  • Treatment of laryngitis in the home, effective recipes

    Have you ever wondered why with pain and inflammation in the throat, our voice changes greatly and becomes very hoarse and quiet, and sometimes even disappears for an indefinite period? The thing is that the vocal cords are thin membranes located in the larynx. With a strong cry or the influence of infections, they swell and become inflamed, which leads to a strong distortion of the voice. Thus, the inflammation of the vocal cords is called laryngitis.

    Today there is an effective drug treatment for laryngitis, as well as folk remedies for this unpleasant ailment. Of course, there is a practical way to defeat laryngitis - treatment at home, which is correctly selected by specialists or having close experience.

    Several "golden rules" should be observed in order not to increase the spread of the infection:

    • Careful hand hygiene
    • Reduction of the load on the vocal cords
    • Smoking cessation
    • Compliance with drinking regimen
    • Do not injure the throat with a strong cough
    • Refusal of local anesthetics
    • Regular warm drink
    • Compress on the throat
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    Most often, laryngitis treatment is not delayed with the right approach and does not require the patient to be in hospital. The cause of inflammation is often an infection that falls into a weakened organism. In any case, it will help to overcome laryngitis treatment at home by rinsing the throat with chamomile broth, soda solution.

    These funds are sufficient if the above "golden rules" are observed.

    Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine, fortunately for many of its admirers, has not bypassed the treatment of such an infectious disease as laryngitis. At the same time, there is not one means of combating infections, but a whole complex of measures to destroy the enemy and to remove inflammation.

    So, the most common folk remedies for laryngitis:

    • A wonderful way to lighten up the voice quickly: boil half a cup of anise seeds in 200 ml of water and add 1 a spoonful of cognac and 2 honey. Take this infusion is necessary every hour, and with severe pain you can and more often.
    • Rinse throat with beet juice with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
    • Cabbage juice is shown with laryngitis
    • Juice of plantain with honey
    • Potato juice for rinsing

    How to cure laryngitis by inhalation at home?

    This time the mother-and-stepmother comes to the aid. For inhalations, it is necessary to prepare such infusion, which must be cooked for an hour:

    • 1 tbsp.spoon of dry leaves of the plant
    • 400 ml of boiling water

    Medical treatment of laryngitis

    For those who do not trust traditional medicine and prefer modern methods of treatment, there are a number of drugs that can be used at home. How to treat laryngitis in adults and children will tell any pharmacist in the nearest pharmacy.

    These are the following drugs that will help to defeat viral laryngitis.

    • Mukaltin( stoptussin), take, following the instructions
    • Ambroxol( bromhexine)
    • For any viral infection recommended intake of a complex of vitamins with emphasis on ascorbic acid

    The course of drug treatment is about 7 days. Better, wait for the complete disappearance of the symptoms, and after that a few days poprinimat drugs to certainly cure viral laryngitis.

    Features of treatment for pregnancy

    You should always remember that the treatment and prevention of any disease in pregnant women differs from the standard and requires more attention.

    Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease that can lead to complications of pregnancy and a negative effect on fetal development. No medication with drugs in case of pregnancy is recommended. Laryngitis in a pregnant woman is treated with local sprays, inhalations, physiotherapy procedures.

    In case of pregnancy, you should be careful even with folk remedies and do not start treatment without consulting a qualified specialist.

    It is important to understand the threat to the bearing of a child that an infection in the mother's body can carry. Sometimes, treatment with medications is prescribed by a doctor, since the level of negative impact on the part of the infection is higher than the possible negative impact of this or that drug.

    Laryngitis in pregnancy requires mandatory monitoring and close attention from the specialist, and treatment should be highly effective and safe. It is always assigned individually. But the general approaches to fighting this infection remain unchanged:

    • Bed rest mode
    • Voice mode
    • Rational food
    • Drinking regimen
    • Admission of only prescription drugs and vitamins

    A bit about the values ​​...

    It is said that the best investments are investments in one's own health. The treatment of any disease is easy and effective, if it is started at the time when your body has just begun to give in to an invisible enemy.

    Protect your vocal cords and take preventive measures in time, so you do not have to treat sinister laryngitis at home or in the hospital.

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