed in the abdominal aorta, arteries of the kidneys and heart, arteries of the legs, as well as the arteries of the neck and head.
    Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart is characterized by attacks of angina and leads to the formation of myocardial infarction.

    Expansion of the aorta of the heart or other artery is called an aneurysm. All the layers of the vascular wall are involved in the aneurysm process. Most often, aortic aneurysms occur in the abdominal aorta, but it can occur throughout its entire length. The most common are spindle-shaped aneurysms, which are formed as a result of expansion of the vessel in all directions. Existing, but less common, saccular aneurysms, in which only part of the circumference of the vascular wall bulges out.

    Aortic rupture is a consequence of aortic dissection, which leads to blood flow between the layers of the aortic wall. If the bundle completely breaks the aortic wall, then a huge loss of blood occurs. Even with timely treatment, a lethal outcome is inevitable in 90% of cases.

    Aneurysm exfoliating, as a rule, ends with a complete rupture of the aorta for several hours or days. In some cases, an aneurysm is opened into the vessel by breaking the intima in another place.

    Inflammation of the artery is expressed in the form of a productive inflammation of the vessel wall with all the consequences of their obliteration. Acute inflammation of the artery is arteritis. This disease occurs as a result of infectious diseases: scarlet fever, typhus, flu, etc. Or as a result of the transition of the inflammatory process from surrounding tissues. Specific forms of inflammation of the arteries are ulcerative, purulent, necrotic, etc.

    The sleepy artery on the neck originates from the main vessel of the aorta located in the chest. This artery is the main supplier of blood to the brain. Because of atherosclerosis, carotid arteries can be occluded or narrowed. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck, carotid arteries and brain can cause temporary or permanent damage, i.e.develops ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction.

    Aortic compaction or aortic root compaction is often associated with age-related changes. If you were diagnosed with such a diagnosis, surgical intervention is first of all meant. However, this is often unsuccessful.

    Treatment of aortic compaction should begin with a comprehensive examination. If no diseases are detected by the results of the tests, then it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures during cardiovascular diseases. For example, frequent outdoor walks and diet.

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